Genetics Cooperation Newsletter vol 85 2011
Saratov State University
Mitotic activity
stimulation in apical root meristems of maize lines and
under the influence of a
low-frequency magnetic field
JA; Usanov, AD; Tyrnov, VS; Usanov, DA
For various agricultural crops the effect of
mitotic activity (MA) stimulation in apical root meristems of seedlings under
the influence of a low-frequency magnetic field (MF) is
established. It is shown, that for different species various levels of МА stimulation can be
observed. We already marked a
stimulating effect of a low-frequency MF with the certain parameters in maize apical
root meristems (Belyachenko et
al., MNL 84 (44), 2010).
Since different intraspecific
units (including varieties and lines) are used in agricultural practice,
comparison of intraspecific forms reactions to MF influence is necessary. The
purpose of the given work consists in research of alternating MF action on maize
lines and hybrids. Following parameters of MF were applied: frequency of 6 Hz,
induction of 25 mT and 1 hour exposure.
Dry maize seeds were exposed to MF influence. Root tips 1-1,5 cm long
were fixed for cytological analysis. Amounts of cells at different stages of a
cellular cycle were estimated on temporary acetocarminic squash preparations.
In each of three repeatabilities it has been analysed not less than 3000 cells
and mitotic index values were calculated.
Various maize lines,
and also hybrids from their reciprocal crossings were investigated (Figure). Used
lines: МТ (Mangelsdorf�s tester),
АТ-3, SPEM (Saratov purple embryonic marker), HDL-1 (Haploid
derivative line 1), PPf (Purple precocious fasciated), Кr 703
(Krasnodar 703), PP-16 (Purple precocious 16).
In total 6 lines and 9 hybrids were explored.
It is shown, that lines can
differ authentically among themselves on a level of МА stimulation under MF influence. It is possible
to note, that most often for hybrids the lower level of stimulating effect, in
comparison with initial lines, is characteristic. Hybrids from reciprocal
crossings only in one of three compared cases authentically differed among
themselves on a level of МА
Figure – Stimulating
effect of alternating
MF on maize lines and hybrids МА
in apical root meristems
of seedlings (direct crossings: 1 – МT АТ-3; 2 – SPEM
HDL -1;
3 –
SPEM PPf; 4 – Кr 703
HDL-1; 5 –
МT; 6 – SPEM
МА stimulation
under MF influence inheres in all lines and hybrids, however its levels between
parental lines and their hybrids can differ more than twofold. The variation of
stimulation levels in plants with intraspecific genetic differences defines
interest to more detailed comparison of plants with the distinct genetic constitution
on their response to MF influence.
Please Note: Notes
submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with
consent of authors.