Osmania University

Anthocyanin synthesis during embryogenesis in vitro --P. Suprasanna, K. V. Rao and G. M. Reddy Callus cultures were established from immature embryos of Deccan Hybrid Macca (DHM-1) on MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/l 2,4-D with a frequency of 38-40%. Callus was initiated within a week of inoculation and after three weeks, was subcultured onto MS maintenance media. The subcultured calli exhibited embryogenic and non-embryogenic sectors. Embryogenic sectors were separated from non-embryogenic calli. Upon transfer to MS regeneration media devoid of hormones, embryogenic clumps showed purple anthocyanin synthesis, followed by differentiation into embryoids. Spectral studies indicated that the purple pigment was cyanidin-3-glucoside (0.197 OD units/mg tissue). Anthocyanin was retained for 6-8 days after which embryoids became greenish in colour. DHM-1 genotype generally exhibits anthocyanin in plant parts, however, the specific gene(s) regulating the biosynthesis of anthocyanin are not clearly known. The present study suggests that association of anthocyanin synthesis may be exploited for studies on in vitro differentiation in maize.

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