Effects of first brood corn borer on yield.
Recovered lines, out of crosses between Minnesota
lines and lines from other states which were reported to have low borer ratings
were grown in their F6 generation under manual infestation
conditions. Five highly resistant and five highly susceptible lines were
selected on their reaction to leaf feeding by the first brood larvae. Crosses
were made between resistant x resistant, R x R, resistant x susceptible, R x S,
and susceptible x susceptible, S X S, lines. Eight randomized blocks of the 10
inbred parents, and eight randomized blocks of 30 single crosses between these
lines and 6 standard single crosses or double crosses were grown under manual
infestation and also under non‑infested conditions.
Individual plant ratings for leaf feeding and
overall injury have been taken. Agronomic characters, e.g. yield, ear moisture,
good ears per plant, ear length, kernel ear rows, stalk breakage, and smut
infection have also been studied.
The resistant inbreds and the R x R crosses were
rather highly resistant. In fact, the F1 crosses averaged slightly
higher in resistance than the inbred parents. The susceptible lines and the
crosses of 3 x 6 were highly susceptible while the R x S crosses were
intermediate in borer injury.
By comparing the yields of the various types of
crosses under manual infestation and in non‑infested trials in adjacent
areas, it was learned that R x R crosses yield about the same, on the average
when tested under the two conditions. However, manually infested R x S crosses
yielded 6% less than the non‑infested, and infested S x S crosses yielded
10% less on the average than the same crosses under non‑infested
conditions. Ears on the ground and ears from broken stalks are included in the
yield data. In these trials infestation as shown by leaf feeding in the
normally non‑infested plots was very small. As there was practicaaly no
infestation by the 2nd brood borer in Minnesota in 1950, this study represents
the effect of the 1st brood borer only.
Rameshwar Singh and H.K. Hayes