Variation in combining ability of an inbred maintained at several locations.
Samples of the inbreds Ind. Wf9 and Ill. Hy. were
collected from several stations and a few commercial sources. Variations in
plant characteristics such as plant height, ear height, stalk, strength and
maturity were striking, especially between the Hy lines. In order to test the
effect, if any, of the variations on the combining ability of these Hy
selections, crosses were made using pollen from a single ear to row planting of
the Connecticut inbred C103. Six of the crosses involving lines originally
obtained from Illinois (maintained several generations in Connecticut),
U.S.D.A., Ohio A.E.S., Pioneer Seed Co., E.W. Doubet, and Illinois A.E.S., and
showing greatest phenotypic differences in the Connecticut inbred nursery were
grown in 6 x 6 Latin squares in two locations in 1950. The trial of F1
hybrids grown in Connecticut showed significant differences in plant heights,
ear heights, per cent moisture at time of harvest, number of plants surviving
entire season (initially thinned to uniform stand), and yield corrected to
15.5% moisture content. The second trial, grown in Delaware, yielded similar
results. Analysis of covariance eliminating the stand factor from the recorded
yields removed significance in the case of the Connecticut test, but the
Delaware yields remained significantly different at the 1% level. Variations
revealed in these field trials show clearly the mutability of at least one so‑called
inbred and indicate strongly that not only are phenotypic characteristics of
the inbred altered but also the factors involved with heterosis of F1
hybrid combinations are changed. Practical demands of maintaining named
inbreds, as well as plant breeding techniques which utilize the mutability of
plant materials are directly affected by these data.