Mutant photographs on the World Wide Web (Part 2) --Neuffer, MG Note: this is an update on the project described earlier (MNL71:24).

My goal was to make the best pictures from my entire photographic collection available on the MaizeDB web site. To this end, digitized images were produced and appended to the appropriate variation form. However, we did not have time to write captions for the photos (over 3,000 images mostly identified only by symbol, lab number, and name), so they were entered essentially as they appeared in our data files. It was fortunate that we did so at the time because we hit the window of favorable conditions (technology, resources, helpers and convenient access to the internet) that made it easy to do in that superficial fashion. With the able assistance of Lou Butler, and support from the Maize Genome Project I am now in the process of correcting that deficiency. Since an image browser is in the works and will most likely be available in the next few months, I believe these images will prove quite useful to researchers. I am also selecting, as appropriate, images to be attached to the "phenotype" form, so that researchers can see a typical expression of a particular phenotype. For example, see the viviparous phenotype (images are posted at the bottom of the page), at the URL:

The complete collection of images is still listed at:

The opportunity to go through the collection one at a time is turning out to be an exceptionally pleasant and rewarding experience with each image being a reminder of some aspect of genetic control of maize biology. There are also many clues to unknown information about maize, as well as facts that were observed but unreported, and reminders of work still unfinished. The following reports are examples of unreported data that have been brought to light and will be reported as we proceed with this effort. Other informed workers who use this collection are invited to view it in the same light and to report their observations with the intent of increasing the field of knowledge of biology.

Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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