Position of loci with respect to B-A translocations on chromosomes 3 and 4

Since my 1975 report on the position of genes with respect to B-A translocations (MNL 49:130), I have accumulated additional data involving new mutant genes and new B-A translocations. In this report, only data for chromosomes 3 and 4 are presented. Older data from MNL 49:130 are included for completeness. The following table lists only genes that have been assigned map positions; inclusion of the gene symbol indicates that the recessive allele is uncovered by (i.e., is distal to) the translocation and "+" indicates that the gene is not uncovered. Data from 8 new B-A translocations (designated TB-3Lf, -3Lg, -3Lh, -Xi, -3Lj, -3Lk, -3Ll, and -3Lm) are included.


The following mutants previously were assigned to chromosome 3 (usually 3L) by others, especially M. G. Neuffer; they have less well defined map positions:


All mutants with temporary symbols listed above (except yel*-5787, which came from the Coop Stock Center) were obtained from M. G. Neuffer; they have not been tested for allelism. A few pollinations were made onto gl7 and gl12 stocks obtained from the Coop Stock Center, but results are not given here because both may be allelic to gl6.

The following mapped genes on chromosome 4 are uncovered as indicated; data from four new B-A translocations (designated TB-4Lc, -4Ld, -4Le, and -4Lf) are included.


The following mutants are confirmed to be on 4S:


Tests for allelism need to be made; several are probably allelic.

The following mutants are confirmed to be on 4L:


The o1 and v8 stocks were obtained from the Coop Stock Center, ptd*-1130 and wlv*-378A were supplied by M. G. Neuffer, and D. S. Robertson supplied py*-PI177593.

Additional tests are in progress. A comprehensive summary of data for all other chromosomes is planned for the next News Letter.

J. B. Beckett

Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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