Institute of Genetics
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Quantitative trait variation induced by space flight

— Zeng, M; Zeng, Z; Ji, H

In our previous papers, we described a significant influence of space flight on maize seeds’ progeny. Some mutant types of qualitative traits have been obtained [MNL 74:2–3, 75:4, 77:3–4, Chinese Space Science and Technology 18(6):63–67, 23(6):64–68]. There was also some variation for quantitative traits from the Yi01-4-1, U8112, Me141 and MD185 inbred lines. Some characters and properties of the variations obtained for quantitative traits were as follows:

The author wishes to call attention to a recently-published paper: Zeng M., Zeng Z., Ji H., Analysis on Space Special Environment Induced Mutant in Maize. Chinese Space Science and Technology, 23(6): 64–68. 2003.

Please Note: As is the policy with the printed version, notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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