This is a summary of selected genetic research information (new factors; mapping; cloning; trait inheritance) reported in recent literature and in this News Letter (numbers preceded by "r" refer to numbered references in the Recent Maize Publications section). The Symbol Index refers by number to all current published research involving genetic materials. Comments or suggestions on these research aids would be welcome.

 aa = amino acid; BS = Base Sequence; BSH = Broad Sense Heritability; GCA = General Combining Ability; GxE = Genotype by Environment interactions; HR = Horizontal Resistance; NSH = Narrow Sense Heritability; PC = Personal Communication; QTL = Quantitative Trait Loci; R = Resistance or Reaction; RFLP = Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms; RI = Recombinant Inbreds; RM = Restriction Map; RS = Recurrent Selection; SCA = Specific Combining Ability; unc. = uncovered; VR = Vertical Resistance.
* with symbols identifies loci needing allelism tests, documentation, gene-specific clarification of the functional role, or standardization of the symbol.

adh1 -10- bnl7.25 -18- npi238 -3- bnl8.29 -12- bm2 -3- umc84 --67:33
adh1: BS, promoter, Anaerobic Response Element (ARE) binding protein (GCBP-1) --r504
adh1: BS, Z-DNA in promoter --r210
adh1: RM, BS, promoter dissection --r413
adh1-3F1124::Mu3, adh1-3F1124r17, genomic, RM, BS --r354
agrr22 - bnl5.62 - agrr152 - bnl8.05 - p1 - bnl12.06 - agrc587 - agrc512 - agrx1176 - agrr34 - bnl8.29 - agrc707 - umc84 - bnl6.32, QTL for regenerability near bnl8.05, umc84 --r20
an1 probe vs. plant height QTL; ECB R QTL, 40% of height variation, Mo17/H99 F2; 16% of ECB R --67:6
anther culture and callus QTLs near umc11, umc 167, umc128, RFLP maps QTL --r723
asg59 -4.9- asg31 -9- umc94 -7.5- bnl5.62 -12- php20603 -10.8- php20537 -9.2- php20689 -16.4- php20640 -16.6- umc76 -7- umc137 -6.1- umc11 -13.1- umc13 -9.1- bnl12.06 -5, 2- php1122 -8- bnl7.21 -13.1- umc133 -6.4- umc67 -5.2- php20682 -3.7- php20654 -4.3- php20674 -0.8- php20575 -9- bnl5.59 -6.3- php20644 -9.5- php20855 -9.9- umc23 -2.2- umc33 -1.1- php20527 -4.7- php20668 -1.8- php20661 -4.7- umc128 -4.9- umc50 -3.4- php20870 -10.5- bnl8.10 -12.6- umc107 -6.9- php20518 -12.5- bnl7.25 -12.4- bnl8.29 -14.2- umc84 -5.3- php15058 -3.6- php20557 -8.8- bnl6.32; php20689 - umc157 - php20640; umc11 - php20006; php20575 - php20044 - php20644; umc33 - amp1 - umc128; php20870 - umc83 - bnl8.10 - npi120 - umc107; umc76 - (umc6, asg26, asg57, asg35b, asg45, asg69, asg75, asg3, asg78, asg11); bnl5.59 - asg62 - umc128 - (umc83, umc37, php2722) - php20870; umc107 - (asg54b, asg68) - bnl8.29; umc50 - npi238 - bnl6.32 --67:56
bnl(tas1h) and bnl(tas1c): end 1S, first report, telomere-associated sequence, subtelomeric; telomere-length QTL near ynh20 --r90
bnl5.62 - rpa(umc94a) - umc157 - umc76 - umc8a - umc67 - bnl5.59 - umc58 - umc128 - umc106 - umc84 - bnl6.32, F2 vs. anther culture doubled haploids;disturbed segregations, recombination variations --r55
bnl5.62 - umc94 - php20537 - php20603 - php20689 - umc76 - php20640 - umc11 - umc13 - bnl12.06 - bnl17.21a - umc133 - php20654 - bnl5.59 - php20682 - php20674 - php20575 - php20644 - php20044 - php20855 - umc37 - umc23a - php20661 - php20668 - umc128 - amp1 - umc83 - php20870 - umc50b - bnl8.10 - umc107a - php20518 - bnl17.25 - bnl18.29 - php20557 - umc84 - bnl6.32, plant height QTLs near bnl12.06 and near amp1 --r46
bnl5.62 -5- umc164 -26- umc115 -3- sr1 -13- zb4 -17- umc76 -8- umc162 -8- umc11 --67:31
br2 near npi272, bnl5.59 --67:109
Bz2 promoter, transient expression --r68
Bz2: genomic, RM, BS, promoter, transcriptanalysis, sense/antisense; stress-response (heat shock, auxin, PR) homology --r608
bz2::Mu1, bz2::Mu9, Mu reactivation by UV exposure --r717
cat2, sod4 --response to cercosporin toxin --r752
ct2 near umc157 npi97b --67:109
d*-3, by RFLPs, on 1S? --67:82
D8: bz2 -8.0- umc140 -0.9- Mu4-1 -1.8- (umc107, bnl15.18, D8) -0.4- phyA1 -0.4- Kn1 - umc106 --67:110
f1, bm2 linkage with QTLs pd*, tr* --67:22
hcf7: first report, uncovered by TB-1La, high chlorophyll fluorescence: defective processing of 16S rRNA --67:42
hm1: centr. - php20644 -5- hm1 -5- php20044; br2 -0.1- hm1 (P. Sisco, PC), *656, *1369, *1062, Hm1-B73, genomic, cDNA, RM, BS: L02540, HCTR, H. carbonum toxin reductase ; homology to NADPH-dependent dihydroflavonol-4-reductase (a1) --r325
Hm1: HC-toxin reductase, detoxifies HC-toxin --r453
hm1-656::Mu1, hm1-1369::Mu3, hm1-1062, hm1-1040::Spm, Hm1(B79), genomic, RM --r83
Kn1: RM --r271
Kn1: RM, Mu methylation, recombination --r409
Kn1-174, Kn1-174a, alteration of Kn1-O by insertion mutagenesis, excision and rearrangement --67:2
kn1-del: pollen lethal; hypoploid with TB-1La embryonic lethal --67:3
mdh4 with leaf number, plant height, yield QTLs, coded RFLPs --r183
npi234, npi238, yield, grain moisture, plant/ear height QTLs --r780
npi262 - npi272 - bnl5.59, QTL for androgenesis near npi262 --r132
npi411 -22- npi354 -17- npi428 -30- npi453 -26- npi429 -28- amp1 -12- npi447 -7- npi255 -26- bnl7.25 -9- npi238 -3- gdh1, QTLs, heterosis, GxE --r660
npi447, adh1 genomic/YAC --r181
P1: RM, Ac transposition and replication --r116
P1-pr: RM, allele: patterned pericarp and red cob; hypermethylated relative to P1-rr --67:95
P1-rr, RM, BS: Z11879, Ac insertion sites --r22
P1-VV reconstitution, RM, Ac transposition sites --r478
p1: Ac inserts, BS --r263
pgm1 - adh1 - phi1, recombination variation with genotypes and environments --r692
php20537 -19.6- php20640 -13- umc11 -30.1- bnl12.06 -31.9- umc105b -10.5- php20654 -3.4- bnl5.59 -11.4- php2044 -8.3- php20855 -12.3- umc23 -8.6- php20661 -30.9- umc107 -13- ope13.19 -20.4- umc86 -3- php20557 --67:80
QTLs vs. teosinte for ear disarticulation, lateral branch length, pedicellate spikelets near umc83, umc107 --r156
stalk-rot (Fusarium graminearum, Gibberella zeae) R QTL, near umc23 --67:81
T1-3(5597): T -20- zb4 -4- p1 --67:46
T1-3(5982): T -15- zb4 -6- p1 --67:46
T1-3k: zb4 -4- p1 -10- T --67:47
T1-4b: zb4 -2- T -2- p1 --67:47
T1-5(6899): zb4 -4- p1 -3- T --67:47
tls1: first report, uncovered by TB-1Lc; near bnl8.29, php15058, php20557, bnl6.32 (conclusion: in distal third of 1L), tasselless1: plants generally lack tassels, have ear shoots but no ear, variable; in some backgrounds, pubescent, leathery at 4-8 leaf stage (similar to bs1 of Woodworth, stocks apparently lost; relationship to bs1 of Micu unclear) --67:51
tub1 (=tua1), tub2 (=tua2) (in tandem), PCR genomic sequence analysis indicates at least 7 genes in tubulin family --r476, r711
zb4 -9- ts2 -2- p1 -11- npi401 -4- npi214 -1- umc167; php20575 -9- php20644 -16- php20855 -11- br1 -9- f1; zb4 -29- umc76 -15- npi286 -0- p1 -10- npi262 -14- umc67 -6- bnl5.59; php20644 -1- umc58 -7- php20855 -11- br1 -6- f1 -12- umc128 -3- umc83; umc128 -7- umc83 -3- an1 -5- bnl8.10 -4- umc184a(glb1) -0- umc140 -8- umc106 -4- npi255; umc140 -8- umc106 -4- npi155 -9- gs1 -13- npi238 -9- bm2 -9- umc84; bnl12.06 -14- npi262 -5- as1 -3- umc167 -6- bnl5.59 -14- php20644; php20644 -16- php20855 -3- br1 -0- umc33 -6- f1 -16- bnl8.10 -11- umc140 -5- umc107 -8- adh1 --67:32

(npi417, npi254) -34- npi287 -21- npi(b1) -15- npi297 -5- npi456 -27- bnl8.21 -10- (npi465, npi59) -6-npi392, QTLs, heterosis, GxE --r660
agrc938 - agrc538 - umc6 - agrc593 - agrr239 - agrp62 - agrc479, QTL for regenerability near agrr239, agrp62 --r20
anther culture and callus QTLs, near umc6, umc34, umc131, umc5, umc49, umc36 --r723
B1, promoter dissection --r248
B1-Peru, B1-I, genomic, RM, BS, promoter, tissue specificity --r549
bnl(tas1a) end 2S, bnl(tas1p) and bnl(tas1g) end 2L, first report, telomere-associated sequence, subtelomeric --r90
bnl8.45 - umc53 - rpa(bnl7.49b) - umc6 - umc34 - umc8b - umc55 - umc98 - rpa(umc22) - rpa(umc125a) - rpa(bnl8.44a) - umc36 --r55
bnl8.45 -21.2- umc53 - opb01.4 -16.6- umc34 -8.9- php10033b -2- php10012 -1.8- umc131 -9- php20005 -13.7- umc135 -33.5- php20668 -45.8- umc36 -1.8- umc93 --67:80
d*-3685 associated with b1 and umc6, prospective Mu1- associated allele of d5 --67:111
et2 (was et*-2352): first report, uncovered by TB-2Sb, etched endosperm, off-white albino seedlings with occasional greening of leaf tips; revertant sectors occasionally --67:9
H4C14 subfamily: monosomic analysis, members of H4 histone subfamilies are located on at least 7 chromosomes --r114
hrg1 expression: ethylene, wounding; promoter dissection --r670
Hrg1-W22, Hrg1-Ac1503, Hrg1-Zd, genomic, BS: X63134, M36635, X64173, hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein; sequence evolution, incl. Z. diploperennis --r557
lg1, gl2, b1, v4 linkage with QTLs pd*, tr* --67:22
npi297, npi239, stalk/root lodging QTLs --r780
npi298, genomic/YAC --r181
NRase: 2 near centromere (D. Grant, PC), cDNA, NADH:nitrate reductase, EC1.6.6.1 --r95
o8: first report, bnl12.09 -5- (o8, umc134) -10- umc131, opaque: increased lysine levels --67:102
php20568 -10.9- umc53 -30- umc6 -7- umc44 -10.2- umc61 -11.5- bnl10.42 -4.1- umc34 -1.9- bnl8.04 -6- umc134 -8.1- php10012 -4.2- umc131 -11.6- umc139 -10.5- php20005 -11- php20017 -4.5- umc4 -7.6- umc122 -7.7- bnl6.20 -19.7- umc12 -15.2- umc36 -7.5- php20581 -7- php20622 -9.6- bnl17.14; (php20568, bnl8.45) - umc53; (php20568, npi583) - php20005; bnl8.04 - asg25 - php10012; umc131 - (asg28, asg29B, asg65, asg83, umc22 -umc4 - (asg23, asg77a, asg56) --67:57
php20568b - bnl8.45 - umc53 - umc61 - umc34 - php10012 - umc131 - umc139 - php20005 - php20017 - umc4 - bnl6.20 - umc36 - php20581a, plant height QTLs near umc61 and umc131 --r46
plant height QTL, coded RFLPs --r183
QTLs vs. teosinte for ear ranking, glume induration near umc53, umc34 --r156
RFLPs, 2L synteny with Sorghum, map order: umc53 umc78 umc34 bnl7.25 php10012 npi565 jc0767a jc1410 agp2 jc0233 umc131 dek*-1047 umc98 jc0954 umc4 bnl8.44b --67:7
stalk-rot (Fusarium graminearum, Gibberella zeae) R QTL, near php10033b --67:81
Wrp1 linked with wx1 T2-9c(2S.33) (23%), T2-9b(2L.33) (18%), T2-9d(2L.83) (19%) --67:33

anther culture and callus QTLs, near bnl5.37, umc60, umc16, umc96 --r723
bnl(tas1b) end 3S, first report, telomere-associated sequence, subtelomeric --r90
bnl5.37 - npi108 - bnl15.20 - umc98, QTL for androgenesis between bnl5.37 and npi108 --r132
bnl8.15 - agrr116a - agrr206 - agrr184b - agrp40 - bnl15.20 - agrr144a - a1 - agrc638, QTL for regenerability near agrp40 --r20
bnl8.15 - e8 - php20042 - php12006 - bnl8.35 - umc10 - php20576 - php20511 - php20558 - php20509 - php20802 - bnl13.05 - php20508 - umc26 - bnl5.37 - bnl10.24a - umc82 - umc3 - bnl6.16 - php15033 - php20521 - umc7 - umc16 - php1a10a - php10080 - php20726, plant height QTLs near php12006 and near bnl5.37 --r46
bnl8.15 -50.9- bnl8.35 -11.6- bnl6.06 -12.1- php20558 -3.9- umc42 -17.3- php20802 -37.9- opb8.13 -10.6- ope13.7 -7.8- bnl6.16 -4.1- php15033 -15.4- php20521 -23.9- php10080 --67:80
bnl8.15 -8.2- php20905 -3.2- e8 -5.8- umc121 -19.7- php20042 -13- php12006 -7.5- bnl8.35 -10.5- php20576 -4.6- php20509 -2.7- php20558 -4.2- php20511 -2.7- umc10 -5.7- php20508 -6.2- umc26 -9.4- bnl5.37 -3.6- bnl10.24 -10.9- umc60 -8.4- umc82 -8.2- bnl6.16 -2.8- php15033 -5.9- umc3 -8.6- bnl1.297 -4.5- php20521 -4.2- umc17 -4.1- php1106 -9.6- php10080 -7.5- umc63 -9.4- umc96 -3.2- php20726 -6.2- npi457; bnl8.35 - (php20017, umc42); php20508 - umc51 - umc82 - bnl15.20 - php15033; bnl8.35 - bnl13.05 - php20558; php20511 - (php20903, umc18) - bnl10.24; php20576 - (php20802, php20797) - umc26; php20508 - gst-III - bnl10.24; (bnl8.15, asg64) -umc121 - (asg16, asg24, asg48, php1544, asg46b, umc92) -umc10 - (umc102, asg67a, asg1a, asg39, asg15, asg10, asg4) - umc63 --67:57
Cg2 -39- ra2; -46- lg2 --67:65
e8 -24- npi249 -19- npi446 -20- npi296 -15- npi52 -23- npi212 -26- a1 -11- npi457 -2- npi425, QTLs, heterosis, GxE --r660
lg2, a1 linkage with QTLs pd*, tr* --67:22
Lg3 encodes homeodomain protein --r637
pgd2-null, pgd2-125null, pgd2-86null, EC1.1.1.44, expression and distribution of 6-PGD --r34
plant height QTL, coded RFLPs --r183
pollen tube growth rate QTLs near bnl6.06, pgd2; pollen germinability QTLs near bnl8.35, bnl6.06 --r599
QTLs vs. teosinte for pedicellate spikelets, lateral branching near umc92, umc42b, umc18a --r156
Sh2-BMS, genomic, BS: M81603 --r621
sh2-m1::Ds, BS, revertant sequences --67:44
stalk-rot (Fusarium graminearum, Gibberella zeae) R QTL, near php20802 --67:81
T1-3(5597): ts4 -16- lg2 -2- T -24- a1 --67:47
T1-3(5982): ts4 -31- lg2 -8- T -11- a1 --67:47
T1-3(8995): T -3- ts4 -21- lg2 -33- a1 --67:47
T1-3k: ts4 -18- (T, lg2) -25- a1 --67:47
umc16, umc92, umc96, yield, grain moisture, ear height QTLs --r780
umc32 - umc121 - rpa(umc161) - umc10 - bnl6.06 - umc60 - umc3 - umc63 - umc96 - rpa2 --r55
Vp1, activation of C1 promoter --r279
y10 13.4 units distal to lg2 --67:18

agrc94 - agrp67 - agrr109 - agrr27 - agrc300 - bnl15.07 --r20
Als1-QJ22, Als1-XS40, first report, on 4 near centromere by wx1 translocations, acetohydroxy acid synthase (AHAS), imidazolinone R selected in vitro; assume same as dup(als1) RFLP locus --r496
anther culture and callus QTLs, near umc42 --r723
bnl(tas1e) end 4S, bnl(tas1o) end 4L, first report, telomere-associated sequence, subtelomeric; telomere-length QTL near bnl8.23 --r90
bnl15.07, yield QTLs --r780
bnl15.45 -4- npi267 -36- npi292 -7- npi208 -10- npi444 -3- npi104 -16- npi317, QTLs, heterosis, GxE --r660
bnl5.46 -9.6- umc49 -8.9- bnl15.45 -7.5- ope10.1 -10.5- ope10.45 -17.5- umc66 -20.9- php20071 -5- php20562 -15.7- php10025 -27.5- bnl15.07 -16.9- php20563 --67:80
cAc-11, near aco1, pcAc-11, genomic, RM, BS, cryptic Ac --r388
cat3, response to cercosporin toxin --r752
d*-3, by RFLPs, on 4L? --67:82
ECB R QTL, near bx1, 17% of variation, Mo17/H99 F2 --67:6
gl3-15, new allele designation for 6 sources; non-complementing with gl15 --r647
o12 uncovered by TB-4Sa, potential allelism to dek7 to be determined --67:10
orp1 (probe TSB1), bnl15.45 - TSB1 - bnl7.20L, pZmTSB1, cDNA, BS: M76684, tryptophan synthase beta --r763
pep3, H1r22, pMR15, PEP carboxylase, root-form --r344
pollen germinability QTLs near zpl1a, zpl1d, zpl2a --r599
prh1, first report, ZmPP1, cDNA, M60215, Type 1 protein phosphatase (serine/threonine phosphatase), E. coli expression, similarity to corresponding animal enzyme; Southerns indicate multigene family --r639
QTLs vs. teosinte for glume induration near bnl5.46, umc42a --r156
stalk-rot (Fusarium graminearum, Gibberella zeae) R QTL, near bnl15.45 --67:81
su1, ts5 linkage with QTLs pd*, tr* --67:22
ubi1: plambdaUbi-1, genomic, RM, BS, polyubiquitin(7mer), S1 mapping, transgenic expression, heat shock --r120
umc123 -14- php20725 -16.6- umc31 -11.5- bnl5.46 -20.2- umc42 -5.6- bnl15.45 -6.1- php20597 -12.3- umc66 -4.1- umc19 -7.5- php20595 -10.7- bnl7.65 -4- umc158 -7.4- php20071 -4.7- umc15 -4.4- php20562 -6.3- umc52 -8- php10025 -18- php20608 -9.4- bnl15.07 -7.8- umc111 -2.2- bnl8.23 -8.7- php20563 -6.7- umc10; php20725 - umc87 - bnl5.46 - (umc47, umc23, umc156) - umc66; php20595 - bnl10.05- umc158; bnl5.46 - php1106 -bnl15.45; bnl5.46 - mals - umc19; bnl5.46 - (asg76, asg38) -umc66; umc19 - (bnl5.67, asg33, asg9a, asg27a, asg84, asg21, asg22) - asg41A -bnl8.23 --67:58
umc31 - bnl5.46 - umc156 - umc19 - rpa(umc127) - rpa(bnl7.65) - rpa9b(ssu) --r55
umc87 - php20725 - php20713 - umc31 - bnl5.46 - php1a10b - php20597 - umc47 - umc23b - bnl15.45 - umc42 - umc66 - umc19 - bnl7.65 - php20071 - php20562 - umc15 - umc52 - php10025 - php20608 - bnl8.23 - php20563, plant height QTLs near umc42 --r46
Zpr10/(22), maternal/dosage effect --r459

ae1 -7.4- pr1 -0.64- lw2 -0.32- gl8 --67:9
agrc595 - agrc669 - agrx43 - agrr199 - agrr127 - agrr215 - agrx701 - agrr252 - agrr211 --r20
Als2-XA17, Als2-XI12, first report, on 5L by wx1 translocations, acetohydroxy acid synthase (AHAS), imidazolinone R selected in vitro, XA17 is R to sulfonylurea but XI12 not; assume same as dup(als2) RFLP locus --r496
am1-pra allele of am1, was pra1; dominance series Am1 > am1-pra > am1-ref --r249
anther culture and callus QTLs, near umc43, umc126 --r723
bnl(tas1n) and bnl(tas2b) end 5S, first report, telomere-associated sequence, subtelomeric --r90
bnl6.25 - umc147 - umc27 - bnl5.02 - bnl7.71 - umc126 - rpa(umc39b) - umc51 - umc68 - umc104 --r55
Bt1, bt1-m, pBt1cDNA1.7, cDNA, genomic, BS: M79333, M79334, northerns; possible adenylate translocator in amyloplasts --r665
cat1, response to cercosporin toxin --r752
d*-6, by RFLPs, on 5S --67:82
D9 = D*-2319, associated with RFLPs on 5S in region that is duplicated on 1L --67:111
ms42 near bnl6.25, umc50, male sterile: dominant Ms42-2082 plants male sterile; penetrance affected by background --67:64
na2 near umc27a umc166 --67:109
npi288-Mo17, npi288-B73, BS, allele-specific PCR --r620
npi409 -23- npi282 -12- pgm2 -29- npi256 -12- amp3 -5- npi449 -39- npi458 -27- npi288, QTLs, heterosis, GxE --r660
pep2, H1r22, pMR15, PEP carboxylase, root-form --r344
pollen tube growth rate QTLs near bnl10.06, bnl7.43; pollen germinability QTLs near bnl7.43, bnl4.36 --r599
pr1 linkage with QTLs pd*, tr* --67:22
QTLs vs. teosinte for ear disarticulation near bnl5.02 --r156
stalk-rot (Fusarium graminearum, Gibberella zeae) R QTL, near bnl7.71 --67:81
ubi2, plambdaUbi-2, genomic, RM, BS, polyubiquitin(7mer), S1 mapping, transgenic expression, heat shock --r120
umc27, genomic/YAC --r181
umc86 -19.7- bnl8.33 -11.3- bnl6.25 -25.6- umc72a -24.3- umc50 -5.1- bnl5.02 -11.2- bnl7.56 -3.1- php20872 -8.1- umc43 -3.2- umc1 -1.3- php06012 -2.9- php15024 -3.2- php15018 -6.1- umc40 -5.6- php20589 -9.7- php10014 -4.8- bnl5.71 -6.7- bnl15.27 -8.5- umc126 -6.1- umc54 -5.7- umc51 -4.3- php20531 -7.7- php20566 -8.4- umc108 -13.9- umc68 -13.4- bnl5.24 -9.2- php20909 -2.2- php20523 -8.9- umc104 -8.4- php10017; (umc86, umc59, php20045) - bnl6.25 - (php1163, umc90) - umc50; php20872 - bnl6.10 - php06012; umc126 - umc26 -php20531; umc108 - php1544- bnl5.24; (umc86, npi409) -umc72a - umc107 - bnl5.02; um40 - (php20715, bnl7.71, umc138) -php10014; umc72a - php20898 - bnl7.56 - php1477 - umc43 - bnl6.22 php20589 - MALS - bnl5.71 - bnl5.40; umc68; (umc86, umc147, asg54a, asg73, asg55) - umc1 - (php1550, asg43, asg66, asg71, asg29a) -umc108 - asg27b - (asg85, asg9B, asg74, php10017) --67:58
umc86b - bnl8.33 - bnl6.25 - umc90 - umc72a - umc107b - pgm2 - php20898 - bnl7.56 - php20872 - php20622 - umc43 - php06012 - php15024 - php15018 - php20715 - bnl7.71 - php20589 - php10014 - amp3 - bnl5.71 - bnl5.40 - umc54 - php20531 - php20566 - php12026 - umc108 - umc68 - bnl5.24 - php20909 - php20523 - php10017 - umc104, plant height QTLs near bnl7.56 and near bnl5.72 --r46
umc90 -16.3- umc27 -10.8- bnl5.02 -11.4- bnl6.10 -14.6- bnl7.71 -16- bnl5.71 -15.1- umc49m -31.5- umc49u -33- umc104 --67:80

agrp144 - agrr87 - agrr47 - agrr189 - agrr37 - agrr118a - bnl15.37 --r20
anther culture and callus QTLs, near umc59, umc65, umc38, umc132, umc134 --r723
bnl6.29 - php20527 - php20528 - umc59 - php20854 - php20045 - php06007 - umc65 - umc113a - umc21 - m3-4 - umc46 - php10016 - bnl15.37 - umc138 - php20904 - umc62 - mdh2 - php20595 - php20569 - php20599-, plant height QTLs near php06007 --r46
bnl6.29 -6.6- php20527 -2.9- php20854 -4.3- umc59 -7.4- ph20045 -18.7- umc65 -11.7- umc21 -7- bnl3.03 -13.5- bnl15.37 -4.5- umc46 -10.7- bnl5.47 -14.4- umc138 -14.2- php20904 -11.1- umc132 -23.2- umc62 -5.1- php20595 -3.5- php20599 -11.7- npi280; umc85 - bnl6.29 - (php06007, php20719) -php20045; bnl5.47 - php10016 - php20904; (bnl6.29, php20528) -php20854; php20045 - umc113 - umc21; (asg79, asg40) - bnl6.29; umc21 - (asg51, asg50, asg6a) -umc132 - (asg18, asg36b, asg14b, asg47, umc28, npi280) --67:59
bnl6.29, umc85, genomic/YAC --r181
cps2 (was hcf133): first report, uncovered by TB-6Lc, chloroplast protein synthesis: pale green/yellow green, nonviable, decreased levels of thylakoid membrane complexes (2-fold) and RUBISCO (20-fold), and decreased assocation of all chloroplast mRNAs with polysomes; allele cps1-2 more severe than cps1-1; from Mu screening --67:42
d*-9: TB-6S uncovers, complements d1, d2, d3, d5, d*-3, d*-4, d*-6, d*-8 --67:82
enp1 with plant height QTL, coded RFLPs --r183
idh2 - mdh2, recombination variation with genotypes and environments --r692
l12 uncovered by Df between T6-9e/T6-9(043-1), T6-9(6019)/T6-9(043-1), T4-6(8428)/T4-6(6623), conclude l12 is most likely between 6L 0.28 and 0.36 --67:65
l10, ms1, si1 uncovered by Df between T6-9e/T6-9(043-1), conclude each is most likely between 6L 0.28 and 0.36 --67:65
Mdm1: npi245 -2.2- (umc85, po1) -1.1- bnl6.29 -0.8- npi235 -0.6- npi101 -3.7- umc59; umc85 - wsm1 - mdm1 - rhm1 - (TB-6Sa, NOR) - bnl6.29a --67:117
Ms21: stocks lost --67:64
npi377 -17- npi393 -12- npi223 -25- npi252 -11- bnl5.47 - mdh2, QTLs, heterosis, GxE --r660
pgd1-null, EC1.1.1.44, expression and distribution of 6-PGD --r34
php06007 -27.7- bnl6.29 -12.6- umc59 -19.5- umc65 -11.6- opg05.8 -17.8-php20608 -22- umc38 -27- umc62
Pl1'-mah, paramutagenic variant; alters Pl1-rh but not pl1 --67:42
pollen tube growth rate QTLs near npi223 --r599
rhm1: TB-6Sa uncovers rhm1, npi245, umc85 but not bnl6.29a or npi235; rhm1 distal to NOR --67:118
rpa(umc159c) - umc85 - umc65 - umc21 - umc38 - umc132 - umc62 - --r55
T6-9(5454) + B-6Ld, tertiary trisomics --r351
umc21, umc38, yield QTLs --r780
Wsm1 tightly linked to po1 and umc85, wheat streak mosaic virus resistance: one of at least two dominant genes (see wsm2) conferring resistance; allelic to mdm1 or tightly linked (McMullen & Louie, Phytopath. 81:624, 1991) --67:118
y1 uncovered by Df between T6-9e/T6-9(043-1), T6-9(6270)/T6-9(043-1), T6-9(6019)/T6-9(043-1), T4-6(055-8)/T4-6(6623), T4-6(8428)/T4-6(6623, T6-10b/T6-10d, but not T6-9(6270)/T6-9(6019) or T4-6(055-8)/T4-6(8428), conclude y1 is most likely between 6L0.28 and 0.31, though possibly between 6L 0.12 and 0.16 --67:65
y1, pg11 linkage with K6 --67:25
y1, py1 linkage with QTLs pd*, tr* --67:22

agrc261 - agrr128 - agrr49 - agrr73 - agrc701 - agrr186 - agrr202 - agrc525 --r20
anther culture and callus QTLs, near bnl16.06 --r723
gl1-m8, reversions, cell lineage shoot apex --r75
hcf103-114, blocked in plastoquinone-9 --r128
ij1: genomic, RM, BS: S15063, Southerns, northerns; revertant modifications; no protein homology recognized --r275
in1 mutables from En/Spm plot --67:4
nbp1, first report, on 7L, G1a, cDNA, RM, BS: Z11488, M74566, nuclear-encoded chloroplast nucleic acid-binding protein, light-dependent, organ-specific induction; one band in Southerns and northerns --r129
npi277 -7- npi216 -13- npi394 -15- npi283, QTLs, heterosis, GxE --r660
npi391, ear diameter QTLs --r780
O2 regulation of lysine-ketoglutarate reductase (LSK; EC1.5.1.8) --r84
o5-3038, uncovered by TB-7Lb, pale yellow/sugary, embryo lethal viviparous from Mu population; o5-ref/o5-3038 kernels pale yellow, seedlings yellow-green --67:9
opm082000, 28 cM distal to php20581 --67:16
pep4: npi30 -2.6- pep4 - npi112, pMR32, cDNA, RM, BS: X61489, C3-PEP carboxylase, EC4.1.1.31 --r344
php20581 -23.8- bnl15.40 -8.8- umc98 -4.7- umc116 -6.9- bnl15.21 -7- php15037 -6- php20708 -1.6- php20684 -4.7- umc110 -4.2- php20746 -6.6- umc56 -10.3- bnl8.32 -10.9- bnl8.39 -15.9- php20909 -4.9- php20690 -10.9- bnl8.44 -13.4- php20020 -17.2- php20728 -32.1- umc35; umc116 - php20569 - php15037; umc56 - (tyk30, bnl14.07, umc125) - bnl8.39 - (php20593, bnl16.06) - php20690 - php20890 - php20020; (php20581, asg8, asg34, asg70) -umc116 - asg72 - - bnl15.21 - (bnl4.24, asg8, 0 asg5, asg32, bnl7.61, asg14a, asg36a, umc91, umc35) --67:59
php20581 -55.9- bnl8.39 -7.8- bnl8.32 -14.2- umc111 -7.7- umc110 -6.3- php15037 -6.7- php20569 -13.9- php20684 -31.6- php20690 -3.9- php20593 -17.3- php20020 -19.7- umc35 --67:80
php20581b - php20569 - umc116 - php15037 - php20708 - php20684 - php20746 - umc110 - bnl8.32 - umc125b - bnl8.39 - php20593 - php20690 - bnl8.44 - php20020 - php20728, plant height QTLs near php20569 --r46
pollen tube growth rate QTLs near npi400, o2, bnl15.40, zp50, zpb36 --r599
RFLPs, synteny with Sorghum, map order: jc0678 jc1362 jc0767b bnl15.40 bnl15.21 jc0185 umc110 jc0446 bnl7.61 bnl8.37 bnl14.07 dek*-326 bnl8.39 jc0943 jc0878 bnl8.44a umc35 --67:7
rpa(umc39c) - rpa(umc112a) - bnl15-40 - umc116 - umc110 - rpa(umc111) umc149 - umc125b - bnl7.61 - umc80 - umc151 - bnl8.44b - umc35 --r55
sh6-8601 allelic to sh6-1295, not to cp2, shrunken, opaque kernel like sh1; seedlings pale green, poor viability to lethal; sh6- 8601 less severely expressed --67:10
sod2, response to cercosporin toxin --r752
Tp1: gl1 -8.7- umc116 -3.9- php20569 -0.8- tp1 -1.6- bnl15.21 -6.3- php15037 -0.4- sl1 --67:91

agrr169 - agrr116b - agrr222 - agrr144b - agrr184a - agrr269 - agrr262 - agrr21 --r20
anther culture and callus QTLs, near umc120, umc117, umc93, umc7 --r723
bif1-*, probable recessive Bif1 allele --67:2
bnl(tas1m) end 8L, first report, telomere-associated sequence, subtelomeric; npi201b - bnl17.17(CCCTAAA) - umc71, telomere-like sequence, internal --r90
bnl13.05 -14- php10040 -3- bnl9.11 -12.3- umc103 -15.4- bnl10.39 -11.9- bnl9.08 -9.2- php20714 -10- bnl2.369 -6.2- umc89 -6.6- umc12 -7.2- bnl12.30 -7- umc93 -6.8- umc30 -6.8- umc117 -8.2- bnl10.24 -21.9- php20793 -3.8- umc7 -13.4- php892; bnl9.11 - umc120 - bnl10.39; umc12 - umc48 - umc93 - umc82 -php892; umc103 - php20727 - bnl9.08; umc7 - (umc3, php892); bnl13.05 - asg53 - umc103 - asg6b umc89 - asg13 - umc93 - (asg67b, asg52b, asg1b, asg17, php892) --67:60
bnl13.05a - php10040 - bnl9.11 - umc103 - bnl9.08 - bnl10.39 - umc120 - php20714 - umc12 - bnl12.30 - bnl10.24b - php20793 - umc7, plant height QTLs near bnl9.08 --r46
bnl6.25 -11.1- php10040 -20.4- umc120 -18.1- opg05.2 -2- umc89 -11.7- bnl5.62 -50.2- umc7 --67:80
ct1 near npi110, umc32b --67:109
gl23 allelic to gl18 --67:10
hox1, first report, 8L near umc89, RB11, cDNA, BS, Zmhox1a polypeptide, homeobox, DNA binding transcriptional regulator with affinity for sh1 feedback control element; Southerns show one band --r51
htn1, first report, umc16b -4±3- HtN; umc48 -9±3- (umc30, umc117) -1.1±1- HtN; HtN -13- v16; HtN -30- j1, northern corn leaf blight resistance (HtN): Setosphaeria turcica resistance --67:119
idh1 with plant height, internode length, node number, yield QTLs, coded RFLPs --r183
npi114 -34- npi110 -25- bnl1.45 -21- npi426 -36- tpi5 -32- npi107, QTLs, heterosis, GxE --r660
pet1 (was hcf121), first report, uncovered by TB-8Lc, cytochrome f/b6: pale green/yellow green, nonviable, lack protein components of cytochrome f/b6 complex; from Mu screening --67:42
pollen tube growth rate QTLs near bnl7.08, act1; pollen germinability QTLs near npi220, bnl13.05, bnl9.11, niu1, bnl9.44L, bnl9.08, bnl1.45, bnl7.08, act1, bnl2.369, bnl10.24b, npi268 --r599
psb1 (was hcf134), renamed, photosystem II: pale green, nonviable, PS II complex absent; from Mu screening, mutable --67:42
rip1, first report, ZmcRIP-3, ZmcRIP-9, cDNA, BS: M83926, M83927, b-32, ribosomal-inactivating protein, aa sequence --r44
rip1: o6 -4- rip1 (= b-32 locus; was alb1) --r569
rip1? (possible repeat clone; no linkage data), first report, cDNA, BS: M77122, ribosome inactivating protein --r720
rpa(bnl13.05), bnl9.11 - umc103 - bnl9.44 - rpa(bnl12.30) - rpa(umc30) - rpa(umc150a) --r55
ubf*, uwo1(ubf) near npi438, umc7, scMubG7-J, genomic, ubiquitin fusion protein --67:75
umc48, genomic/YAC --r181

acp1 with plant height, yield QTLs, coded RFLPs --r183
agrr118b - bz1 - agrr205 - bnl5.04 - bnl8.17 - css1 - agrr90 - agrc595 - bnl5.09, QTL for regenerability near agrc595 --r20
bz1-m13, pcs64SB, pcs3XB, genomic, RM, BS, alternative splicing --r503
bz1-m13::dSpm, change of state alleles CS-A, CS-B, CS-C, CS-E --67:44
C1, dissection of promoter activation by Vp1 product --r279
C1-bk ('breaker') from Dt plot --67:5
d*-3010 between bnl3.06 and umc81, prospective Mu1- associated allele of d3 --67:111
H3C3 subfamily, monosomic analysis, members of H3 histone subfamilies are located on at least 7 chromosomes --r114
npi253 -25- bz1 -25- wx1 -6- bnl5.10 -4- npi25 -19- npi427, QTLs, heterosis, GxE --r660
npi416 - umc81 - bnl7.13 - bnl14.28, QTL for androgenesis near umc81 and bnl7.13 --r132
pep1, C4-PEP carboxylase --r344
php10005 - sh1 - umc113b - wx1 - php20052 - umc81 - umc114 - css1 - php20554 - bnl8.17 - umc95 - bnl7.21b - bnl4.28 , plant height QTLs near wx1 --r46
pollen tube growth rate QTLs near sh1, bnl5.04, bnl7.12; pollen germinability QTLs near npi253, c1, sh1, bz1, acp1, bnl5.04, bnl7.13 --r599
Rld1: centr. - npi209 -12- npi97 -14- Rld1 --67:33
Trn1-1597, first report, linkage with all wx1 9-translocations; wx1 - Trn1 16+/-2.7 cM, torn1: dominant Trn1 plants have chlorotic and adherent leaf tissue, which becomes green and healthy after some sunlight exposure but smaller plants with torn leaves result --67:33
umc105a -23.6- bnl5.10 -1.3- umc114 -8.1- (umc95, bnl8.17) -3- php20554 -10.6- bnl5.09 -8.3- opg05.6 --67:80
umc109 -8.8- php10005 -13.7- umc113 -7.6- bz1 -22.1- wx1 -4.9- php1460 -6.6- bnl5.10 php20052 -2.2- umc81 -3.6- umc114 -1.4- bnl5.04 -7.3- css1 -2.2- php20554 -4.3- bnl8.17 -2.7- umc95 -8.3- umc140 -27.5- bnl5.09 -3.3- bnl14.28; (umc109, umc148) -php10005 - sh1 - bz1; php10005 - bnl3.06 - umc81; php10005 - umc20 - umc114 - bnl7.13 - bnl14.28; (umc109, asg19, asg82, asg63) - bnl5.04 - (asg30a, asg35A, asg44, asg12, umc94, bnl14.28) --67:60
umc81 - umc153 - rpa(umc112b) - umc114 - umc95 - bnl5.09 - rpa(umc94b) --r55
wd1-Mu, 11 isolates all allelic inter se and with wd1-ref and pyd1-ref --67:8
wx1, T linkage with QTLs krn*, fas* --67:25
wx1-B2, BS --r89
wx1-B3, wx1-B3-S1, RM, BS, Ac excision --r40
wx1-m1, alternative splicing --r740
Wx1-m5: genomic , RM, BS, intragenic Ds transposition --r737
wx1-m9::Ds-cy, wx-m9::Ac, methylation --r81
wx1-Mo17, Wx1-Mo17, Wx1-A619, Wx1-B73, Wx1-C103, wx1-st, wx1-B, wx1-B73, BS, allele-specific PCR --r620
wx1-Stonor, wx1-g, wx1-B5, genomic, cDNA(PCR), RM, BS, alternative RNA splicing retrotransposon --r699

bnl10.17 - agrc561 - agrr57 - agrc459 --r20
bnl10.17 -18.7- php20626 -5- php20753 -2.3- bnl3.04 -27.9- umc130 -4.7- php20646 -1.4- umc18 -2.9- php06005 -5.3- umc155 -5.7- php15013 -4- php10033 -7.9- php20719 -17.4- umc44 -2.7- umc57 -4.1- bnl10.13 -12.2- bnl7.49 -12.8- php20568; php20753 - php20075 - umc130; umc155 - umc146 - php20719; bnl3.04 - glu1 - php20646; umc155 - (asg2, asg42) -umc44 - asg81 -bnl7.49 --67:61
bnl10.17 -31.9- php20626 -84.4- php06005 -19- php20646 -11.8- php10033a -2- php15013 -11.9- bnl10.13 -19.1- bnl7.49 --67:80
bnl3.04 - umc130 - umc155 - umc44 - bnl7.49a --r55
glu1, beta-glucosidase, EC3.2.1.21, aa sequence --r192
glu1 with plant height, node number, late season growth, kernel depth, cob diameter QTLs, coded RFLPs --r183
mgs1, Zm13, RM, pollen-specific promoter --r274
Mini10 chromosome carries Oy1-yg, unstable --67:25
npi264 - npi563, QTL for androgenesis near npi563 --r132
npi264, npi437, genomic/YAC --r181
npi366 - npi422 - sad1 -10- glu1 -10- npi264 -25- npi461 -4- npi436 -12- npi306 -16- npi350, QTLs, heterosis, GxE --r660
orp2 (probe TSB2), (php06005, TSB2) - glu1 - npi105, pZmTSB2, cDNA, BS: M76685, tryptophan synthase beta --r763
php20075 - php20626 - php06005 - php20646 - glu1 - php15033 - php10013 - php20719 - umc44 - umc57 - bnl10.13 - bnl7.49 - php20568a, plant height QTLs near php15033 --r46
Rp1-J/Rp1-J, Rp1-G/Rp1-G, Rp1-G/Rp5, unequal crossing over --r662
Sn1-bol3, cDNA, BS: X60706, transcriptional activator? --r127
stalk-rot (Fusarium graminearum, Gibberella zeae) R QTL, near php15013 --67:82
TB-10La, breakpoint between npi264 and umc155, therefore TB is proximal to Tp2 --67:91
telomere-length QTL near gln1 --r90
Tp2: php15013 -11.8- umc155 -5.7- npi264 -1.9- Ds -1.4- (Tp2, umc163) -0.8- php20719 -1.1- g1 -11- umc44a -1.4- r1, Tp2-x2 and Tp2-x16, x-ray induced revertants, not transmitted through pollen, reduced frequency through egg: both lack php20719 but not npi264 or umc155. --67:91
umc44a, stalk lodging QTLs --r780

Acc1-s1, Acc1-s2, Acc1-s3, Acc1-h1, Acc1-h2, ACCase, ALS, EC, alleles: sethoxydim and haloxyfop tolerant --r442
acp*, EC3.1.3.2, endosperm culture --r464
ad2-2356A, first report, adherent2: fused tassel and upper leaf parts; seedling and juvenile stages normal --67:33
alt1?, alt2, alt3?, first report, L-alanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase, EC2.6.1.2, alt1 and alt3 are postulated loci; alt2 has electrophoretic mobility variants and forms interlocus hybrid bands with alt1 --r732
aspartate kinase, aspartate kinase, EC2.7.2.4, isolation of three isoenzymes; two lysine sensitive; one threonine inhibited --r25
cgx1, cgx2, first report, chloroplast gene expression: pale green/yellow green, nonviable, decreased levels of thylakoid membrane complexes and RUBISCO but normal chloroplast mRNAs and rRNAs and polysome associations; from Mu screening --67:42
cif1, cim1, cim2, first report, cross-incompatibility --r554, r555
cpi1, first report, lambda ZC7, cDNA, RM, D90549, corn cystatin I, cysteine proteinase inhibitor --r1
cps1, first report, chloroplast protein synthesis: pale green/yellow green, nonviable, decreased levels of thylakoid membrane complexes and RUBISCO, and decreased assocation of all chloroplast mRNAs with polysomes; allele cps1-2 more severe than cps1-1; from Mu screening --67:42
crp1 (was hcf136), first report, chloroplast RNA processing: pale green/yellow green, nonviable, fails to accumulate monocistronic petB and petD mRNAs and cytochrome f/b6 proteins; from Mu screening --67:42
crp2 (was hcf143), first report, chloroplast RNA processing: pale green/yellow green, nonviable, fails to degrade excised group II introns; from Mu screening --67:42
cta1, first report, ChitA, ChitB, cDNA, BS, chitinase, EC3.2.1.14, antifungal --r305
d*-4 complements d1, d2, d3, d5, d*-3, d*-4, d*-6, d*-8, d*-9 --67:82
d*-8 complements d1, d2, d3, d5, d*-3, d*-4, d*-9; dies at about 15 days --67:82
dks8, defective kernel shootless; from Mu screening --67:34
dsy1, non-homologous synapsis from multiple associations of SC --r680
hyp1, first report, mlP9, genomic, BS: X60432, hybrid proline-rich protein, single band in Southerns and northerns; embryo-specific expression --r334
Les*-Ua957, dominant lesion mimic with small (clonal) necrotic lesions to large necrotic sectors; from Mu screening --67:33
NADP malate deHase, aa sequence, mol. weight native protein --r7
pep5?, pM500, C4-PEP carboxylase, no polymorphism found --r344
pet2, pet3, pet4, pet5, first report, cytochrome f/b6: pale green/yellow green, nonviable, lack protein components of cytochrome f/b6 complex; from Mu screening --67:42
PRms*, induction of pathogenesis-related protein and mRNA --r101
psa1, first report, photosystem I: pale green, nonviable, PS I complex absent; from Mu screening, mutable, expression normalizes with methylation of Mu --67:41
psa2, psa3, psa4, first report, photosystem I: pale green/yellow green, nonviable, PS I complex absent; from Mu screening --67:42
psb2, first report, photosystem II: pale green/yellow green, nonviable, PS II complex absent; from Mu screening --67:42
rab28, cDNA, genomic, BS: X59138, RAB28, one band in Southerns and northerns --r532
Rs1, encodes homeodomain protein --r637
sod1, sod3, response to cercosporin toxin --r752
sod3, complementation of MnSOD deficiency in yeast; transit peptide dissection --r788
Tsc1, tar spot complex (Phyllacora maydis) R, first report, dominant R, GCA, SCA --r102
tha1, first report, thylakoid membrane assembly: pale green/yellow green, nonviable, normal levels of RUBISCO, 10-fold reduction in PSII proteins, 5-fold in PSI and cytochrome f/b6 proteins, ATP synthase unaffected; from Mu screening --67:42
tha2, first report, thylakoid membrane assembly: pale green/yellow green, nonviable, normal levels of RUBISCO, 4-fold reduction in PSI and PSII proteins, 10-fold in cytochrome f/b6 proteins, 3-fold in ATP synthase; from Mu screening --67:42
tua4, tua5, tua6, tua3, bZMPalpha1.5, bZMPalpha9.5, bZMPalpha4.1, bZMPalpha2.6, bZMPalpha2.11, cDNA, BS: X63179, X63180, X63177, X63178, X63176, alpha tubulin, 81 tubulin clones sequenced --r335, r476, r711
Wsm2, wheat streak mosaic virus resistance: one of at least two dominant genes (see wsm1) conferring resistance --67:118

B-chr nondisjunctional regions 2 (prox. euchr.), 3 (prox. heterochr.), 4 (centr., short arm), deletion analysis of meiotic loss of univalents --r99

Ac, Uq, non-reciprocal interactions --r91
Ac, ORFa protein, putative Ac transposase: expression in E. coli; aa sequence; binding domain dissection --r206
Ac, RM, reactivation following regeneration: altered methylation patterns inherited sexually --r81
Ac, transposition and replication at p1 --r116
dHbr, defective Heartbreaker --r325
Ds1, BS, alternative splicing --r740
Ds1, genomic, BS: Xa54710, X54711, Z. perennis, Z. luxurians --r426
Hbr, heartbreaker: insertion with imperfect terminal inverted repeat sequence similar to Tourist, same target site specificity (TAA) and same 3bp duplication at target site --67:53
Mu1, Mu1.7, RM, loss and restoration of activity; methylation --r87
Mu9, genomic, RM, BS: M76978, candidate for autonomous Mu --r286
Mu9, reactivation by UV exposure --r717
MuA, MuA2, MuR1, mapping autonomous elementswith wx1 translocations --r571
ruq-st, ruq31, ruq66, genomic, BS: Xa59774, X59775, Xa59776, sequences Ds1-like --r531
Tourist element family, first report, BS, copies 1k-50k; 133bp average size, conserved terminal IR, 3-bp flanking direct repeat, target-site specificity --r89
Uq2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5 newly activated germinal Uq's, linkages independent of Uq1; Uq2 'allelic' to Uq4, Uq3 to Uq5 --r511
Zeon1, RM, BS, zein retrotransposon: 1000 copies of LTR-related sequences, 300-400 of internal sequence --67:94

cp-clpP, cp-rps12, cp-rpl20, first reports, RM, BS: X60548, proteolytic sub-unit of ATP-dependent protease, ribosomal proteins S12, L20, translational analysis --r736
cp-ndhA, first report, BS, NADH dehydrogenase subunit A --r435
cp-rps16, first report, genomic, RM, BS: X60823, ribosomal protein --r342
cp-psaI, first report, BS: X61188, PSI-I, identification of photosystem 1 gene --r574
trnG(GCC), trnG(UCC), trnfM, trnG(psi), first report, BS: L02941 --r573

atp1, atp6, cox3, RM, BS, promoter dissection --r553
atp6-C, atp9, coxII in cms-C, BS --r152
cms-T, methomyl R selection in culture --r372
mt-nad5, transcriptional analysis, common mechanism for nad5 transcription in higher plants --r525
nad5, cDNA, RM, BS: M74160 --r149
ORF1 of 2.3kb linear, product localization --r386
orf25, in TURF 2H3 region, pB10N pB10NR, genomic, RM, variant expression --r727
orf25, RM, transcript modification, nuclear factors --r268
S1 S2, linear plasmids; phylogenetic relationships --r577
T-urf13, /orf221, T-a106, genomic, Rf1 Rf2 control of transcription --r572

ABP1, cDNA, beta-D-glucohydrolase, EC3.2.1.21, auxin-binding proteins --r477
als*, pSOG108, pSOG109, genomic, BS: X63553, X63554, acetohydroxyacid synthase, EC4., likely clones of als1 and als2 --r198
BE-I*, MB9, MB10, cDNA, RM, BS, starch branching enzyme I, potential clone of su1; northerns show one band --r29
cab*, cab-m7, genomic, BS, LHCPII, mesophyll cell specific --r48
cab*, gCAB48, genomic, BS: X63205, chlorophyll a/b binding protein type I --r355
cab*, photoregulated promoter dissection --r416
cab-m1 (=lhcb1 locus) BS:M87020, photoregulated promoter dissection --r38
casein kinase 2 (CK-2), ck2, cDNA, BS: X61387, sequence identities with human CK-2 --r155
chfi* corn (activated) Hageman factor inhibitor(CHFI), first report, 8-1, cDNA, BS: X54064, 12kDa trypsin inhibitor --r739
cyp* cyclophilin family, CHEM7, cDNA, BS, cyclophilin (CyP), stress-induced; Southerns show 6-7 bands; northerns one band --r437
emb5, first report, cDNA, BS: M90554, ABA-responsive, embryo specific transcripts by northerns; Southerns not described --r749
fm1, fm2, first report, FM1A, FM1B, FM2, cDNA, RM, BS: X61391, X61392, ferritin; northerns --r402
fungus resistance factor?; maize basic protein-1, MBP-1, aa sequence --r177
gbf* family, first report, pGF14-12, cDNA, BS: M96856, G-box binding factor (GF14), G-box element protein factor; bZIP domain; Southerns show several bands, northerns one --r150
glutamine synthase family, pGS107, pGS112, pGS117, pGS122, pGS202, cDNA, RM , BS, glutamine synthetase GS1, GS2, pGS202 plastidic, others cytosolic; tisssue-specific abundances --r592
glutelin-1, -2, -3, cDNA, glutelins G1-204, G1-164, G2, G3, G1, 5-10 gene copies; G2, 1-2 copies; G3, 2-3 copies --67:78
grp* gene family, CHEM1, CHEM2, cDNA, BS:X 61121, 157 aa glycine-rich protein, stress induced; identity to ABA induced cDNA; Southerns indicate 5 members --r153
h2b* histone family, first report, cDNA, BS: X57312, X57313, H2B, Southerns show multiple bands --r323
HSP18 family, g/cMHSP18-1, cDNA, genomic --67:70
HSP18 family, HSP26, HSP70, pHSP18, pHSP26, pHSP70, cDNA, Southerns with pHSP18 show multiple bands; pHSP26 single; pHSP70 1-3 bands --r333
HSP60, cDNA, BS: Z11546, Z11547, clone identification; mRNA induction --r541
HSP80, scMHSP80-6-4, cDNA --67:71
ldh1, genomic, RM, BS: Z11754, LDH1, (s)lactate:NADH oxidoreductase candidate, EC1.1.1.27, hypoxia, anaerobic regulatory element (ARE) --r250
NIA, pZmnr1, pZmnr1S, cDNA, BS: M77792, NADH:nitrate reductase, EC1.6.6.1, transgenic expression in E. coli --r95
nitrate reductase, NAD(P)H, p1501, cDNA, BS: X64446, EC1.6.6.1 --r404
omt1, pMC1, pMG18/32 , cDNA, genomic, RM, BS: M73235, lignin O-methyltransferase, EC2.1.1.6, expression in E. coli, one band in Southerns, one mRNA --r124
pep* (ppc) family (4 members), nmdh* family (2-3 members), me* family (2 members), ssu* (rbcS) family (3 members), pdk* (ppdk) family (3 members) --r493
pep*, C4 PEP carboxylase, EC4.1.1.31, Southerns: methylation vs tissue expression --r772
pep*, pepcZm1, pepcZm1', pepcZm2A, pepcZm3A, genomic, RM, BS: X63869, X63870, X63871, C4-PEP carboxylase, promoter dissection --r605
pgam* phosphoglycerate mutase family, first report, PGAM1, PGAM2, PGAM3, PGAMg, cDNA, RM, BS: M80912, PGAM-i: 2, 3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent phosphoglycerate mutase, E.C., several bands in Southerns, one in northerns --r257
polygalacturonase gene family, W2265, W2247, B7317; 3C12, genomic; cDNA, RM, BS: X62383, X62384, X62385, polygalacturonase? --r11
risp* (=isp1 locus), MR2.4, TR12, cDNA, BS: M772224, M772225, Rieske iron-sulfur protein, EC1.10.2.2 --r298
stress-induced protein, mRNA, CHEM4, cDNA, BS, thaumatin-like protein?, Southerns show multiple bands --r224
synthetic tandem repeats (STR), DNA polymorphism --r436
transcription factor IID, ZMTFIID-1; ZMTFIID-2, cDNA, RM, BS, Southerns show two or more bands --r270
tua3, tua4, tua5 may be in tandem with tua*-7, tua*-8, PCR genomic sequence analysis indicates at least 7 genes in
ubf*, MubG7, MubG10, ubiquitin fusion protein --67:72
ubf9 gene family , first report, pUBF9, genomic, RM, BS: M68937, ubiquitin fusion protein, multiple bands in Southerns; copy number, transcript levels --r117
ubi* family, g/cMub1, cDNA, genomic, polyubiquitin --67:72
YAC library; ordered array --r181
yptm* family, yes, yptm1, yptm2, cDNA, BS: X63277, X63278, ras-related proteins; organ-specific transcripts in northerns --r510
zein -300 element, pMS1, pMS2, RM, promoter dissection, binding proteins --r548
zein-22kD, 22Z-4, BS, O2 protein binding site in promoters; prolamin box --r607
zein-27kd, RM, BS: X56117, X56118, X53514, 27kd zeins; duplication variations --r140
zeinE19 (zE19), RM, BS, 19kDa zein, promoter dissection --r245
zp-gZ22.8, zp-psi-gZ22.8, contiguous tandem sequences, pgZ22.8H3, p-psi-gZ22.8, genomic, BS: X61085, gene candidate and pseudogene --r677
zrp3* Zea root preferential mRNA family, pZRP3, cDNA, RM, BS-Z12103, ZRP3 polypeptide, root-specific mRNA, cortical; Southerns show multiple bands --r326
zsf4* alpha-zein family cluster, first report, zsf4c1, zsf4c2, zsf4c3, zsf4c4, zsf4c5, genomic, RM, BS: X55722, X55723, X55726, X55724, X55661, alpha zein --r396
ZSF4C1 - ZSF4C2 - ZSF4C3 - ZSF4C4 - ZSF4C5, cosmid contig, RM, BS: X55726, five SF4 a-zein genes --r395

Ed. note:
Systematic treatment of continuous-data information and representation of genetic factors controlling traits that are subject to environmentally sensitive measurable variations (i.e., QTLs), are in the planning and development phase as part of the maize genome database prototype. This is a challenging effort, either for the "Zealand" paradigm or for database representation. Pending coherent protocols for representing this category of information, and data standards for experimental design and analysis, summaries are given simply in narrative form in the following. Among the many studies that must await suitable representation in the database are the expanding variety of QTL experiments, and the complex allometric treatments of Miranda and colleagues at Campinas.
Al tolerance: selection --r394
Al tolerance; acid phosphatase --r232
alkali R, yield, GCA, SCA --r632
allele frequencies of tropicals during random mating of temperate x tropical sweet corn composite --r583
androgenesis, QTLs on 1, 3, 9, 10 --r132
antagonists S-(2-aminoethyl)L-cysteine and 5-methyl tryptophane R: tissue culture seleciton --r242
anther culture and callus QTLs, associations with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 --r723
aphid (Rhophalosiphum maidis) R, GCA, SCA --r64
bromoxynil tolerance, association with environmental stress R --r688
clomazone tolerance, recessive R to herbicide; BSH --r689
cms-C, cms-S, cms-T, genotype x cytoplasm effects on chiasma frequency, univalent frequency --r370
cold tolerance, C-bands, guard cells, chloroplast number --r451
cold-shock proteins --r712
corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea) (CEW), maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) (MW), fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) (FAW) R: GCA; SCA; maternal & reciprocal effects --r744
drought and heat R and heat shock proteins --r567
drought and heat R, chloroplast structure, and ABA --r566
drought and heat R, membrane damage, and ABA --r568
drought R, ABA, and leaf epidermal characteristics --r565
drought resistance vs. ethephon --r415
drought resistance, glutathione reductase --r516
drought-adaptive traits: selection --r265
ear ('cob') characteristics as discriminators of productivity --r649
ear morphology, evolution --r56
early generation testing strategies; heritability --r60
earworm (Helicoverpa zea) growth vs. silk cuticular lipids --r773
earworm (Helicoverpa zea) R multigenic --r759
earworm (Helicoverpa zea) R screening, antibiosis --r761
earworm resistance --r762
fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) growth vs. resistant corn --r750
fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda)(FAW) R: RS, BSH --r745
floret bisexuality, evolution --r57
forage traits; BSH; RFLP; genetic distance --r72
forage yield, RFLPs and genetic diversity, heterotic groups; diallel; GD --r457
Fusarium ear rot R and silk phenolics --r560
Fusarium ear rot R SCA GCA --r561
Fusarium R and degradation of silk --r562
GCA, SCA relationships --r634
genetic similarity; RFLPs vs pedigrees; GD --r9
genetic variance components in nested mating designs --r254
glyphosate-tolerant isoform selected in tissue culture BMS-R1, 5-enol-pyruvyl-shikimate-3-phosphate synthase, EC2.5.1.19 --r217
grain quality trait correlations: hardness, protein, test weight, kernel density, oil, starch content --r164
GxE selection, sweet corn --r30
head smut (Sphacelotheca reiliana) R --r61
head smut (Sphacelotheca reiliana) R vs. su1 --r32
histone H3 and H4 subfamilies, members of these histone subfamilies are located on at least 7 chromosomes --r114
husk number, shank length, yield: SCA; GCA --r552
hybrid diversity evaluated by RFLP patterns; GD --r635
IHP vs. ILP: associations with glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamine synthetase activities in the kernel --r145
iron deficiency chlorosis --r499
larger grain borer (Prostephanus truncatus) R, maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) R, phenolics vs grain insect resistance; negative correlation --r21
leaf freckles and wilt/Goss's wilt (Clavibacter michiganense) R, GCA, SCA, BSH, NSH; gene number 1-5 --r497
lodging correlates, yield, BSH, NSH --r582
lysine-threonine R: selection in culture --r463
maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) R: BSH, gene number --r315
maize streak virus R --r42
maize x tripsacum crossability --r350
maize x Z. m. mexicana, tillers, green mass, Fusarium R --r517
maternal effect on DNA endoreduplication, 369
metalochlor tolerance and metabolism --r131
microprojectile bombardment, inheritance of transgenic hpt --r721
molecular marker data: identification of useful parental lines --r174
nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) R diallel, GCA, SCA --r751
nicosulfuron response in sweet corn --r651
nitrogen-response vs prolificacy --r4
Northern leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum) R and components, associations with wx1 translocations on 3, 4, 6; year-dependent --r82
oil and protein: long-term selection, methods --r173
oil content, NSH --r392
osmotic potential: selection --r70
PEP carboxylase, nitrate and ammonium vs. mRNA expression --r663
pericarp thickness, NSH, BSH --r313
phosphorus accumulation: GCA, SCA, multifactorial --r551
photosynthetic efficiency, chlorophyll content, leaf area, yield, diallel --r456
plant height, QTLs on 1 centr, 1L, 2S, 2 centr, 3S, 3L, 4 centr, 5S, 5 centr, 6L, 7L, 8 centr, 9 centr, 10 centr --r46
plant height QTLs, with coded RFLPs, associated with markers in 1S, 1 centr, 1L, 2, 3 centr, 3L, 4L, 5S, 6L, 7L, 8S 8 centr, 8L, 9 centr, 10L --r183
plant height, with coded RFLPs, associated with markers in 1S, 1 centr, 1L, 2 S, 3 centr, 3L, 4L, 5S, 6L, 7L, 8(S), 8 centr, 8L, 9 centr, 10L --r183
plant height, yield QTLs with RFLPs --r283
pollen tube growth rate (3 centr., 5 near ga2 and ga10, 6L, 7 centr., 8 centr., 9), germinability (3 centr., 4 near ga1, 5 centr., 8, 9) QTLs --r599
potyvirus R screening --r230
QTLs, heterosis, GxE --r660
QTLs, maize vs. teosinte (spikelet pairing, 1L, 3, 4S, 2S; ear ranking, 2S, 5S, 9, 3L, 4 centr, 8L, 10L; glume induration, 4S, 2S, 3L, 1L, 5S; ear disarticulation, 1L, 5S, 2S, 4 centr) --r156
regenerability QTLs on 1S, 1L, 2L, 3L, 9L --r20
relationship of Mexican races of maize based on numerical taxonomy and GxE interactions --r593
RFLPs vs. pedigree, heterotic groups; GD --r460
RFLPs, QTLs for yield, lodging, plant/ear height, maturity, yield components --r780
RLFPs, isozymes, pedigree, inbreeding depression: GD --r638
root characters in seedling vs. root lodging --r653
root morphology vs. lodging screening of hybrids --r652
root rot (Fusarium solani) R --r168
RS for yield in o2 population --r400
salinity response --r134
salt R: selection in culture --r421
seed growth characters, leaf senescence --r133
seed heterosis --r770
seed quality, GCA, SCA --r171
stalk strength, in vitro digestibility: RS --r629
Stiff Stalk Synthetic: RS, selection methods --r376
SW corn borer (Diatraea grandiosella) R, fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) R and leaf polypeptides --r92
telomere length variation 25-fold among inbreds, 3 loci, on 10S near gln1, on 4L near bnl8.23, on 1L near ynh20, account for 50% of variation --r90
transcript from cp-orf221 (1100-nt), one or two dominant factors for presence vs. absence --r572
transgenics: segregation of bar, uidA --r646
yield, RFLP marker selection during inbreeding --r779
yield selection, GCA, SCA for traits --r661
yield, with coded RFLPs, associated with markers in 1 centr, 1L, 2 centr, 3 centr, 4 centr, 4L, 6L, 8 centr, 8L, 9 centr --r183
yield, rubisco; drought stress --r444
yield: RS --r196
zein diversity --r755

 --Assembled unrestricted by a Prof. Ligate Committee: Georgia, Doug, Mary, Pat, and Ed
(It is our intention to develop database protocols by which these data will be structured on an ongoing basis).

Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors

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