Glumeless hybrid sweet corn.
Work with Sprague's vestigial glume (Vg) gene in developing a technique for its practical
use as a quality factor in hybrid sweet corn has continued. In the process of
backcrossing the Vg gene into
several sweet corn seed parents, Vg
modified types with tassel glumes 1/3 and 2/3 normal length appeared. Since
these tassels shed pollen almost as abundantly as a normal tassel, homozygous Vg
Vg inbreds may easily be
established. The somewhat complicated technique outlined in the 1950 volume of
the News Letter for obtaining Vg
pollen becomes unnecessary with the use of the modifiers. The glume on the ear
of the modified types is, at most, not long enough to form obnoxious chaff. By
the proper application of genetic technique, the use of Vg in hybrid sweet corn is now feasible.
In case it is found that the modified Vg pollen shedder tassels do not produce sufficient
pollen in the famer's field to give a good ear set, some seed of a normal
glumed hybrid would have to be mixed in with the final seed product. This
pollinator variety should have a distinctive ear type or color so that its ears
can be picked out from the glumeless hybrid ears during the routine sorting