Recently released maize inbred lines were evaluated in five maturity groups (Table 1) for agronomic characteristics and reaction to various diseases and insects. Agronomic data reported include yield, stand, root lodging, stalk lodging, usable ears, plant height, ear height, grain moisture, days-to-tassel, days-to-silk, ear row number, ear length, ear diameter, 300-kernel weight, and stalk crushing strength. Disease reactions include bacterial wilts, ear rots, fungal leaf diseases and rusts, smuts, stalk rots, and viruses. Insect data includes reactions to first and second generations of the European corn borer, corn earworm, fall armyworm, and the southwestern corn borer.
The results have been published as Missouri Special Report no. 325 and should be a valuable reference for maize researchers who work with inbred lines. Copies can be ordered from Extension Publications, University of Missouri, 115 South Fifth Street, Columbia, MO 65211 at a postage paid cost of $5 per copy. Be sure to indicate that you want SR325.
Table 1. Inbreds and maturity groups in the inter-regional maize evaluation.
L.L. Darrah
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