Three-point linkage data for gl5 fl2 su1 on 4S
--Stinard, PS

The results of a three-point linkage test for gl5, fl2, and su1 on chromosome 4 are presented in Table 1. The linkage test was set up as a modified backcross as indicated in Table 1. Kernels from the backcross ears were planted in the field and the resulting plants were self-pollinated, and the self-pollinated ears were scored for the presence of fl2 and su1. Kernel samples from each self-pollinated ear were planted in the sand bench, and seedlings grown from these kernels were scored for gl5 gl20 (gl20 was included in the cross because only the double mutant gl5 gl20 expresses glossy seedlings.) The following linkage relationship was established: gl5 - 2.8 - fl2 - 7.6 - su1. These data are consistent with the fl2 - su1 distance (8 cM) given on the most recent genetic map of chromosome 4.

Table 1. Three-point linkage data for gl5 - fl2 - su1.

Testcross: (Gl5 fl2 Su1 Gl20 / gl5 Fl2 su1 Gl20) X Gl5 Fl2 Su1 gl20.
Reg. Phenotype No. Totals
0 + fl2 + 168  
  gl5 + su1 149 317
1 + + su1 5  
  gl5 fl2 + 5 10
2 + fl2 su1 13  
  gl5 + + 14 27
1+2 + + + 0  
  gl5 fl2 su1 0 0
% recombination gl5--fl2 = 2.8 +/- 0.9
% recombination fl2--su1 = 7.6 +/- 1.4
% recombination gl5--su1 = 10.5 +/- 1.6

Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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