I. Foreword

The Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter exists for the benefit of the maize community as an informal vehicle for communication. Its inception and continuation has been to foster cooperation among those interested in investigating maize. Your submissions are encouraged to disseminate knowledge about our field that might otherwise go unrecorded.

For this issue, we solicited reports on genome projects that include maize in some form. We received an enthusiastic response to these requests and for this we thank those investigators who contributed. The objectives of including these notes were severalfold. First, they provide the maize community with information about the studies being conducted and the resources being developed. Further, by providing a compendium for what is currently being performed, the reports might serve as an inspiration for future projects that will enrich the ability to use maize as a model system.

We remind the readers that contributions to the Newsletter do not constitute formal publications. Citations to them should be accompanied by permission from the authors if at all possible. Notes can be submitted at any time and are entered into MaizeDB. The deadline for the next print copy, volume 77, is January 1, 2003. Electronic submission is encouraged by sending your contributions as attachments, or as text of an email, to [email protected].

We encourage the community to carry studies of general scientific interest to the formal literature. However, there is a great need to share technical tips, protocols, mutant descriptions, map information, ideas and other isolated information useful in the lab and field.

As in the past, Shirley Kowalewski has been responsible for assembly and correcting of the copy. She has performed this task with speed, precision and a great sense of humor.

Mary Polacco

James A. Birchler


Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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