The transposable element Uq in BSSS(R) and BS13(S) corn breeding populations

--Lisa Lorenzen and Peter A. Peterson

Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic populations have found a seemingly unending source of genetic variability in long term recurrent selection (Hallauer et al., 1983). One possible source of this variation is the insertion and excision of transposable elements, which can lead to changes in the base pair sequence of a gene (Schwarz-Sommer et al., 1985). Activity of the transposable element Uq has been found in Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic (BSSS) (Cormack et al., 1988). Eleven cycles of BS13(S) (seven cycles of half-sib selection, four cycles of S2 selection) and eleven cycles of reciprocal recurrent selection (BSSS(R)) were analyzed to determine at what frequency the element Uq was present, and how that frequency varied between cycles. Statistical analysis showed a positive linear relationship in the BS13(S) series and a negative linear relationship in the BSSS(R) series.

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