* in symbol identifies loci needing documentation, symbol standardization and/or allelism tests
BS = base sequence; BSH = broad-sense heritability; gca, sca = general and specific combining ability; QTL = quantitative trait loci;
RM = restriction map; R/S = resistance/susceptibility or tolerance
r refers to numbers of references in the list of Recent Maize Publications
Adh1-Usv somaclonal mutant from Adh1-S, BS --Brettell &, r60
bz2-mu1 Mu1-elicited; modification of Mu elements correlated with loss of somatic reversion --Chandler &, r73; Walbot &, r657
dek22 on 1L --Clark &, r83
Acp4, Adh1 allozymes in Corn Belt dents, flints and South American dent populations; QTL associations in F2 from Wf9/Pa405 --Kahler &, r260, r261
Adh1 BS, methylated sites --Nick &, r420
Adh1-1S, Adh1-1F, 5' and 3' BS --Sachs &, r526
Adh1: Mu1 insert in intron --Vayda &, r645
Mpl1, possible allele D8, approx. 4 mu distal to lw1 --Harberd &, 61:23
P1-WR, f1, Flt1, Krn1, Zer1, Pd1, Tr1, bm2 linkages --Miranda &, 61:32,34
zb4 (5) P1 (9) nec2; dek1 (7) nec2 --Hoisington, 61:47
l16, pg15, v25, Les2, Les5 on 1S; hcf13, ij2, l17, pg16, py2, spc2, zb7, Les7, Msc1, Tlr1 on 1L --Neuffer &, 61:50
gs1 (14) Phi1 (10) bm2 (16) Acp4 --Sisco &, 61:86
NPI370-P1, 412-Sod4 on 1S; 21-Adh1, 251-Phy1 on 1L --Wright &, 61:89
Hypoploids for TB-1Sb and TB-1La: endosperms, reduced kernel weight, plants, reduced height, leaf width; TB-1La leaves shortened --Chang &, 61:91
rRNA5S, BS --Barciszewska &, r22
dek23 on 2L --Clark &, r83
Px1 allozymes in Corn Belt dents, flints and South American dent populations; location on 2L, QTL in F2 from Wf9/Pa405 --Kahler &, r260, r261
b1-peru-mu1 Mu1-elicited --Walbot &, r657
Pd2, Tr2, lg1, gl2, Flt2, Krn2, Lsc1, Zer3, B1, Fl1 linkages --Miranda &, 61:27,32
gl2 (18) wt1 (15) Les10; B1 (18) ts1 (8) Les10 Hoisington, 61:48
nec4, v26, Les1 on 2S; l18, spt1, v24, Les4 on 2L --Neuffer &, 61:50
NPI248-B1 on 2S; 348-Alr1 on 2L; 347-EMu, 331-Ssu2 on 2 near centromere --Wright &, 61:89
TB-2Sa uncovers gl2, B1-Peru, not wt1 --Echt, 61:94
gl14 (25) wt1 --Sprague, 61:96
E4, Got1, Pgd2 allozymes in Corn Belt dents, flints and South American dent populations; QTL associations in F2 from Wf9/Pa405 --Kahler &, r260, r261
a1-m13, a1-m16, Uq-regulated --Pereira &, r471
Hex1 located by TB-3Sb; alleles -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -n; E8 (24) Hex1 (17) Tpi4 (10) Pgd2 (24) Got1 (5) Me1 (21) Mdh3 --Wendel &, r670
brn1 (19) d1 (21) Lg3; brn1 (36) cl1 Stinard, 61:6
lg2, Pd3, Flt3, Krn3, Tr3, a1, Mer2 linkages --Miranda &, 61:32
gl19, Wrk1 on 3S; spc3, wlu1, Spc1 on 3L --Neuffer &, 61:50
h1 (32) Cg1 --Poethig, 61:85
NPI231-Me1, 345-Tpi4 on 3S; 51-A1 on 3L --Wright &, 61:89
Hypoploids for TB-3Sb and TB-3La have reduced plant height; TB-3Sb leaves pale green, TB-3La leaves short, erect --Chang &, 61:91
a1-m-4, Ds1 insert: RM; a1, a1-m-1:Cache, rDt inserts 0.7kb --Sorrentino &, 61:102,103
Fatty acid composition affected by 4L dosage, TB-4Lb --Shadley &, r564
ptd*-1130, pitted endosperm, on 4L --Sheridan &, r573
c2-mu2 Mu1-elicited --Walbot &, r657
c2-m1 Spm/En-tagged, C2 clone; c2-m3 and revertant c2-m3R; RM --Wienand &, r685
Krn4, Fas4 linkages --Miranda &, 61:29
Ga1 (40) o1; Pd4, Tr4, Ts5 linkages --Miranda &, 61:32
orp1 uncovered by TB-4Sa; linkage with TB-4Lf --Neuffer &, 61:44
spt2, wt2, Ysk1 on 4S; nec5 on 4L; Ms41 near T4-9b (4L.90) --Neuffer &, 61:50,51
NPI228-Adh2 on 4S; 227-Ssu1 on 4L --Wright &, 61:89
Hypoploids for TB-4Sa have short, broad leaves --Chang &, 61:91
gl5 (12) su1; Dt6 (13) su1 (41) gl3 --Sprague, 61:96
Fatty acid composition affected by 5L dosage, TB-5La --Shadley &, r564
a2-mu1, a2-mu2, a2-mu3 Mu1-elicited --Walbot &, r657
Flt5, Krn5, Fas5, pr1, Pd5, Tr5, Ger1 linkages --Miranda &, 61:29,32
anl1 distal to a2 --Coe, 61:47
nec6, Msc2, Rgd2 on 5S; grt1, nec7, ppg1, wgs1, Hsf1 on 5L --Neuffer &, 61:50
NPI369-Phy2, 345-Tpi5 on 5S --Wright &, 61:89
Hypoploids for TB-5Sc and TB-5La: endosperms, reduced kernel weight; plants, reduced height and leaf width; TB-5La leaves pale green --Chang &, 61:91
sh5 not allelic to sh4; sh5 (22) pr1 --Sprague, 61:96
Enp1, Idh2, Mdh2, Pgd1 allozymes in Corn Belt dents, flints and South American dent populations; QTL in F2 from Wf9/Pa405 --Kahler &, r260, r261
rDNA spacer, RM; new site in tripsacoid maize --Lin &, r326
rDNA spacer, BS --McMullen &, r372; Tolczyki &, r622
Hex2 located by TB-6Lc; alleles -0.5, -1, -1.7, -2, -2s, -3, -4, -6, -n; Pgd1 (3) Enp1 (29) Pl1 (13) Hex2 (43) [Idh2 (2) Mdh2] --Wendel &, r670
Adk1 located by TB-6Sa; Adk1 (8) rgd1 (8) Pgd1 (4) Enp1 --Wendel &, 61:19
y1, py1, Tr6, Pd6, Krn6, Flt6, Zer2, Plp linkages --Miranda &, 61:32
gs3 on 6L --Neuffer &, 61:50
NPI330-Me2, 229-Pdk1 on 6L --Wright &, 61:89
Hypoploids for TB-6Lc in endosperm have reduced kernel weight, in plants reduced height and leaf width --Chang &, 61:91
E1 allozymes in Corn Belt dents, flints and South American dent populations --Kahler &, r260
Flt7, Krn7, Fas7, Bn1, Ger2 linkages --Miranda &, 61:29
v27, wlu2 on 7L; Les9 on 7 --Neuffer &, 61:50
NPI349-Alr2, 419-Sod2 on 7L --Wright &, 61:89
Hypoploids for TB-7Lb in endosperm have reduced kernel weight, in plants short, erect, dark green leaves --Chang &, 61:91
ms43 uncovered by TB-8La --Golubovskaya &, r177
Krn8, Fas8, Flt8, Ger3 linkages --Miranda &, 61:29,34
hcf*-1113-3, Mu-elicited; uncovered by TB-8Lc --Cook &, 61:44
v21, wlu3 on 8L; Clt1, Bif1, Sdw1 on 8; pro1 (33) ms8 (12) j1 (9) de*-1386A; Bif1 (27) pro1 (45) v16 (23) de*-1386A --Neuffer &, 61:50,51
NPI344-Tpi3 on 8S; 119-Hsp1 on 8L; 230-Pdk2 on 8 near centromere; 368-Act1 on 8 --Wright &, 61:89
Hypoploids for TB-8Lc have dark green, short, broad leaves --Chang &, 61:91
bz1-E1, -E2, -E3, -E4, -E5, -E6, -E7, -E8, -E9, -E10, EMS-induced; -m2(DI), -m2(DII) from bz1-m2 --Dooner, r116; Dooner &, r118
Acp1 allozymes in Corn Belt dents, flints and South American dent populations; QTL associations in F2 from Wf9/Pa405 --Kahler &, r260, r261
wx1 RM, BS of genomic and cDNA --Klosgen &, r283
Css1 near centromere; RM --McCarty &, r369; Behrendsen &, 61:60
C1 RM; c1-m668655, -m668613 En insert, c1-m2 Ds insert --Paz-Ares &, r462
bz1-mu1, bz1-mu2 Mu1-elicited --Walbot &, r657
wx1, Flt9, Krn9, Ger4 linkages --Miranda &, 61:35
Sh1 5' region, DNaseI hypersensitive sites --Frommer &, 61:44
baf1, barren-stalk-fastigiate, uncovered by TB-9Sb, close to w11; bz1 (<10) l7; bk2 (5) v30 (19) Wc --Coe &, 61:46
wlu4 on 9L; Zb8, Les8 on 9; G6 distal to TB-9Sb, G6 (18) wx1 --Neuffer &, 61:50,51
Ss2 close to bz1 --Gupta &, 61:57
QTL for plant height very close to d3; NPI-probe RFLP map for chromosome 9 --Helentjaris &, 61:88
NPI1-Bz1, 15Sh1, 16Wx1 on 9S; 332-Pep, 121-Css1 on 9L --Wright &, 61:89
Hypoploids for TB-9Lc in endosperm have reduced kernel weight, in plant reduced height, yellow green leaves --Chang &, 61:91
r1-r:n46, n142, n35, n101 (ex R1-r:standard); r1-g:1557-2 (ex r1-r:n35); R1-sc:124 (ex R1-st); r1-m1, -m3, -m9 (Ds-elicited from R1-sc:124);
r1-g:nc3-5 (derivative of R1-st); R1-g:8pale (variant of R1-g:8, ex R1-r:standard) alleles --Dooner &, r118
Sn1, derived from r1-ch:bol1, -bol2, -Co-op; 1.5 mu distal to R1 --Gavazzi &, r171; Consonni &, 61:75
Glu1 allozymes in Corn Belt dents, flints and South American dent populations; QTL associations in F2 from Wf9/Pa405 --Kahler &, r260, r261
Fatty acid composition affected by 10L dosage, TB-10L19 --Shadley &, r564
wx1-m1, Ds excisions Wx1-S5, -S9, RM, BS --Wessler, r674
Flt10, Krn10, Ger5 linkages --Miranda &, 61:34
orp2 (19) r1 --Neuffer &, 61:44
gl21, l19, Les6 on 10S; l13, v29, Vsr1 on 10L --Neuffer &, 61:50
Hypoploids for TB-10L19 in endosperm have reduced kernel weight --Chang &, 61:91
hcf*-Mu106, hcf*-Mu122 --Barkan &, r23
bno*-747B, brown opaque endosperm; cp*-1418, collapsed endosperm --Sheridan &, r573
y11, y12, mg1 --Sprague, 61:96
Ufo1, unstable factor for orange --Styles &, 61:100
sft1, small flint type --Dollinger, 61:103
atpB, BS; promoter deletion mutants map its structure --Bradley &, r52
rbcL 3' non-coding region hybridizes to junctions of inverted repeat --Brears &, r59
mtDNAS1 sequence homologies to ctDNA-psbA --Sederoff &, r560
psbG RM, BS --Steinmetz &, r592
rDNA5S, tRNA-Arg(ACG), tRNA-Asn(GUU) and intergenic regions, BS --Dormann-Przybyl &, r120
cms-T, RM, altered transcribed sequences --Abbott &, r1
cms-S, S2 plasmid, RM --Bedinger &, r30
BS of inverted repeats in cms-Vg S1 and S2 vs. main mtDNA and in cms-Vg369 (revertant) and normal --Braun &, r58
Map locations of coxI, coxII, cob, atpA, rRNA5S, rRNA18S, rRNA26S --Dawson &, r101
cms-T sequence TURF2H3, BS and hybridizations to atp6, rRNA26S, tRNAarg --Dewey &, r108
cms-RD81-47-13, -15, -16, 82-1179-16, 78-419-13; cms-ML81H-51-1, 78-409-7 revertants; S1, S2 plasmid content is nucleus-dependent --Escote &, r139
cms-S cytoplasms carry autonomously replicating RNA plasmids --Finnegan &, r152
Direct repeat 5.27kb, intragenomic recombination sites adjacent to R1(S1) and R2(S2): BS --Houchins &, r234
atpA, BS; 2 copies in B37N, 1 in T, C and S --Isaac &, r243
coxI, BS; Wf9N vs. S in region of R1 adjacent --Leaver &, r319
cms-Ij1 isolated from progeny of ij plants --Lemke &, r321
1.9kb plasmid, BS --Ludwig &, r338
NCS2, NCS3 restriction fragment modifications --Newton &, r418; Feiler &, 61:45
S1 sequence homologies to ctDNA-psbA --Sederoff &, r560
URF13-T, ORF25, atp6 regions in N, cms-T, -C, -S --Kennell &, 61:57
ORF13T, ORF25 region BS in N, cms-T, and fertile revertant V3 --Fauron &, 61:90
TRANSPOSABLE ELEMENTS (see also specific loci affected)
Ac, Ds9, Ds6, Ds2d2 maps; Spm-s, Spm-w, dSpm-8, dSpm-13, dSpm-7995, dSpm-7997, dSpm-8004 maps --Banks &, r20
Mu1.4B37 element, RM; modified relative to Mu1 --Chandler &, r72
Ac: defects in wx-m9(Ds), in ORF1, and bz-m2(DI), in ORF2, do not complement for transposition -Dooner &, r117
Ac, errata for BS --Muller-Neumann &, r 408; English &, 61:81
En-1 BS --Pereira &, r470
BS1, TZ86 insertions, Uq --Peterson, r473
Uq, Mrh in BSSS --Peterson &, r477
PEP carboxylase clone pPC2 hybridizes to 1-2 two major bands; RM --Harpster &, r218
P-ePrv carboxylase clone pH1 hybridizes to 3+ bands; Prv,Pi dikinase clone pH2 to 2+ --Hudspeth &, r237
Triosephosphate isomerase clone hybridizes to 9+ bands; BS --Marchionni &, r352
Zein clones for Mr 22,000, 19,000 and 15,000, homologies among and between, RMs and BSs --Marks &, r355, r366; Pedersen &, r465; Wang &, r660, r661
Glutathione-S-transferase III clone hybridizes to 1 band; BS --Moore &, r393
Poly (dT-dG).poly(dC-dA), 6,500 copies --Morris &, r401
Histone H4, 2 clones, RM, BS; multiple dispersed repeats --Philipps &, r482
Repetitive sequences: knob probe pZmK6 185bp, tandem arrays; ARS probes pZmA1111 525bp, pZmA311 600bp, dispersed and tandem --Rivin &, r512
Heat-shock protein 70, BS --Rochester &, r516
Glutathione-S-transferase I clone hybridizes to 1 band in Mo17; RM, BS --Shah &, r565
LHCP-II: 6 clones isolated, hybridizing to 6 of a family of about 12 genomic sequences --Sheen &, r570
Selection for stalk strength in MoSQA and MoSQB associated with plant height, ear height, maturity, yield --Berzonsky &, r37, r38
Inbreds show 56% variation over 11 generations, more in selfed than in sibbed progenies (10 lines, 10 traits) --Bogenschutz &, r48
Bipolaris maydis race O R/S: up to 97% of variation additive, 2 to 47% dominance; BSH 30 to 69%; 2 to 15 factors --Burnette &, r66
R/S to bird damage correlated with husk weight, length and extension in sweet corns --Dolbeer &, r115
Allozyme selection; performance prediction by heterozygosity --Frei &, r156, r157
Kanamycin R transferred stably by electroporation into BMSI callus --Fromm &, r159
Gibberella zeae isolate U5373 R/S in 2 R vs. 2S inbreds: additivity predominates --Gendloff &, r172
Delayed senescence and high stalk sucrose, 1 major dominant gene --Gentinetta &, r174
Opine synthesis following Agrobacterium introduction into wounded seedlings --Graves &, r187
Maize streak virus DNA transferred via Agrobacterium inoculation --Grimsley &, r191
Recurrent selection in BS13 and BSSS2 for cold tolerance --Hoard &, r229, r230
Regenerability of hybrids dominant/semidominant --Hodges &, r231
Gibberella zeae R/S, % infected plants (IP), and spread (SI), BSH 0.73, 0.84, and 0.54; IP and SI separable --Hunter &, r238
Recurrent selection in Tuxpeno for reduced plant height --Johnson &, r254
Frequencies, genetic distances for allozymes in Corn Belt dents, flints and South American dent populations --Kahler &, r260
QTL associations with allozymes in F2 of Wf9/Pa405; segmental heterosis, overdominance --Kahler &, r261
Yield with grain-filling period, rate of fill and shorter lag period in diallel; gca > sca --Katsantonis &, r269
Ostrinia nubilalis R/S, recurrent selection in BS9 rapid for first-brood; less rapid for second-brood; yield reductions --Klenke &, r280, r282
High per se yield of random inbreds from BSSS partially dominant --Lamkey &, r304
Atrazine R/S BSH 0.66 in diallel --Le Court de Billot &, r315
Recurrent selection in BSSS for yield, Ostrinia nubilalis R, Diabrotica virgifera R --Oyervides-Garcia &, r439
Full-sib selection in 8 tropical populations, 6 traits, international testing --Pandey &, r448
Allozyme correlations in Hays Golden mass selected for yield or prolificacy --Pollak &, r491
Cold tolerance in diallel, gca > sca --Pozzi &, r497
Allozyme heterozygosity for prediction --Price &, r498
Selection for stalk strength, Diplodia maydis R, Ostrinia nubilalis R, DIMBOA --Rehn &, r508
Corynebacterium nebraskense R/S, 9:7 ratio from A619/A632 --Schuster &, r557
Full-sib selection in Partap for prolificacy --Singh &, r577
Selection for early flowering --Troyer, r632
Methotrexate R selection in tissue culture --Tuberosa &, r636
--Assembled unrestricted by Prof. Ligate
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