This is a summary of selected genetic research information (e.g., new factors; mapping; cloning) reported in recent literature and in this News Letter ("r" refers to numbered references in the Recent Maize Publications section). The Symbol Index refers by number to all current published research involving genetic materials. Comments or suggestions on these research aids would be welcome.
BS = Base Sequence; BSH = Broad Sense Heritability; GCA, SCA = general and specific combining ability; GxE = Genotype x environment interactions; NSH = Narrow Sense Heritability; PCR = Polymerase Chain Reaction; QC = Quantitative Character; QTL = Quantitative Trait Loci; RFLP = Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms; RI = Recombinant Inbreds; RM = Restriction Map; unc. = uncovered
* in symbols identifies loci needing allelism tests, documentation, or standardization of the symbol.
Phy1 genomic ("phyA1 gene") RM BS --r121
Adh1: ARF-BS factor binding to region of anaerobic response element --r210
Ht1 near UMC122 --r289
Ac-like sequences in CM37 vs. T232 & CO159 vs. Tx303 --r311
Tub1 & Tub*, alpha-tubulin family; Tub alpha1 & 2 in tandem; cDNA & genomic BS RM --r456 r457
bz2 genomic RM BS --r476
P1-vv, P1-ovov RM, Ac inserts --r525
GII-I96 right of TB-1La --r575
NPI238 BS & variants in cultivars --r621
Kn1-O tandem duplication; genomic, BS RM; Mu insertion locations --r704
Adh1 methylation --r714
chromomeres --r753
dek*-2045 -32- T1-9(8918) wx1; , dek*-1568 -10- bz2 - Kn1 - bm2; dek*-2115, dek*-8319, dek*-6214 on 1 --65:11
idd*-2286A allelic to id1 and an1 (of an1-6923) but not to bz2; conclude order id1 - an1 - bz2; UMC83 - id1 - bz2 --65:52
RFLP core markers --65:55
RFLP & protein markers associated with QCs --65:66
markers, loci, polymorphisms (RFLPs & others) --65:105
id1 -0- BNL17.06 among 24 F2 plants --65:110
B1 genomic, RM --r112
Ac-like sequences in CM37 vs. T232 & CO159 vs. Tx303 --r311
Hrg1, hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein cDNA, genomic, BS; UMC145-HRG1 --r408 r654
hcf106, Mu1 modification --r429
B1-Peru and Mu inserts; RM --r515
chromomeres --r753
PIO1012 -9- dek*-1047 -14- UMC131; dek*-1047 -18- T2-9d wx1; dek*-2159 -18- T2-9d wx1; dek*-4160, dek*-2444, dek*-1365-6, dek*-1047 on 2 --65:11
regulator of Mu linked to T2-9d wx1 --65:12
os1, opaque endosperm-small germ, weak but viable plants; unc. by TB-3La-2S(6270) but not by TB-3La, linkage with T2-9b wx1 --65:23
whp1 genomic, cDNA --65:51
RFLP core markers --65:55
MDMV R associated with markers on 2L --65:100
markers, loci, polymorphisms (RFLPs & others) --65:105
Sh2 cDNA RM BS; ADPG pyrophosphorylase requires Sh2 and Bt2 subunits --r58 r540
preferential pairing: zygomeres --r183
Ac-like sequences in CM37 vs. T232 & CO159 vs. Tx303 --r311
abp1, auxin binding protein (replaces axr1) between BNL6.06 and Pgd2 --r400
GII-A30 right of TB-3La --r575
chromomeres --r753
te1 unc. by TB-3La; allele te1-sn from Mu screening linked with a Mu8 element --65:2
transposed En linkages with A1 --65:10
dek*-1185 -30- cl1; dek*-1364 on 1; dek*-33 & dek*-2525 alleles of dek5; dek*-507 & dek*-3328 & dek*-2424 & dek*-24 & dek*-2320 & dek*-2352 & dek*-2457 & dek*-216 & dek*-27 & dek*-34 alleles of et1 --65:11
RFLP core markers --65:55
MDMV R associated with markers on 3L --65:100
rd3, reduced plant; anthocyanin interaction? One recombination with BNL6.06, vp1, BNL5.37, BNL10.24A, BNL8.01, & BNL5.14 in 10 recessive F2 plants --65:105
markers, loci, polymorphisms (RFLPs & others) --65:105
association of su1 with head smut R --r6
Bt2 cDNA BS; ADPG pyrophosphorylase requires Bt2 and Sh2 subunits --r28 r540
Zpr10/(22) -7±4- Ga1; Zpr10/(22) -22±2- fl2 --r46
centr. - PGE1 -5- C2; PGE1 = a PCR-amplified Spm sequence --r189
CP2*, Central-Plateau, cross-incompatibility; Ga1 - Ts5 -17.9- CP2* -4.2- su1 -r301
Ac-like sequences in CM37 vs. T232 & CO159 vs. Tx303 --r311
GII-F5, GII-A95, GII-O40 left of TB-4Sa --r575
NPI451 BS & variants in cultivars --r621
chromomeres --r753
dek*-2058 on 4; dek*-2410 & dek*-1566 alleles of dek25; dek*-2608 allele of dek7; dek*-2689 allele of dek31 --65:11
su1 -10.5- lw4 -10.5- gl4 --65:18
UMC111 morphs in B86 different from morphs in B52 and Oh43 --65:21
o1 -2.6±0.3- Tu1 -8.9±0.5- gl3 --65:37
C2-Idf genomic, cDNA --65:51
RFLP core markers --65:55
TB-4Lh unc. c2, dp1; TB-4L13474 apparently a compound (i.e., TB-6Se-4L003-16) unc. c2, dp1 --65:57
zein protein polymorphisms, ZpL1a, ZpL1b, ZpL1c, ZpL1d, ZpL1e, ZpL1f mapped on 4S, ZpL2a & ZpL3a mapped on 4L with RIs --Wilson, TAG 77:217, 1989; 65:91
transmission ratio distortion (maximum at *) BNL15.45 -11- UMC19 -9- BNL10.05 -3- *UMC15 -3- *Z1C11 -7- *NPI333 -10- BNL15.07 -5- BNL8.23 --65:103
markers, loci, polymorphisms (RFLPs & others) --65:105
Phy2 genomic ("phyA2 gene") RM BS --r121
a2 cDNA. genomic BS --r444
Pgm2-null on 5S by RI linkages --r504
GII-A52 right of TB-5La --r575
chromomeres --r753
transposed En 12 cM from A2 --65:3
UMC51 -8- dek*-807 -12- UMC68; dek*-8186 -13- ae1; dek*-8186 -21- T5-9a wx1; Dap1 -4- T5-9a wx1; dek*-2146, dek*-1182, dek*-5133 on 5 --65:11
lw3 unc. by TB-5La --65:18
BNL6.22 morphs in B86 different from morphs in B52 and Oh43 --65:21
pr1 -24.8- Hsf1 -26.4- zb3 --65:30
Nl2 -10- a2 -3- bt1; D9 -32- a2 -5- bt1; D9 (was D*-2319)
RFLP core markers --65:55
TB-5Sc dosage affects QC --65:58
MDMV R associated with markers on 5S --65:100
sh5 -0- BNL6.22 --65:105
markers, loci, polymorphisms (RFLPs & others) --65:105
Y1 genomic via Mu3 in y1-mum2053; RM --r91
Pdk1 (or Pdk2) genomic & cDNA RM --r242
Dhn1, dehydrin, dehydration-induced proteins, cDNA maps polymorphisms to 6 --r126
Ac-like sequences in CM37 vs. T232 & CO159 vs. Tx303 --r311
rDNA18S, rDNA26S, rDNA5.8S, methylation --r315
Pdk1 linkage to NPI616, NPI252; RM BS --r434
GII-N19 right of TB-6Lc --r575
MDMV R (Rmd1 = Mdm1) - y1 - su2 --r578
rDNA intergenic spacer-length variation --r584
NPI288 BS & variants in cultivars --r621
Rab17 protein, ABA-induced; cDNA & genomic BS --r708 65:109
chromomeres --r753
dek*-1184 close to y1; dek*-1104 on 6 --65:11
mn3 (was de*-1184) not unc. by TB-6Lc or TB-6Sa; mn3 -4.4- w15 -2.5- y1; mn3 -2.1- y1 - 7.7- l15; conclude near Mdm1 --65:16
ts8 (Ames stock) allelic to si1 --65:18
BNL5.47 morphs in B86 different from morphs in B52 and Oh43 --65:21
RFLP core markers --65:55
Mdm1: near NPI7 & UMC85; other regions associated in isogenic lines --65:99
NPI7 -0.5- (UMC85, po1) -2- NOR -1- BNL6.29 -2- BNL7.28 -5.5- Pgd1 --65:102
markers, loci, polymorphisms (RFLPs & others) --65:105
Ask1, aspartate kinase, lysine-threonine R (was Ltr*-1, Lt1a, LT19) -10.6±1.3- o2 --r27 r179
Ac-like sequences in CM37 vs. T232 & CO159 vs. Tx303 --r311
o2 cDNA BS --r611
chromomeres --r753
dek*-2082 -35- T7-9(4363) wx1; dek*-NS95 & dek*-NS326 allelic & on 5; dek*-3193, dek*-5153 on 7 --65:11
RFLP core markers --65:55
ij1 -4.8- (BNL4.24, BNL13.24, UMC110) -7.4- (NPI435, UMC56) -2.3- NPI283 -4.8- UMC125B --65:56
zein band B9/21 closely linked (in repulsion) to B9/10 and B9/22 --65:91
zein protein polymorphisms, ZpL2b, mapped on 7 --Wilson, TAG 77:217, 1989; 65:91
markers, loci, polymorphisms (RFLPs & others) --65:105
Pdk2 (or Pdk1) genomic & cDNA RM --r242
b-32 (pro1) protein family, genomic & cDNA BS --r273 r465
Pdk2 linkage --r434
chromomeres --r753
dek*-5132 on 8 -65:11
Lg4, linked to T8-9d wx1 and T8-9(6673) wx1; UMC120 -22- Lg4 -3.7- UMC89 --65:31
RFLP core markers --65:55
RFLP and protein markers on 8L associated with QC --65:66
markers, loci, polymorphisms (RFLPs & others) --65:105
Zps10/(22) -0- Wx1; Zps10/(22) -15±0.04- BNL3.06; Zps10/(22) -3±2- UMC81 --r46
bz1 RM; Ds and Mu1 insertions --r177
bz1-m4D6856 and Bz' revertants: RM --r182
Bz1 dSpm insertions, maps --r341
Sh1 promoter BS --r417
C1-I cDNAs, genomic, RM BS --r517
bz1-m2(Ac), bz1-s:2094(Ac) RM --r555
Sh1 methylation --r649
wx1-B1, wx1-C4, wx1-W23, wx1-B6, wx1-B, bz1-R BS --r728
chromomeres --r753
yg2 -4.3- UMC109 -11.0- NPI203 -21.0- C1 -2.3- UMC113 -3.6- sh1 -36.1- wx1 -3.0- BNL3.06 -6.4- UMC127 -2.2- d3 -4.5- BNL5.10 -2.8- UMC81 -1.8- gl15 -0.9- UMC20 -3.6- UMC114 -5.6- BNL5.04 -12.3- BNL7.13 -11.0- bk2 -1.7- UMC95 -22.9- BNL5.09 -3.5- BNL14.28 -4.5- NPI209 - (NPI97, Wc1, Bf1, bm4) --65:52
RFLP core markers --65:55
v28 unc. by wd1, not allelic to yg2; v28 -20- sh1; v31 (was v*-828, gry-wlv) unc. by wd1, not allelic to yg2; v31 -23- sh1; d*-660B allelic to d3; bz1 -12- Zb8; Cb*-1456 -3- wx1 --65:86
wx1 RM, PCR --65:101
markers, loci, polymorphisms (RFLPs & others) --65:105
Rp1: unequal crossing over; BNL3.04 -3- (Rp1-G - Rp5 - Rp1-F - Rp1-D - Rp1-E - Rp1-B) -0.6- NPI422 -2- NPI285; BNL3.04 -3- (Rp1-G, Rp5 -3- Rp1-F, Rp1-D -0.1- Rp1-E -0.1- Rp1-B) -0.6- NPI285; Rp1-G possibly an allele of Rp5 --r47
Mgs1, male gametophyte specific: pollen-specific cDNA Zmc13, genomic clone Zmg13 RM BS; RFLPs map near Glu1 and stAc --r267
Ac-like sequences in CM37 vs. T232 & CO159 vs. Tx303 --r311
R1 Ds insertions, maps, interlocus recombination --r330
GII-A15 left of TB-10Sc --r575
NPI445 BS & variants in cultivars --r621
chromomeres --r753
dek*-1339 -32- o7; dek*-1339 -31- T9-10b wx1; dek*-2424-9, dek*-2181, dek*-8627 on 10 --65:11
cr4, crinkly-leaf aleurone mosaic (was dap*-6143), unc. by TB-10Sc --65:17
dek21 allelic to w2 --65:19
RFLP core markers --65:55
wx1, intragenic recombination vs. physical distance --65:84
Ufo1 -14- BNL3.04, linked with PIO200626, NPI285, NPI264 --65:105
markers, loci, polymorphisms (RFLPs & others) --65:105
imidazolinone and sulfonylurea R selected in culture (line XA17) semidominant; decreased sensitivity of acetohydroxy acid synthase (AHAS). Line QJ22 R to imidazolinone only, dominant --r14
Mct1, modifier of mitochondrial cox2 transcripts --r128
zein27kD gene: somatic rearrangements --r143
Ask2, aspartate kinase; lysine-threonine R (was LT20) --r163 r179
Atp2: F1-ATPase subunit 2, BS --r191 r747
WF9 vs. M825: mtDNA organization changes --r195
luciferase (LUC), acetolactate synthase (ALS) transformants: inheritance --r221
phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PAT) transformants: inheritance --r248
primisulfuron sensitivity: recessive; slower metabolizing of herbicide --r272
seed storage susceptibility, recessive; polyamine (spermidine, putrescine) content correlated --r405 r406
pollen-specific cDNA Zmc58, homologous to pectate lyases --r431
Acc1, partially dominant R to cyclohexanedione (sethoxydim) and aryloxyphenoxy propionate (haloxyfop) herbicides selected in tissue cultures (callus S2); altered sensitivity and activity of acetyl-coA carboxylase (EC6.4.1.2) --r509 65:94
zein-2 component Zc1, 16kD, cDNA & genomic, BS; glutelin-2 component Zc2, 28kD, genomic, BS --r570 r571
dek*-1047, dek*-NS807, dek*-NS326 (and its allele dek*-NS95), Mu1-generated; inserts, RM --65:10
Kn2, Rs1, Rs*-1025 closely linked or allelic --65:29
Spm methylation --r33
Ac: excision-specific sequences --r130
Mu1 BS, transcript initiation sites --r151
Ac methylation --r153
double Ds in sh1-m5933, sh1-m6258K, RM --r178
Spm methylation --r203
Ds of wx1-B4, RM BS --r702
Bg BS --65:25
Ac methylation --65:49
Mu9 structure --65:98
zein19kD (pMS1 clone) P1 and P2 promoters, BS --r86 r252 r422
snRNA-U2-27 genomic RM BS --r87
Mu1.4-B37 RM; methylation --r111
histone-3 (H3) family , histone-4 (H4) family: genomic clones H3C2, H3C3, H3C4, H4C7, H4C13, H4C14 --r121
glutamine synthetase (GSase) chloroplastic; cDNA --r214
hypervariable sequences, phage M13-specific --r240
Pdk1, Pdk2 genomic & cDNA RM --r242
b-32 (incl. pro1) protein family, genomic & cDNA BS --r273 r465
PEPcase cDNA from root differs from photosynthetic-PEPcase clone; RM BS --r328
alpha-tubulin family; Tub alpha1 & 2 (Tub1, Tub2) in tandem; Tub alpha3; cDNA & genomic BS RM --r456 r457
HSP26 cDNA BS; chloroplast-imported & processed --r485
oleosin18kD cDNA RM BS --r548
Sod3 cDNA --r608
ocs-element binding protein (OCSBF-1) cDNA, BS --r630
Cin2 BS --r705
U6 sequence, BS --r707
protein kinase (PK-1) cDNA (ZmPK1) BS --r715 r716
PEP carboxylase (PEPcase) C4, genomic BS --r757
Tripsacum-specific repetitive sequences --65:35
chalcone-flavanone isomerase (CHI) cDNA --65:46
rps15, location of two copies; BS --r213
rpoB, rpoC1, rpoC2, rpoA, rps2 RM BS; map --r296 r302 r303
rpl2, tRNAhis BS --r327
ndhH BS, map --r421
rpoC2, rps2, atpI, atpH BS --r650
ORF170 cloned --65:94
cox2 of Zea diploperennis, Z. luxurians, Z. perennis --r128
WF9 vs. M825: mtDNA organization changes --r195
T-urf13, urf25, atp6 RM, map --r200
cms-T revertants: T-urf13 recombinations --r201
NCS5, NCS6: cox2 affected; RM BS --r368 r483
rrn18, rrn5 RM BS --r423
F1-ATPase, cms-T --r466
tRNApro and an incomplete gene, BS --r601
16 tRNA genes (14 anticodons, 13 amino acids) mapped --r602
anther culture response, embryogenesis-productivity, NSH --r2
head smut R, Sphacelotheca reiliana (Kuhn) Clinton --r6
cold tolerance BSH NSH --r21
salt tolerance NSH --r23
prolific baby corn --r35
anther culture, androgenesis, doubled haploids --r37
European corn borer (ECB) R, Ostrinia nubilalis Hubner, GCA SCA --r39 r749
heterosis, GCA SCA in tropicals --r41 r138
thrip R, Anaphothrips obscurus Mueller, Frankliniella fusca Hinds, F. tenuicornis Uzel, GCA SCA --r64
corn leaf aphid R, Rhopalosiphum maydis Fitch, vs. DIMBOA --r65
low temperature emergence & germination --r70
Stewart's wilt R, Erwinia stewartii (E. F. Smith) Dye --r83
methylation, tissue culture --r88
ECB R vs. cell wall composition --r93
ECB R vs. whorl leaf pH --r97
anthracnose stalk rot R, Colletotrichum graminicola (Ces.) Wils., GCA SCA --r99
prolificacy, silk synchrony --r102
leaf spot R, Helminthosporium carbonum Ullstrup (syn. Bipolaris zeicola (G. L. Stout) Shoemaker) --r103 r104
earliness GCA SCA --r106
southern corn leaf blight R, Bipolaris maydis, nuclear and cytoplasmic --r109
predicting hybrid performance --r115
maize weevil R, Sitophilus zeamais Motsch., vs. ferulic acid in grain --r125
tissue culture regenerations, 22 traits, QTLs --r133
leaf expansion rate --r135
leaf rust R, Puccinia sorghi Schwein. --r144
grain and silage GCA SCA --r158
stover digestibility GCA SCA --r159
popping method vs. genotype --r173
prolificacy from Zea diploperennis vs. heat susceptibility, lodging, other QC --r186
tolerance to DPX-M6316 --r190
gray leaf spot R, Cercospora zeae-maydis Tehon & Daniels, GCA SCA --r194 r693
N utilization vs. input, root traits --r206
drought stress --r218
leaf area index & duration; ear & kernel growth rates; kernel number & size; photosynthate redistribution & sink capacity; grain-filling period in ancient races vs. modern hybrid --r230
tetraploidy & QC --r234
heterotic groups and QTLs (yield, percent moisture, ear height, root lodging) vs. RFLP markers --r243
forage & QC --r250
yield, moisture, staygreen, degree units, ear height, plant height, ECB R, root lodging, stalk lodging vs. RFLP markers on 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 --r251
stalk quality, ECB R vs. QC --r253
haploid cultures: doubling, aneuploidy --r255
ecological gradients, selection, SCA GCA --r256
population stress --r258
ECB 1st & 2d generation R --r260 r261
frost tolerance --r270
kernel infection, Fusarium moniliforme --r278
early leaf vigor, SCA GCA --r279
fall armyworm R, Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith --r280 r484 r745 r749
R1-nj kernel expression vs. QC --r285
maize streak virus, T-DNA gene transfer --r288
tissue culture, embryogenesis --r291
haploid production in wheat --r304
Stewart's wilt R, 15:1 ratio --r320
dry-down --r321
filling period, kernel QCs --r322
y1 dosage and QC --r323
haploidy and QC --r324
biomass accumulation & nicotinamide coenzymes --r335
mutagenicity: SCA GCA --r338
Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus (MDMV) R --r355 r512 r586
acetochlor R --r365
chlorsulfuron R --r366
lignification vs. other QCs, selection --r367
wheat, barley, rye, oat hybrids --r372
anaerobic tolerance --r385
shoot biomass GCA SCA --r386
MDMV R; Maize Chlorotic Dwarf Virus (MCDV) R --r403
seed storage susceptibility, recessive; polyamine content (spermidine, putrescine) correlated --r405 r406
salt tolerance selection in tissue culture --r413
anthracnose R vs. DIMBOA --r414
southwestern corn borer (SWCB) R, Diatraea grandiosella Dyar --r426 r484 r746 r749
aluminum R --r428
heterosis, genetic distance; RFLPs --r442
heterotic pattern SCA GCA --r 446 r448
favorable alleles --r447
yield, isozyme markers --r449
Gibberella stalk rot R --r463
source/sink, grain filling, R1-nj expression --r464
leaf growth rate --r482
seed quality --r487
tissue culture selection for sethyoxydim tolerance: increased acetyl-coA carboxylase (EC6.4.1.2) --r510
spotted stem borer R, Chilo partellus Swinhoe, dominant --r514
heat-stress tolerance via gamete selection --r526
phytic acid content --r551 r552
genome size vs. altitude --r561 r562 r563 r564
selection, yield, ears per plant vs. maturity and height --r565
ECB R, altitudes of origin, DIMBOA; stalk rot R, Gibberella zeae; smut R, Ustilago maydis --r568 r569
stalk rot R; ECB R; rust R, P. sorghi; smut R, Ustilago zeae; firing; leaf blight R, Helminthosporium turcicum; ear worm R, H. zea --r582
gibberellin response vs. heterosis --r587
adaptation & QC in temperate x tropical sweet --r590
inhibition of Agrobacterium tumefaciens by DIMBOA --r598
kernel infection & aflatoxin R, Aspergillus flavus --r614
leaf blight R, H. turcicum --r618
leaf blights, durable R, Drechslera maydis Nishikado, Exserohilum turcicum (Pass.) Leon. and Suggs --r620
ear leaf size --r626
heterotic pattern, N efficiency --r636
dwarfing --r641
partial restorers of cms-C --r643
chilling sensitivity --r645
yield vs. RFLP markers on 1L, 2S, 3L, 4L 5S, 5L --r656
fungal pathogen R vs. mycorrhizal colonization --r676
table quality & other QC in sweet improvement --r679
heterotic groups, GCA SCA in sweet --r680
Goss' wilt R, Corynebacterium michiganense ssp. nebraskense Schuster &, GCA SCA --r682 r683
early flowering selection --r686
C/N ratio, zein concentration --r688
stability, GxE --r696
stalk borer R, Busseola fusca vs. DIMBOA --r700
corn earworm R, Heliothis zea Boddie --r749 r750
stover digestibility, NIR analysis --r775
RFLP morphs from B52 vs. Oh43 in B86; relationship to ECB R --65:20, 21
weevil R and low aflatoxin in PI91414 --65:22
RFLP morphs in 41 inbreds --65:27
TB-5Sc dosage affects pollen-silk interval, rind puncture resistance, leaf length & width, plant & ear height, tassel branch number, leaf number above ear --65:58
QCs for heat units, pollen-silk interval, percent moisture, staygreen, ear height, plant height, test weight, cob diameter, ear diameter, row length, row number, kernels per row, yield, 100 kernel weight associated with protein and RFLP markers --65:66
high frequency of Type II callus (friable, embryogenic) selected --65:92
MDMV R associated with markers on 2L, 3L, 5S, 6S --65:100
culturability & regenerability vs. yield --65:115
--Assembled unrestricted by Prof. Ligate
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