Effect of diploperennial teosinte germplasm on maize endosperm proteins

With the purpose to study the effect that diploperennial teosinte (Zea diploperennis) germplasm produces on storage proteins of hybrids with maize, endosperm protein patterns (Landry Moureaux protein pattern) were studied in maize inbred line OU, Z. diploperennis and F1 hybrids (OU x Zd). Table 1 shows the results obtained. Parents differ significantly in their protein patterns, whereas the F1 presents an intermediate ratio of saline soluble, zein and glutelin-3 proteins. High glutelin-1 character, which is brought forward by the tripsacoid line OU, behaves as dominant. Results obtained point out that Z. diploperennis effects on storage proteins in hybrid combinations with maize differ significantly from the effects produced by Z. perennis (see MNL 55:60). F1 hybrid kernels from crosses between maize and diploperennial teosinte are highly viable, in contrast to hybrids with perennial teosinte. This happens because diploperennial teosinte does not cause any dramatic alteration in maize protein pattern.

In accordance with maize genetical position, the different effect produced by Z. perennis and Z. diploperennis on storage proteins demonstrates that the first species is situated further than the second from maize. Production of balanced protein patterns in hybrids between maize and Z. diploperennis shows their high affinity. In our opinion, this similarity takes place because of the important maize germplasm introgression assimilated by Z. diploperennis.

Table 1: Endosperm protein pattern of OU, Z. diploperennis (Zd) and its Fi hybrid. SS- saline soluble proteins; Z- zein; G1 - glutelin-1; G2 - glutelin-2; G3 - glutelin-3.

Angel Alberto Nivio and Jorge Luis Magoja

Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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