Maize Genetics Cooperation Stock Center USDA/ARS/MWA - Soybean/Maize Germplasm, Pathology & Genetics Research Unit& University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign - Department of Crop Sciences |
S-123 Turner Hall |
(217) 333-6631 [phone] (217) 333-6064 [fax] [email protected] [internet] http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/maize [URL] |
2365 seed samples have been supplied in response to 271 requests, for 1999. Of these, a total of 74 requests were received from 21 foreign countries. Approximately 85% of our requests were received by electronic mail or through our order form on the World-Wide Web.
Working backwards, we have been continuing to computerize data from the Stock Centers planting pedigrees. To date, we have entered all planting notes back through 1966, which facilitate pedigree information searches. Also completed are indexes for several reprint collections we hold. Among these are the complete collections of Earl Patterson, George Sprague and Marcus Rhoades.
We have added many new Phenotype Only stocks. These are stocks that have been donated to the COOP over the years, and have been classified according to their mutant phenotype only. For the most part, these stocks have not as yet been allele tested, nor has their gene been located to a chromosome arm. While we expect that most of these will represent new alleles of known loci, some will represent unique, as yet undescribed loci. Over the past few years, some mutants in this class have been mapped and/or allele tested and where appropriate, the now characterized mutant stock was added to our main catalog. We are now listing all of these mutants to give cooperators that are interested in specific traits, easier access to these mutants.
Approximately 5 acres of nursery were grown this summer at the Crop Sciences Research & Education Center located at the University of Illinois. Optimal spring growing conditions were followed by a hot summer, but with additional water supplied by irrigation, we obtained good increases of most stocks grown this year
Special plantings were made of several categories of stocks:
1. Approximately 1.5 acres was devoted to the vast mutant collection of Gerry Neuffer with special attention also given to the collection of mutants that we have obtained from Donald Robertson. We have made good progress in increasing the Neuffer collection, and have increased most of the Robertson collection. These stocks will be placed in the Phenotype Only category of stocks created last year.
2. Plantings were also made from donated stocks from the collections of Don Auger (translocated Ac lines), Ed Coe (various genetic stocks), Jerry Kermicle (R1 alleles), Michael McMullen (Brink pericarp color collection), Donald Miles (high chlorophyll fluorescence mutants), Robert Brawn (dwarf mutants), and others. We expect to receive additional accessions of stocks from maize geneticists within the upcoming year.
3. We conducted allelism tests of several categories of mutants with similar phenotype or chromosome location. We found additional alleles of glossy1, pink scutellem1, ramosa1, terminal ear1, virescent1, white3, yellow endosperm1, and yellow endosperm8. In this manner, we hope to move stocks from our vast collection of unplaced uncharacterized mutants and integrate them into the main collection.
4. We conducted linkage tests of several mutants that had been placed to chromosome arm using B-A translocations. More precise locations were determined for brown midrib3, inhibitor of r1, and reverse germ orientation2.
5. Approximately 1 acre each year is devoted to the propagation of the large collection of A-A translocation stocks. Additional linkage tests were conducted on the Wx1 and waxy1-linked A-A translocations with results presented elsewhere in this edition. We can provide good sources and complete pedigree information on stocks that were previously found not to carry the correct translocated chromosomes. Additional translocation stocks will be tested as time allows.
We continue to grow a winter nursery of 0.5 acres at the Illinois Crop Improvement Associations facilities in Juana Díaz, Puerto Rico. We had an excellent winter crop last year, and despite the passage of Hurricane Lenny over Puerto Rico, our crop this year looks as good if not better. We plan to continue growing our winter nurseries at this location.
We hired an additional Research Specialist who is responsible for the new stocks generated by the NSF project "Maize Gene Discovery, Sequencing and Phenotypic Analysis", in which we are involved along with Virginia Walbot and others in the maize community. We anticipate that this and other projects recently funded by the NSF Plant Genome Program will greatly enhance our collection along with greatly increasing our understanding of maize as a biological organism.
Marty Sachs Director |
Philip Stinard Curator |
Janet Day Jackson Senior Research Specialist |
Shane Zimmerman Research Specialist |
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