1. Prg, an allele at the P locus.


In a strain of colorless pericarp a plant with kernels of colorless pericarp with a red 2 mm large girdle around the kernels in the pericarp was observed. Through self‑pollination a homozygous genotype for this character was raised. Some plants of the mentioned character were crossed with homozygous genotypes: (a) colorless pericarp and (b) orange pericarp. In the F1 generation the kernels of the cross to (a) have had a colorless pericarp with a red girdle and the kernels of the cross to (b) an orange pericarp with a red girdle.


The F1 generation of the cross to (a) has been outcrossed with plants of colorless pericarp and of the cross to (b) with plants of orange pericarp. The symbol Prg for the factor for kernels with red girdle was used.


Cross (a):

P1 :

Prg/Prg x PW/PW

F1 :


F1 outcrossed :

Prg/PW x PW/PW


Progeny :

Prg/PW -

486 colorless pericarp with a red girdle,



471 colorless pericarp


Total -

957 plants


Cross (b):

P1 :

Prgo/Prgo x Po/Po

F1 :


F1 outcrossed :

Prgo/Po x Po/Po


Progeny :


623 orange pericarp with a red girdle,


Po/Po -

639 orange pericarp


Total ‑

1262 plants


It follows that the character red girdle Prg is allelomorphic to PW and Po, respectively.