A1 60

a2 60

Ac 75 81 83 124

al1 124

b1 84

ba1 45

ba2 45

ba3 124

Bg-hf 54

Bg-rbg 54

blc1 124

bm2 14 65 67

Bn1 125

bngl1012 38

bngl1056 39

bngl1065 39

bngl1071 39

bngl1074 38

bngl1079 37 38 39

bngl1159 38

bngl1655 37 38 39

bnlg1346 73

bnlg1621b 9

bnlg1711 73

bnlg1724 9

bnlg2307 73

brn1 64 125

brn1-Nelson 64

brn1-R 64

brn2 64 125

brn2-Nelson 64

brn2-R 64

bt1 v

bt2 v

bx1 85

bx2 85

bx3 84

bx5 85

bz1 vi 56 83 124

bz1'-9 56

bz1-m13 56

bz1-m13:CS3 56

bz1-m13:CS6 56

bz1-m13:CS64 56

bz1-m14 56

bz1-m14DII 56

c1 40 84

C1 60

c2 66

cg2 14

cgl1 65 125

ch1 65 67

clg 11

csu4a 7

d8 87

dek 124

Ds 75 83

dSpm 56 75

du1 v 63

dzr1 85

En 75

fl1 vi

fl2 vi

g1 63

ga1 v 65

Ga1-S 65

Ga1-s v

gl1 65

gl1-c 65

gl2 14 65 66 68

gl3 65

gl4 63 65 68

gl5 65

gl6 65 66 68

gl7 65

gl8 65

gl11 65

gl15 65

gl17 65

gl20 65

Ht1 53

Ht2 53

Ht3 53

Htm1 53

HtN 53

I 75

inr1 63 124

inr2 124

j1 124

lg1 14 66 68

lg3 88

lil1 124

lpa241 46

mfie1 84

mfie2 84

midiMu 90

miniMu 90

Mn::Uq 124

ms*-6011 37

ms*-6039 38

ms*-6049 38

ms*-6055 39

ms*-Bear7 37

ms*-EA89 39

ms*-EA89A 39

ms*-FA92 39

ms*-MB92 38

ms*-NEMS 39

ms*-TG92A 39

ms1 39

ms2 38

ms8 39

ms8-FA92 39

ms10 38

ms11 38 39

ms11-NEMS 39

Ms21 39

ms23 37 38

ms24 37 38 39

ms25 38

ms27 38 39

ms29 38 39

ms29-TG92A 39

ms31 38 39

ms33-EA89A 39

ms33-GC89A 39

ms35 37 38 39

ms36 38

Ms42 39

ms45 38

ms47 38 39

ms48 38

ms49 39

ms50 39

Mu 6 77 81 89

MuDR 6

MuDR(p1) 6

MuK 6

na2 22

Ned1 75

ns1 124

ns2 124

o1 vi

o2 vi 2 14 54

o2-hf 54

o2-m(r) 54

orp1 84

p1 13 75

pb4 14

phi445613 39

phi015 39

phi022 9

phi050 38 39

phi058 73

phi059 37 38

phi062 38

phi070 39

phi090 39

phi121 39

phi96342 39

php200725 84

pl1 84

pr1 60

ps1 124

r1 40 63 84

R1 60 124

R1-S 63

rd4 124

RescueMu 89

Rf4 73

Rf5 73

Rp 124

rp1 84

rp5 84

rp6 84

Rpd3 4

rpp9 84

sh1 v 19 49

sh2 v

sh4 v

Sht1 53

Sn1 124

Spm 75

sr1 14

su1 v

su3 63 125

su4 64 125

T1-9(8389) 65 67

T2-9c 66 68

T2-9d 65 67

T3-9(8447) 66 68

T4-9(5657) 68

T4-9b 66

T4-9g 63

T6-9b 68

T6-9e 66

TB-10L3 62

TB-10L5 62

TB-10L7 62

TB-10L8 62

TB-10L10 62

TB-10L13 61 62

TB-10L14 62

TB-10L16 61

TB-10L18 62

TB-10L20 61

TB-10L25 62

TB-10L28 62

TB-10L29 62

TB-10L31 62

TB-10L32 61 62

TB-10L34 61 62

TB-10L35 62

TB-10L36 61

TB-10L37 62

TB-10L38 61 62

tb1 45 84

tb2 84

tbp2 84

Ufo1 124

umc34 7

umc1069 9

umc1072 73

umc1122 9

umc1221 9

umc1225 73

umc1230 9

umc1252 9

umc1357 9

umc1395 9

umc1416 9

umc1639 9

umc1804 9

umc1943 9

uwo11 70

v4 14 68

vp14 124

wx-m7(Ac) 83

wx1 v 15 63 65 67 83 124

Wx1 94

y1 14 60 66 68 124

Y1 60

y8 124

Zm-Rxv 41

ZmAda2 18


ZmRBR1 4

ZmRpd3 4

ZmRpd3I 4

Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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