Your "Secretary" (title assumed by previous, more humble editors) fell behind this year, and this issue was delayed accordingly - no alibi, only an apology. Over 1,000 copies of this largest-ever News Letter will be sent to maize genetics cooperators and colleagues around the world. Funds for preparation, reproduction and mailing are provided by the U. S. Department of Agriculture directly and through the Maize Genetics Stock Center. We are, all of us, grateful beneficiaries of this indispensable support and encouragement.

Mailing list revisions, to update and correct addresses and to include telephone numbers, are still in process at press time. If you have not returned the post card (or have not received the post card) confirming your name and address and providing your telephone number, please supply the necessary information for next year's list.

Fifty Years Ago in Old Zealand is not included this year (News Letters 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, totalling 54 pages, were distributed in one year!). These issues are included in the microfilm of Nos. 1-29 and 33, available for $9.50 (simply send a check to Coe, made out to Maize Genetics). Back issues of No. 30 (1956) to date will be sent upon request.

Please note the corrigenda at the end of the Table of Contents.

Airmail service to addresses outside the U.S. will be provided for $3.00 if this amount is received by January 1st.

The deadline for the next issue (number 59, 1985) is January 1, 1985. Reports normally consist of information bearing on genetic understanding or genetic manipulation of maize. Brief items containing specific data, specific observations, and specific methods are of most value to readers. Items that may have been prepared as for formal publication, or that are not concise and specific, may be returned for reconsideration. Communications are received and assembled with minimum editing:

Tables, figures and charts must be compact, single-spaced, and ready for direct copying by the camera. Double-space the text so that it can be retyped with greater ease. References, if needed, should be incorporated in the text; they should be abbreviated but should include initials to facilitate indexing. Acknowledgements first go to the Cooperators who have again contributed the richly diverse and interesting notes, and to those who have offered suggestions and corrections (not to mention patience and morale support!). The work and tending of this issue has been done by Shirley Kowalewski, who saw to most of the editing and compositional tasks in addition to the year- round office routine. Mary Nelson and Roxanne Streeter helped skillfully from their special previous experience and abilities in producing quality copy. Christopher Browne and Kathryn Chappell helped with numerous vital tasks. Help with proofing, suggestions and critiques was provided by Ming-tang Chang, Christine Curtis, Bryan Kindiger and Stephen Modena. Enhancement of this issue, through friendly terms with the computer and through development of ideas for the new emphasis on mapping, was aided by the skill and insights of David Hoisington. At University Printing Services, Don Wren has been a steady and helpful aid in insuring that this and past News Letters are done promptly and with high quality.

Quotation of the year:

"Heterozygotes for big rings are homozygous for cob." (C. R. Burnham)

With wishes for a better season than ever.

E. H. Coe, Jr.

Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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