“Memory” of the system of two swelling seeds of maize and distant transmission of structural bioisomerism from one seedling to the other, determined by this “memory” under stress conditions

--Maslobrod, S, Ganea, A, Corlateanu, L

We have shown (Maslobrod, S.N. et al., 1992), that the mirror symmetrical seedlings (MSS) — left (l) seedling and right (d) seedling (ld and dl pairs) — mainly grow from a pair of seeds with adjoining germs. The effect of mirror symmetrization (EMS) is inherent in different plant species, and depends on genotype and the physiological state of the seed pair. It reflects the power of interaction between the components of the elementary phytocenological cell and can be linked with genotype competitiveness and productivity (Maslobrod, S.N. et al., 2002). Our task was to ascertain: 1. Whether the EMS is kept when the seeds from the pair are germinated separately after their joint swelling during some period of time and thus to determine the exposition at which the memory of the system (microphytocenosis) of seeds begins to develop according to the criterion of the EMS. 2. Whether the structural-functional state of the component of the pair changes under the stress influence on the other component of the pair, which is disconnected in space, i.e. if there is a non-local connection between them.

Pairs of maize seeds were formed (hybrids M450, M215, Debut). They were germinated in vegetative vessels with soil. The number of every variant repetition (number of pairs) was from 100 to 500. Pairs were germinated under normal temperature (1), and after 24 hours of swelling, one seed was taken from these pairs of seeds and transplanted into another vessel. Next, all the seeds were germinated under normal temperature (2). The seed that was taken out was exposed to low temperature stress (+3 °C for 5 hours), then all seeds were germinated at normal temperature (3). The percentage correlation of the sum of the pairs (PSP) with the different and the same signs of bioisomerism was determined (ld+dl) : (ll+dd). Determination of the seedling pair bioisomerism was made according to the initial (before separation) seeds of every pair. L and d seedlings of maize have the first real leaf turned up counter-clockwise and clockwise accordingly (Sulima, U.G., 1972).

It was revealed that in normal conditions (1) the EMS was displayed clearly (for M450, M215 and Debut, the PSP was 54.5 : 45.5; 56.6 : 43.4; 61.2 : 38.8, respectively). In the second variant, the EMS remained at the normal level (for the same hybrids the PSP was 54.4 : 45.6; 59.5 : 40.5; 64.0 : 36.0). Under low temperature stress the PSP has moved considerably to ll and dd pairs (38.5 : 61.5; 43.6 : 56.4; 43.4 : 56.6).

It can be assumed that seeds joined in pairs for 24 hours provide the formation of programme “memory” in seeds as the system of future bioisomerism of seedlings, and the stress promotes the “imposing” of this “memory” of the experienced seed (inductor) upon the normal seed (receiver). In connection with this, an experiment was conducted with the seeds of Debut hybrid, in which the seeds taken out from each pair were exposed to additional stresses besides low temperature stress: high temperature stress (+45 °C for 5 hours), chemical stress (1M NaCl for 5 hours), radiation stress (gamma-irradiation with a dose of 250 Gy) and to the influence of torsional fields of geometrical figures (short cylinders, SC, and long cylinders, LC), taking into account the ability of these fields to induce chromosome aberrations in the rootlets of seedlings. The size of SC and LC and the results of the experiment are reported in the preceding article.

The results obtained in the first experiment were confirmed: with all types of stress influence on seeds taken from each pair, the EMS, i.e. the number of MSS, is reduced (Fig. 1). There is a leveling of PSP in the SC variant. To some extent this conforms with our data about the less pronounced ability of the SC field to induce a bioeffect compared to the LC field (see the aforementioned article).


Figure 1. Relation of number of seedling pairs with the same sign of bioisomerism (ll + dd) to the common number of pairs (ll +dd +ld+dl). 1 – Control — a pair without seed separation. 2 – Norm — a pair with seed separation without stress. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 — +3 °C, +45 °C, NaCl, 250 Gy, SC, LC — stress influence on one seed separated from the pair.


The use of the Debut seeds later aided in the study of some aspects of the results observed:

1. If both seeds from the pair are exposed to the stress (for example, to the low temperature or gamma-irradiation), the EMS doesn’t disappear (PSP is 58.7:41.3; 61.3:38.7, accordingly). These data confirm the fact of transmission of bioisomerism from one seedling to the other only when the stress is monopolar (on one seed from the pair).

2. The “memory” of the system of seeds is formed beginning with the 5 hours of their joint swelling (PSP 58.0 : 42.0), but transmission of bioisomerism in stress conditions (for example, low temperature) does not take place yet (PSP is 15.8 : 44.2). It begins during the 24 hours of joint seed soaking. Evidently, early “memory” of phytocenosis as a certain energy-informational volume image of the future seedling does not yet have enough resistance for the following distant address-aimed transmission under the stress of conditions.

3. The strength of the stress also influences the effect of distant transmission. So under 1 hour of chemical stress this transmission does not happen (PSP — 54.7 : 46.3), and with a dose of 100 Gy the effect is less marked than with a dose of 250 Gy (PSP — 43.9 : 56.1 and 27.8 : 72.3).

The results described in plants have been obtained for the first time. They clearly testify to the presence of a nonlinear structural-functional connection between components of a seed pair that were disconnected in space. An informational long-lasting action of the same type was theoretically (Bell’s theorem) and experimentally proved in quantum mechanics on the level of elementary particle interaction. On the basis of our data, the supposition can be made that the “memory” of phytocenosis, consisting of the pair of adjoining seeds in the initial stage, is formed with the help of energy-informational images of the future seedlings, and these images are able to be realized in the substantial structure of the object (seedling and, probably, adult plant) locally and remotely during ontogenesis.