Availability of Black Mexican sweet corn and several early Northern flints

During the past year, I have received several requests for kernels of Black Mexican sweet corn, as well as inquiries as to where it might be obtained in large quantities. I have not been able to locate a commercial supplier of this variety. Because Black Mexican sweet will grow as a suspension culture as well as for other reasons, a readily available supply of this material is needed.

I plan to grow a good amount of pedigreed Black Mexican sweet in my experimental field this summer. The material will be propagated by hand pollination and pedigrees will be maintained. I will be happy to share this material with other cooperators. Businesses should include with their request a contribution to help defray the costs of propagation, handling, and mailing at the rate of 10 cents per kernel for samples of more than 50 kernels. All requests will be filled in October contingent upon satisfactory growth and harvest conditions.

The Red River valley has good soil and climatic conditions for growing early Northern flints as well as Black Mexican sweet corn. The Northern flints available include such standards as Longfellow, Parkers, Gaspe, and Tama as well as several Canadian flints. Also available are a number of flints grown by the Indians of the Dakotas and northern Minnesota including Mandan yellow, Mandan white, Rhee and Bear Island Chippewa. Other early northern varieties including Ivory King, Shoshoni, Gehu, and others are available. Write for a detailed listing. Requests for the above early materials will be filled on the same basis as for Black Mexican sweet corn.

William F. Sheridan

Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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