Maize Genetics Cooperation Stock Center

Additional linkage tests of non-waxy (Waxy1) reciprocal translocations involving chromosome 9 at the MGCSC

— Jackson, JD; Stinard, P; Zimmerman, S

Approximately 1 acre each year is devoted to the propagation of the large collection of A-A translocation stocks. In this collection is a series of Waxy1-linked translocations that are used for mapping unplaced mutants. Each translocation is maintained in separate M14 and W23 inbred backgrounds which are crossed together to produce vigorous hybrids that are homozygous for the translocation, in order to fill seed requests. Over the years, pedigree and classification problems arose during the propagation of these stocks. We have been able to sort through the problem ones, and can now supply good sources proven by linkage tests to include the correct translocated chromosomes.

Previously, we reported the linkage results for some of these stocks (MNL 72:79–81; MNL 73:86–88; MNL 74:67; MNL 75:67; MNL 76:67–68; MNL 77:80). Below is a summary of additional translocation stocks we have completed testing.

Table 1. Wx1 T6-9a (6S.79; 9L.40)

A) The F1 source showed linkage of wx1 with hcf26.

2 point linkage data for hcf26-Wx1 T6-9a
Testcross: [Hcf26 Wx1 T6-9a × hcf26 wx1 N] × hcf26 wx1 N

source: 96-4607-2

Region Phenotype No. Totals
0 + Wx 807  
  hcf wx 744 1551
1 hcf Wx 39  
  + wx 36 75

% recombination hcf26-wx1 = 4.6 ± 0.5

source: 96-4607-3

Region Phenotype No. Totals
0 + Wx 494  
  hcf wx 420 534
1 hcf Wx 14  
  + wx 18 32

% recombination hcf26-wx1 = 3.4 ± 0.6

source: 96-1277-10

Region Phenotype No. Totals
0 + Wx 666  
  hcf wx 607 1273
1 hcf Wx 22  
  + wx 39 61

% recombination hcf26-wx1 = 4.6 ± 0.6

wx1 T6-9a (6S.79; 9L.40)

The recessive wx1-marked sources for T6-9a that were checked showed no linkage with hcf26. Until new crossovers are recovered, wx18A T6-9(4778) (6S.80; 9L.30); wx1 can be used as a substitute.

Please Note: As is the policy with the printed version, notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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