This is a summary of selected genetic research information (e.g., new factors; mapping; cloning) reported in recent literature and in this News Letter ("r" refers to numbered references in the Recent Maize Publications section). The Symbol Index refers by number to all current published research involving genetic materials. Comments or suggestions on these research aids would be welcome.

It has not been feasible this year, because of the demands of the database effort, to summarize the information on "OTHER INHERITANCE; GERMPLASM", including resistances, quantitatively inherited traits, and germplasm characterizations. Systematic treatment of multifactorial information, or factors controlling characters that are subject to environmentally sensitive measurable variations, is yet elusive, either for the "Zealand" paradigm or for database representation. Prof. Ligate expresses regrets for this unavoidable slippage in coverage.

BS = Base Sequence; RM = Restriction Map.

* with symbols identifies loci needing allelism tests, documentation, or standardization of the symbol.


an1-891339, genomic, Mu-induced --66:51

BNL7.25 - (rd1, NPI238) - BNL8.29A --66:93

BNL7.25 -6- (ij2, BNL8.29A) -11- BNL6.32 --66:107

BNL8.05 - BNL5.62 - AGRr152 - AGRr22 - AGRr294A - AGRr77 - AGRc467 - UMC76 - AGRr92A - P1 - BNL12.06 - AGRr117 - AGRr153A - BNL7.21A - AGRr88A - AGRc634 - AGRx23 - AGRc516 - AGRr197 - BNL1.556 - Ocsbf-1 - UMC133 - BNL5.59 - AGRc584 - AGRr193 - AGRc587 - AGRc569 - AGRc512 - AGRr200 - AGRr175 - AGRr291 - AGRr250 - AGRc489 - AGRr185 - AGRp83B - AGRx1176 - AGRr110 - AGRr71 - AGRr299 - BNL8.10A - AGRr235A - AGRc362B - AGRr238A - AGRr246 - BNL15.18 - AGRr34A - AGRr278A - Adh1 - AGRr290 - BNL7.25 - Bm2 - BNL8.29A - AGRr103B - AGRc669B - AGRc707 - AGRc259A - BNL6.32 --66:66

UMC11 - AGRr92A - UMC13 --66:66

AGRc587 - UMC58 - AGRc512 --66:66

BNL7.25 - AGRr88b - AGRc707 --66:66

BNL8.10 - tb1 - Phy1 - Kn1 --66:116

bz2, homology to Gmhsp26-A of soybean --66:104

cpn60-1*, on 1L, cDNA; genomic, chaperonin; heat shock protein 60k --66:51

dek1-PI-AEO, floury endosperm, pigments absent, germless --66:6

dek32 (was shop*-1322A), on 1S, defective kernel: dull opaque dented normal size non-viable kernel; endosperm floury and soft, embryo tiny, degenerate and necrotic resting in a much larger embryo cavity; not allelic to dek1 --66:39

emb*-8502; emb*-8503; emb*-8517; emb*-8519; emb*-8520; emb*-8531; emb*-8545; emb*-8549, on 1S --r105

emp1 (was dek-Mu*2045), on 1S, empty pericarp, germless --66:8

Glb1, pgGlb1S; pgGlb1-L, cDNA; genomic, RM, BS: X590984; X59083; X59085, unequal crossingover --r45

Kn1, cDNA, BS, homeobox --r634

Kn1, RM --r624

o10 -34- zb7 -42- bm2 --66:93

P1, cDNA, RM, BS: M62878; M62879 --r222

P1-ovov; P1-ww-d, RM, BS --r25

ptd1 (was dek-Mu*1568), pitted endosperm, lethal --66:8

py2 -17- BNL6.32 --66:107

UMC94 - BNL5.62 - PIO200537 - PIO200603 - PIO200689 - PIO200640 - UMC76 - UMC137 - UMC11 - UMC13 - UMC1C12 - BNL7.21 - UMC133 - PIO200654 - BNL5.59 - PIO200575 - PIO200674 - PIO200644 - PIO200855 - UMC23 - UMC33 - PIO200668 - PIO200661 - UMC128 - UMC50 - BNL8.10 - PIO200518 - BNL7.25 - BNL8.29 - UMC84 - PIO200557 - BNL6.32 --66:52

wlu5 near br2 --66:93


AGRr13 - AGRc805 - AGRc938 - Lg1 - AGRc539A - UMC6 - AGRp168A - UMC8B - AGRc321 - AGRr113A - AGRr167A - BNL10.42A - AGRp54a - AGRc593 - AGRp173 - AGRr216A - AGRr85A - UMC8C - AGRr267B - AGRp58 - AGRr85B - AGRr239 - AGRp62 - UMC139 - AGRr265B - AGRc333A - AGRc479 - AGRc939 - BNL8.21B - UMC122 - UMC150B - BNL6.20 - AGRx825 - C2B(whp) --66:66

UMC5 - AGRr111b - AGRc939 - BNL6.20 - rDNA5S - C2B(whp) - AGRx825 --66:66

UMC6 - UMC44B - UMC61 - UMC134 - UMC8B - UMC8C - UMC139 - UMC5 - AGRc333A --66:66

B1-Peru, cDNA, BS: X57276, myc homology --r499

BNL6.20 -12- rDNA5S -11- C2B(whp) --66:71

dek*-PI-C3; dek*-PI-E3, on 2L --66:6

emb*-8518, on 2L --r105

emp2 (was dek*-1047) -18- w3, empty pericarp, germless --66:6

Ht1 -1- UMC150B -5-BNL6.20 --r47

Les11 (was Les*-1438), -14- T2-9c wx1, Like Les1 but slightly later in expression and less responsive to temperature and to background genotype; EMS-induced --66:39

Les15 (was Les*-2007), -2- T2-9b wx1, tiny yellowish green plants with many small chlorotic and necrotic lesions on speckled yellow green leaf blade background that looks like iron deficiency symptoms; EMS-induced --66:39

NPI298 -19- whp1 -6.4- Rf3 -6.4- BNL17.14 --66:45

Rf*-CE1 -9- T2-9d wx1 --66:111

Rf*-III -3- T2-9d wx1 --66:113

whp1, Whpc34, genomic, BS: X60204 --r188


a1, intralocus recombination --r76

BNL8.15 - AGRr209A - UMC121 - AGRr116A - BNL8.35 - AGRc923 - AGRp50 - AGRc476A - AGRr206 - AGRc514A - AGRc332 - AGRp97 - AGRr19 - AGRp91 - AGRr179 - BNL6.06 - Aldolase - BNL5.37 - AGRr271 - AGRr184B - AGRc435 - BNL8.01 - AGRr274A - UMC60 - AGRp40 - BNL15.20 - BNL6.16 - AGRr144A - AGRr50A - AGRc461 - A1 - AGRc568A - AGRr43B - AGRc638 --66:66

BNL8.35 -10- UMC10 -1.4- Lg3 -9- NPI219 --66:21

emb*-8512; emb*-8514; emb*-8515; emb*-8521; emb*-8532; emb*-8551, on 3L --r105

et1-43 (was dek*-43) --66:6

Les14 (was Les*-2004), -1- T3-9(8562) wx1, Many small round brown necrotic spots with light centers, some with anthocyanin halos on leaf blade beginning at the 6 leaf stage, no reduction in height or vigor; EMS-induced --66:39

Les17 (was Les*-2345), -3- T3-9c wx1, Profuse small to medium chlorotic and necrotic lesions expressed at 8-10 leaf stage causing plants to have a light green color; occasional normal green non-lesion sectors appear on leaves; spontaneous --66:39

NPI446 - Tpi4 - NPI220B -3.2- BNL13.05B - NPI114B - BNL6.06 --r573

Sdw2 (was D*-1991), -6- T3-9c wx1; -8- Lxm1, Short plant, 1/3-1/2 normal height, with normal green erect leaves; does not respond to gibberellins; no anthers in ear; nitrosoguanidine-induced --66:39

vp1, pcvp23; pcvp11, cDNA, RM, BS: M60214 --r400


AGRr115 - AGRc94 - Adh2 - UMC31A - BNL5.46 - AGRc39 - AGRr109 - AGRr301 - AGRp67 - AGRr321 - AGRc567 - AGRr190 - AGRr89 - Su1 - AGRr62 - AGRp83A - AGRr286 - BNL15.45 - AGRc4 - AGRc563B - AGRr27 - BNL10.05 - BNL7.65 - AGRc303a - C2a - AGRr324 - AGRp166 - AGRc300 - AGRr273 - BNL15.07 - AGRr248A - Ubi1 - AGRc445A --66:66

AGRc303A - AGRr248A - BNL8.23 --66:66

BNL5.46 -13- su1 -1- tga1 -1- UMC42, teosinte glume architecture: glumes indurated, erect, long, boat-shaped; factor transferred from teosinte --66:95

c2, C2Lc30, genomic, BS: X60205 --r188

dek*-3252, on 4S --66:6

dek7 -9- su1 -18- gl4 and fl2 -7- dek7 --66:6

dek25 -25- fl2 -19- su1 --66:6

dsc1-3252 (was dek*-3252), on 4S; crumpled, discolored, lethal; allelic dek*-2058 --66:6

emb*-8501; emb*-8509; emb*-8513; emb*-8534; emb*-8537; emb*-8538; emb*-8540; emb*-8547, on 4L --r105

(Gpc3, Gpc1) - UMC42 --r534

Ms44 -1- c2 --66:49

su1 -9- gl4 -23- dek31 -18- c2 --66:6

Ys*, near su1, yellow silk --66:115


a2 -19- ae1 --66:3

AGRc259B - AGRc926 - AGRc66 - AGRc669A - AGRp53 - AGRr103A - BNL6.25 - AGRc23 - AGRx43 - Phy2 - AGRr278B - AGRc362A - AGRr238B - AGRc329 - AGRp52 - AGRr235B - AGRr199 - AGRr70 - AGRr142 - BNL6.10 - BNL6.22 - BNL10.06 - BNL7.71 - Ubi2 - AGRc637 - AGRc814 - AGRr248B - AGRx1128 - AGRr127 - AGRr106 - AGRr298 - AGRr215 - BNL5.40 - UMC51 - AGRx701 - AGRp90 - AGRr252 - UMC108 - AGRr288 - AGRc563A - AGRr45A - AGRr211 --66:67

AGRc926 - AGRr34b - AGRc329 --66:67

cpn60-2*, on 5S, cDNA; genomic, chaperonin; heat shock protein 60k --66:51

Dap1-2 (was Dap2), mosaic aleurone color --66:6

dek*-NS8070, on 5S --66:6

dek33 (was fldt*-1299), a2 -7- bm1 -13- dek33 -21- pr1, defective kernel: opaque floury dented wrinkled non-viable kernel of nearly normal size; endosperm floury with little or no corneous starch; embryo variably degenerate, arrested at and stage 3; occasionally viviparous; cultured immature embryos germinate to produce amorphous masses of callus and distorted shoots and roots --66:39

emb*-8504, on 5S --r105

Hsf1 -0- Hsf*-1603 --r56

ren1 (was dek*-807); dek*-PI-OI, on 5L, reduced endosperm, opaque, lethal --66:6

sh4-5133 (was dek*-5133), shrunken, collapsed, chalky endosperm --66:6

vp2 -2- T5-9(4817) --66:9


AGRc67 - BNL10.42B - UMC85 - AGRp144 - AGRc3 - AGRc12 - AGRc611 - Zein15B - AGRr221 - Pgd1 - Enp1 - Y1 - AGRr47 - AGRr87 - AGRr189 - UMC59 - UMC65L - AGRr37 - AGRr118A - BNL15.37 - AGRr261 - BNL5.47A - UMC42 - UMC28 - AGRr213 --66:67

AGRr37 - AGRr118A - BNL3.03 --66:67

UMC85 - AGRr118A - BNL3.03 - BNL5.47 - UMC138 - UMC42 --66:67

Les13 (was Les*-2003), -11- T6-9b wx1, Frequent small to medium necrotic spots on leaf blade, sheath and culm, appearing at the 5 leaf stage; some enlarge and coalesce to form long necrotic strips along leaf veins, eventually spreading and causing senescence of the whole leaf; plants are lighter green and 1/3 to 2/3 normal height; EMS-induced --66:39

o14 (was o*-924), on 6L, distal to Pl1, opaque kernel: Large opaque kernel with mostly floury starch except for a small amount of corneous starch near the base on the abgerminal side; normal green seedling develops yellow striped appearance and is slow in growth --66:39

UMC85 - Mdm1 - BNL6.29 - y1 - UMC59 --r357

Wsm1, (Wsm1, po1, BNL6.29 ,UMC59) - UMC21, wheat streak mosaic virus R --r403


AGRc261 - AGRc36 - AGRr128 - AGRr49 - AGRr267A - AGRc203 - AGRr241 - AGRr168 - BNL15.40 - Zein27G - AGRc914 - AGRr265A - AGRr111A - AGRr174 - BNL15.21 - AGRr73 - AGRc542 - AGRc701 - AGRr207 - BNL8.37 - BNL7.61 - BNL8.21A - AGRr131 - BNL14.07 - AGRr101 - AGRr132 - AGRr186 - AGRc6 - AGRr202 - BNL16.06 - AGRr55 - BNL8.44 - AGRc525 --66:67

AGRr241 - (AGRr111A, AGRc333B) - AGRr132 --66:67

AGRr73 - UMC57 - BNL14.07 - AGRr132 - AGRr44 - AGRr186 --66:67

BNL14.07 -3- ren2-413 (was dek*-NS413) -5- BNL8.39, ren2 reduced endosperm, lethal; allelic dek*-NS326 --66:6

ij1, RM, BS --66:32

ptd2 (was dek-Mu*3193), pitted endosperm, lethal --66:8

ren2 (was dek*-NS413, dek*-NS326, dek*-95), reduced endosperm, on 7L --66:6

Rs1 -6- PIO200581B -19- NPI400 -13- o2 --66:23

sh6 (was sh*-1295), on 7S, shrunken opaque kernel like sh1 but more extreme; normal size; pale green lethal seedling --66:39

sh6, left of TB-7Sc, not allelic to cp2 --66:4


BNL13.05A - AGRr169 - BNL9.11 - UMC103 - AGRr116B - BNL8.10B - AGRr209B - BNL10.39 - AGRc514b - AGRc20 - AGRx975 - AGRc747 - AGRr222 - AGRc478 - BNL8.26 - AGR6-1-1 - UMC89 - BNL12.30 - AGRc568B - AGRr50B - UMC48 - AGRr144B - AGRr51 - UMC150A - AGRr322 - AGRr184A - AGRr269 - J1 - AGRr274B - AGRr262 - UMC7 - AGRr21 --66:67

UMC124 - AGRr116b - UMC89 - UMC93 - UMC30 - UMC117 - AGRr322 --66:67

des17, right of TB-8Lc, defective seedling: reduced height, partial suppression of primary root growth, contorted leaves, lethal but responsive to yeast hydrolysate --66:80

hcf134, on 8L, pale seedling, mutable, lacks PSII core complex; Mu-induced --66:43

pro1 (= o6) -4- b-32* --66:20

pro1-5132 (was dek*-5132), crumpled, opaque, lethal --66:6

Rf*-I -7- T8-9(043-6) wx1 --66:113

Rf4 -1.5- NPI114A -4.5- NPI220A --r573

UMC89 -9- Ht2 -5- UMC48A -1- UMC30 -9- AGRr51 -4- UMC150A --66:70


AGRr41 - Sh1 - AGRr147 - Bz1 - AGRc255B - AGRr58 - AGRc273 - AGRr205 - BNL3.06 - Wx1 - AGRr125 - AGRr64 - BNL5.04 - BNL7.13 - AGRr153B - Ss2(Css1) - AGRr90 - BNL8.17 - AGRr171 - AGRp1000 - AGRc595 - BNL5.09 - AGRr294B --66:68

AGRr118B - AGRr41 - Bz1 - AGRr205 - Ocsbf-2 - AGRr153B - AGRc595 - AGRr92B - AGRr294B --66:68

AGRr41 - UMC109 - AGRr118B - AGRr147 - Bz1 - (BNL3.06, AGRr205) - UMC81 - AGRr64 - AGRc445B - BNL7.13 - Css2 - AGRr153B - AGRr90 - AGRp1000 - AGRc595 - AGRr92B - BNL5.09 --66:68

bz1-m4D6843B, RM --r318

C1 - T3-9(6722) - Bz1; Bz1- T8-9(4463) - Wx1, distal duplication --r89

emb*-8522, on 9S --r105

gl15 -0- (BNL5.04, BNL7.13) --66:107

wx1-1240, genomic, RM, BS --r451


BNL3.04 - Rp1-G - (Rp1-I, Rp5 )- NPI422 --66:71

BNL3.04 -1.5 - Rp1-G -1-(Rp1-I, Rp1-F)- NPI422 - NPI285 -10- oy1 --r270

BNL10.17 - AGRr43A - BNL3.04 - AGRc561 - AGRc714 - AGRc528 - AGRc255A - BNL7.49B - AGRc690 - AGRr18 - AGRr232 - AGRr216B - AGRr57 - AGRr104 - AGRr255A - AGRr295 - AGRr113B - AGRc459 - G1 - AGRp168B - UMC44A - BNL7.49A --66:68

UMC44A - BNL7.49A - AGRr167B --66:68

cr4 -10- oy1 -8- y9 --66:3

Les12, Lesion (was Les*-1453), on 10, Many small to medium, chlorotic to necrotic lesions form in clusters on the leaf blade beginning at 5 leaf stage and rapidly coalesce to form large senescent areas that may spread over the whole leaf and cause early death; EMS-induced --66:39

Les16 (was Les*-2016), -10- T9-10b wx1, Pale green plant develops small chlorotic lesions on the leaf blade just before flowering; EMS-induced --66:39

PIO200075A -21- oy1; oy1 -5- PIO060005 --66:107

R1 (P) (S) (Q), pR-nj:1; p323I14, genomic, RM --r519

Sn1-bol3, genomic; cDNA, RM --r609

sr2 -6-UMC44A; sr2 -10- BNL10.13; sr2 -8- R1; sr2 -8- BNL17.02 --66:107


bif*-47330, barren inflorescence: tassel branches and ear and tassel spikelets variably fail to develop --66:51

dib1, dichotomously branched: plants branch into two normal tops at nodes 4-8 variably, associated with aneuploidy --66:86

Gpc4, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, EC1.2.1.12 --r534

hcf*-124, pale seedling, fails to accumulate multiple photosynthetic complexes/assemblies; Mu-induced --66:44

hcf*-129, pale seedling, few ribosomes; Mu-induced --66:44

hcf*-131, pale seedling, few ribosomes; Mu-induced --66:44

hcf*-133, pale seedling, few ribosomes; Mu-induced --66:44

hcf*-136, pale seedling, defective in endolytic cleavage of transcript for petB and petD; Mu-induced --66:44

hcf*-137, pale seedling, fails to accumulate multiple photosynthetic complexes/assemblies; Mu-induced --66:44

hcf*-139, pale seedling, fails to accumulate multiple photosynthetic complexes/assemblies; Mu-induced --66:44

hcf*-140, pale seedling, fails to accumulate multiple photosynthetic complexes/assemblies; Mu-induced --66:44

hcf*-142, pale seedling, fails to accumulate petA transcript; Mu-induced --66:44

hcf*-143, pale seedling, aberrant transcripts of rps12 and atpF; Mu-induced --66:44

hcf*-146, pale seedling, few ribosomes; Mu-induced --66:44

HSP-17*+; HSP-17-, presence-absence; segregation 90:45 --r457

NPI114C -15.6- BNL13.05C --r573

ns1, narrow sheath and lower blade, brachytic plant; not allelic to br1, lg1, lg2 --66:49

pra1, prophase I arrest --r212

su3, not allelic to sh1, su1, su2, ae1, du1, sh2, bt1, bt2 --66:4

tsh*-50330, tassel-sheath: leaves develop at base of each tassel branch, spikelets, and cupules --66:50

vp10 (was vp*-86GN5), viviparous: yellow endosperm, colored aleurone, green seedlings, adherent --66:34

vsi1, variable short internodes: clusters of 2-4 short internodes --66:38

zein27kD-SA; zein27kD-SB; zein27kD-Ra; zein27kD-Rb, RM, BS, zein-27kD, recombination --r124


(no entries this year)


3A6; 3C12; 4H3; 4H7, cDNA, BS: X57272; X57274; X57273; X57275, pollen-specific --r522

Abp*, genomic, BS: X56737, auxin-binding protein --r688

anp27, cDNA, anaerobic protein; homology with Mu1.7 and MrsA --66:21

Ant*, MANT1; MANT2, cDNA, BS: X57556; X59086, adenine nucleotide translocator --r669

b-70*, pcb70.2, cDNA, BS: M59449, induction --r69

beta-1,3-glucanase, cDNA --66:109

Bg, rbg, RM, BS --r247

Bg, RM, BS: X56877 --r246

cab-m9*, cDNA, BS: X55892, chlorophyll a/b binding protein --r632

cdc2, cdc2ZmA; cdc2ZmB, cDNA, BS: M60526, p34cdc2 protein kinase --r108

cDNA, invertase --66:46

chitinase, cDNA --66:109

DHPS*, pZMDHPS5, cDNA, BS: X52850, dihydrodipicolinate synthase, EC4.2.1.52 --r193

EMB564*, cDNA, BS: X55388, ABA-inducible --r658

enolase, pZM245, cDNA, BS: X55981 --r336

FdI; FdIII, pFD5; pFD1; pFD1'; pFD3, cDNA, RM, BS, ferredoxin --r248

Glb2, pcGlb2, cDNA, BS: X53715 --r639

histone H1*, cH1C21, cDNA --r503

HMG1, cDNA, RM, BS, high mobility group protein --r218

HSP-15-18, ZmEMPR9', genomic, BS, small heat shock protein; meiotic --r139

HSP18, cMHSP18-3; cMHSP18-9, cDNA, BS: X54075; X54076, heat shock protein-18kDa --r213

In2-1*, In2-2*, pIn2-1.12; pIn2-2-3, cDNA, BS, polypeptide induced by safener; pathogenesis-related protein? --r257

kinase, p90.7, cDNA, BS, serine/threonine kinase catalytic domain --r59

MG19; MG14, cDNA, BS: X15704, alpha tubulin --r423

MT-L, pCIB1325; pCIB1324, cDNA; genomic, RM, BS, metallothionein-like gene --r129

Mu-A2, RM --66:6

Mu1, BS: X53604 --r185

MuA, RM, cosegregation with Mu activity --r495

MuA2, RM, BS, cosegregation with Mu activity --r494

MuR1, RM, Mu-Regulator1 --r101

NiRase, pCIB808, cDNA, nitrite reductase, EC1.6.6.1, light/dark --r70

NRase, pCIB831, cDNA, nitrate reductase, EC1.6.6.4, light/dark --r70

oleosin-18kD, KD18, cDNA --r496

Pdc1, genomic, BS: X5946, pyruvate decarboxylase --r307

PDK*, C4PPDK; ppdk1; ppdk5; ppdk11, cDNA; genomic, RM, BS, pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase --r561

pFDGGT11; pFDGGT53, cDNA, RM, BS: J05739, glutamate synthase (ferredoxin), EC1.4.7.1 --r543

PG*, PG1, cDNA, RM, BS: X57575; X57627; X57628; X57743, polygalacturonase family --r443

Pltp1, 9C2; 6B6, cDNA, RM, BS: M57249, phospholipid transfer protein --r19

PRms, B8A2, cDNA; genomic, RM, BS, pathogenesis-related protein, maize seed --r92

SPS, cDNA, BS, sucrose phosphate synthase, EC2.3.1.14 --r675

Ssu*; rbcS, rbcSZm2; rbcSZm3; rbcSZm1, genomic, RM, BS --r553

telomere (TTTAGGG-primed sequence), middle-repetitive, dispersed interstitial --66:96

TFIID, ZM-1; ZM-2, cDNA, RM, transcription factor (TATA sequence binding) --66:44

tnpA; tnpD, excision proteins --r88

Tub4, Tub5, beta2; beta10, cDNA; genomic, RM, BS: X52878; X52879, beta tubulin family --r273

ZEAR270 ZEAR266 ZEAR260 ZEAR237 ZEAR231, genomic, BS, Zea elements; repetitive family from Z. diploperennis --r502

zein-19kD A20 & A30 subfamilies, ZG14;ZG35; A20, BS --r254

ZMH1; ZMH2, cDNA, BS, homeobox --r634


cp-ORF170, BS: X58080 --r304

cp-tRNAileGAU; cp-tRNAalaUGC; cp-tRNAglyUCC, RM, BS --r133

cp-rpl33; cp-rps18, RM, BS: X56673 --r652

MY503; MY504; MY505; MY518; MY526, YACs --r232

S11, BS: X55967, ribosomal protein 40S --r345


120kb chromosome contains mt-rrn26, mt-rrn18, mt-rrn5, mt-cox1, mt-cox3 --r351

mt-ORF2, DNA-dependent protein kinase? --66:47

mt-orf221cms-T, cDNA, BS: X60238; X60239 --r647

NCS3, RM, BS --r272

mt-repeat-2 ("1 kb repeat"), BS: X56904; X56905 --r285

TCM, teosinte-cytoplasm-associated-miniature; restored by Rcm1 or Rcm2 --r439

OTHER INHERITANCE (please see note at the beginning of this section)

--Assembled unrestricted by Prof. Ligate

Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors

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