6. Oil yel.
A deep "oily" yellow seedling type which
becomes green or golden-green as a mature plant, answering closely the
description of Eyster's oil yellow. An excellent seedling character easily
classified throughout seedling stage and often recognizable even in the mature
plant. Viability good. Chromosome 10. Loosely linked to R on the basis of
seedling tests as follows:
Crosses with colored aleurone gave F1s
which on selfing gave 9-7
segregation of aleurone. These segregated for oil
yellow in the following percentages:
normal |
oil yel |
per cent |
colored seeds |
607 |
105 |
14.5 |
colorless seeds |
377 |
166 |
30.6 |
This corresponds to about 25 to 30% of crossing over
between oil yel and either C or R. Cultures segregating for oil yellow and waxy
showed no linkage. Pollinations by TB‑9b gave only green seedlings thus
eliminating the distal half of the short arm of chromosome 9. Pollinations by
TB‑10a likewise eliminated the distal part of the long arm of chromosome
10. Thus the data would indicate a locus near the central portion of chromosome
10, possibly not far from golden or lineate. For most purposes it is a better
marker gene than either of these.
E. G. Anderson