Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter

Volume 74, 2000

Please Note: As is the policy with the printed version, notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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MaizeDB 74
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Author Index

Reports From Cooperators

Adamu, AK. 2000. MNL 74:82 -- Induced multiple ear mutants in popcorn (Zea mays var. praecox Sturt.)
Adamu, AK. 2000. MNL 74:82 -- Gamma-rays (60CO) and thermal neutrons induced tassel seed and male sterile mutants in popcorn (Z. mays var. praecox Sturt.)
Ajmone-Marsan, P et al. 2000. MNL 74:4-5 -- Identification of QTLs for grain yield and grain-related traits of maize using an AFLP map, different testers, and cofactor analysis
Bhattramakki, D et al. 2000. MNL 74:54 -- Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in corn: early lessons
Bird, RM. 2000. MNL 74:58-59 -- A remarkable new teosinte from Nicaragua: Growth and treatment of progeny
Blanchard, D and Esen, A. 2000. MNL 74:5-6 -- A b-glucosidase aggregating factor (BGAF) is a member of the small heat shock protein family (shsp)
Borges, CO and Carvalho, CR. 2000. MNL 74:75 -- Cytogenetic mapping of sister chromatid exchange points in maize
Bouchard, RA et al. 2000. MNL 74:77 -- Persistence of 18kDa HSP mRNA accumulation in metal-ion insulted maize seedling radicles relative to heat shock
Broccoli, A and Burak, R. 2000. MNL 74:43-44 -- Association between yield components, grain morphological traits and volume expansion in popcorn hybrids cultivated in Argentina
Burak, R and Broccoli, A. 2000. MNL 74:44 -- Genotype by environment interaction on popping expansion and yield in popcorn hybrids cultivated in Argentina
Byrne, PF and Styles, ED. 2000. MNL 74:32-33 -- Linkage distance between whp1 and ch1
Carlson, LA. 2000. MNL 74:59-60 -- Zea diploperennis backcross adapted to U. S. corn belt
Chalyk, ST. 2000. MNL 74:17-18 -- Obtaining fertile pollen in maize maternal haploids
Cheng, WH et al. 2000. MNL 74:6 -- Abnormal node development in na1/na1
Chernov, AA and Mihailov, M. 2000. MNL 74:11-12 -- The posterity valuation of maize selection for productivity
Cocciolone, S et al. 2000. MNL 74:2 -- Detection of the p1 expression in vegetative organs
Corcuera, VR et al. 2000. MNL 74:40 -- Electrophoretic studies on maize endosperm proteins: modifications to Laemmli�s SDS-Page technique
Ermishev, VY et al. 2000. MNL 74:53 -- A putative transposed K-box homolog of the zmm1 and zag2
Eubanks, MW and Cook, CW. 2000. MNL 74:30-31 -- Assay for proteinase inhibition in Tripsacum-Zea diploperennis X maize hybrids resistant to Western corn rootworm
Eubanks, MW and Riedell, WE. 2000. MNL 74:31 -- 1999 field trial to test natural resource for rootworm resistance
Eubanks, MW. 2000. MNL 74:27-28 -- Pilot study for heritability of enhanced drought tolerance in corn via Tripsacum-Z. diploperennis hybrids
Eubanks, MW. 2000. MNL 74:28-30 -- 1999 growth chamber bioassays to test a natural resource for corn rootworm resistance
Eubanks, MW. 2000. MNL 74:32 -- Bioassays for grain weevil resistance in Tripsacum X Zea diploperennis
Gabay-Laughnan, S and Chase, CD. 2000. MNL 74:73 -- Transposon tagging of nuclear genes that control mitochondrial gene expression
Gabay-Laughnan, S and Chase, CD. 2000. MNL 74:73-74 -- Chromosome location of two Oh51A CMS-S restoring alleles and their potential usefulness in the molecular cloning of rf loci
Galinat, WC. 2000. MNL 74:75-76 -- Is the recombination of genes during natural domestication an act of genetic engineering?
Galinat, WC. 2000. MNL 74:76 -- The recombinant of two different double rowing pathways quadruples the kernel row number per ear (spike) during the domestication of maize from teosinte
Garcia, M et al. 2000. MNL 74:40-41 -- Genetic variation in the progeny of maize/Tripsacum hybrids
Garcia, M et al. 2000. MNL 74:41-42 -- Genotype and embryo age affect plant regeneration from maize/Tripsacum hybrids
Giulini, A et al. 2000. MNL 74:50-51 -- Molecular analysis of abs7065, a mutant with severe impairment in seed development
Guo, B et al. 2000. MNL 74:64-66 -- Identification of a gene at the syntenic sh2-a1 region in maize
Heck, DA et al. 2000. MNL 74:2 -- Putative allele test for a Mutator-tagged zebra stripe mutant.
Helentjaris, T. 2000. MNL 74:35-36 -- Use of maize EST databases to identify and isolate homologs for genes with putative function identified from other species and genera
Hernandez, JM et al. 2000. MNL 74:24 -- The maize MP1 gene encodes a WD-repeat protein similar to An11 and TTG
Ikhim, YG. 2000. MNL 74:12-13 -- The applicaiton treatments with the factors of physical and chemical nature in maize radiation mutagenesis
Jackson, JD and Kaplinsky, Nick. 2000. MNL 74:72-73 -- The reverse germ orientation2-VI mutation maps to chromosome 1L near Ts6 and shows allelism to ids1
Jackson, JD et al. 2000. MNL 74:67 -- Additional linkage tests of non-waxy (Waxy1) reciprocal translocations involving chromosome 9 at the MGCSC
Jackson, JD et al. 2000. MNL 74:67-69 -- Additional linkage tests of waxy1 marked reciprocal translocations at the MGCSC
Jackson, JD. 2000. MNL 74:69-70 -- Allelism testing of miscellaneous stocks in Maize COOP phenotype only collection
Jackson, JD. 2000. MNL 74:70 -- Three-point linkage data for Og*-0376 Wx1 T9-10b on 10S
Kato, A. 2000. MNL 74:19-22 -- A safe procedure for EMS treatment of pollen in maize
Khan, FA et al. 2000. MNL 74:39 -- Identification of two cDNAs encoding methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
Konstantinov, Y and Tarasenko, V. 2000. MNL 74:33 -- Characterization of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA topoisomerases I
Konstantinov, Y et al. 2000. MNL 74:33-34 -- DNA synthesis in organello in mitochondria of maize and wild perennial crop Elymus sibiricus under different temperature conditions
Konstantinov, Y et al. 2000. MNL 74:34 -- DNA synthesis in mitochondria under model changes of redox conditions
Koterniak, VV. 2000. MNL 74:57-58 -- Differences in sensibility to herbicide of maize lines obtained under disruptive selection for reversion frequency of the mutable allele o2-m(r)
Kovacs, G. 2000. MNL 74:48-50 -- Dynamics of pH changes in corn (Zea mays L.) haploid cell suspension cultures
Kravchenko, OA et al. 2000. MNL 74:15-16 -- Morphological characters variability of male gametophyte of waxy maize regenerants
Kumar, S. 2000. MNL 74:74 -- Attributes of maize genotype for baby corn production
Kynast, Ralf et al. 2000. MNL 74:60-61 -- Towards a radiation hybrid map for maize chromosomes
Lin, B et al. 2000. MNL 74:63-64 -- Multi-photon excited fluorescence and absorption properties of maize tissues
Lin, YR et al. 2000. MNL 74:24-26 -- Preliminary analysis of green fluorescent compounds induced by ectopic expression of the P gene
Liu, Z. 2000. MNL 74:34 -- Effect of mass selection on the adaptive improvement of two subtropical maize (Zea mays L.) populations
Liu, Z. 2000. MNL 74:34-35 -- Studies on utilization of tropical and subtropical maize germplasm
Maillet, D and Walden, DB. 2000. MNL 74:45-46 -- Silver staining root-tip sections in maize
Maillet, D and Walden, DB. 2000. MNL 74:46-47 -- Sequential C-banding and silver staining of interphase cells in maize
Maillet, D and Walden, DB. 2000. MNL 74:47-48 -- Chromatin affinity in interphase
Maki, C et al. 2000. MNL 74:52-53 -- Mapping a novel opaque endosperm mutant using SSR markers
Mihailov, M and Chernov, AA. 2000. MNL 74:12 -- The influence of heterozygosis for marker loci on grain yield in
Molina, MC and Garcia, M. 2000. MNL 74:42 -- Meiotic pairing in the interspecific hybrid Zea mays, Zea perennis and Zea diploperennis
Nedev, T et al. 2000. MNL 74:63 -- Studying the possibilities for transfer of regeneration capability in vitro via classical crosses
Nedev, T et al. 2000. MNL 74:63 -- Genetic relationship among cytoplasm analogs and morphogenic potential of maize inbreds
Neuffer, MG. 2000. MNL 74:22 -- Mutant photographs on the World Wide Web (Part 2)
Neuffer, MG. 2000. MNL 74:22 -- Location of two EMS mutants, fl*-N1253B and sh*-N1328A
Neuffer, MG. 2000. MNL 74:22 -- A couple of nice mutants
Orr, AR et al. 2000. MNL 74:7-11 -- Inflorescence development in a Toluca teosinte
Osipova, E et al. 2000. MNL 74:0 -- RAPD markers variability in maize somaclones produced from inbred A188
Pilu, R. 2000. MNL 74:51 -- The twin trait in maize
Ritter, Matt et al. 2000. MNL 74:61-62 -- barren stalk1 is epistatic to teosinte branched1
Romanova, I et al. 2000. MNL 74:16-17 -- Studies on the induced variability of maize plants following the radiation of the female gametophyte
Rotarenco, V. 2000. MNL 74:13 -- Segregation for the marker ra1 gene in matroclinal haploids of maize
Rotarenco, V. 2000. MNL 74:13-14 -- Synchronization of cell cycles as a means of enhancing the efficiency of chromosome doubling in maize
Rotarenco, V. 2000. MNL 74:14-15 -- The comparative characteristic of the correlation between the traits of maize diploids and haploids
Satarova, TN et al. 2000. MNL 74:26-27 -- Biochemical and morphobiological estimation of the progeny of maize anther culture regenerant
Schneerman, MC et al. 2000. MNL 74:54-55 -- A survey of ig containing materials
Sokolov, VA et al. 2000. MNL 74:55-57 -- The genetic programs of nonreduction and parthenogenesis in corn-gamagrass hybrids are inherited and expressed in an independent manner
Stam, M et al. 2000. MNL 74:66-67 -- Npi402 and ncsu1 are identical; inra1 (tmp) maps upstream of the b promoter
Stinard, P and Jackson, JD. 2000. MNL 74:71-72 -- Results of TB tests of unplaced mutants
Stinard, P. 2000. MNL 74:70 -- The brown kernel mutant of maize consists of a duplicate factor pair brn1 brn2
Stinard, P. 2000. MNL 74:70-71 -- John Deere green aleurone corn carries two R1-specific dominant inhibitors of aleurone color
Stinard, P. 2000. MNL 74:71 -- Three-point linkage data for fl2 bm3 su1 on 4S
Stinard, P. 2000. MNL 74:71 -- Miscellaneous allelism tests
Ting, Y and Tran, L. 2000. MNL 74:11 -- Continued studies on mutable inbred derived from anther culture
Ting, Y and Tran, L. 2000. MNL 74:11 -- Effect of day length on the expression of maize cloning gene
Tomkins, J et al. 2000. MNL 74:18 -- Construction and characterization of a maize bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for the inbred line LH132
Tomkins, J et al. 2000. MNL 74:18-19 -- Construction and characterization of a maize bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for the inbred line B73
Torrecillas, M and Bertoia, L. 2000. MNL 74:45 -- Stability analysis of forage response in maize
Torrecillas, M et al. 2000. MNL 74:45 -- Breeding of maize for silage: Yield components in genotypes with different degree of improvement
Tracy, WF. 2000. MNL 74:48 -- Rooty coleoptile
Trimnell, M and Albertsen, MC. 2000. MNL 74:37-38 -- New ra1 allele
Trimnell, M et al. 2000. MNL 74:36 -- New leaf mutation shr*-JH87, shredded leaf
Trimnell, M et al. 2000. MNL 74:37 -- New chromosome 3S mutant mssi*-DR87A
Trimnell, M et al. 2000. MNL 74:38 -- New male-sterile allele of the male-fertility gene Ms45
Trimnell, M et al. 2000. MNL 74:38 -- New male-sterile allele of the male fertility gene Ms30
Velasco, R et al. 2000. MNL 74:4 -- Developmentally regulated and tissue-specific expression of the Glossy2 gene of maize
Viccini, L and Carvalho, CR. 2000. MNL 74:38-39 -- Image analysis as a tool for chromosome deficiency identification in maize
Vincent, PD and Coe, E, Jr. 2000. MNL 74:22-24 -- The development of systematic descriptors and associated vocabulary for Zea mays (maize/corn)
Wang, L et al. 2000. MNL 74:77-82 -- Identification of Zea diploperennis Chromatins Introgressed to Maize via Genomic In Situ Hybridization
Wu, M. 2000. MNL 74:62-63 -- Genetic diversity and its relationship to hybrid performance and heterosis in maize as revealed by AFLP and RAPDs
Yan, Z et al. 2000. MNL 74:3-4 -- Analysis on CMS new type Bao I, Bao II in maize (Zea mays L.)
Zeng, M and Yang, T. 2000. MNL 74:2-3 -- Studies on types of space induced variations in maize (Zea mays L.)

Please Note: As is the policy with the printed version, notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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