8. New dottable Ad allele.


Of the seven original Ad derivatives from AbEt/a et plants, six carried et (News Letter No. 23:54‑56. 1949). More extensive data now available support the conclusion that these dilutes arise by crossing over between genes comprising Ab. In testing these Ad cases for dottability, six were found to be negative in this regard. One, tentatively designated Ad‑2, has a high rate of dotting. Plentiful dotting occurs on endosperms of the constitution Ad‑2/adl/adl Dt Dt -. Moreover, Ad‑2/Ad‑2/Ad2 endosperms on selfed ears of homozygous plants are dotted. Tests indicate that the dotting is determined by the Dt gene as is the case with recessive a. There is no reported case of a dottable Ad gene among the large number of mutants obtained from Ab/Ab plants. Since the Ad2 mutant originated from an AbEt/a et plant and carried et, it is tempting to consider that synapsis and crossing over in the mother cell were such that the Ad‑2 derivative now carries the proximal (Ad) component of Ab adjacent to and on the same strand with recessive a. By reason of the presence of the latter, Ad2 would now appear to dot. If this were the case it would be rea­sonable to expect that Ad‑2 should occasionally give rise to a dottable recessive a and that the occurrence of the latter would be associated with crossing over. From a number of Ad‑2/Ad‑2 plants crossed using adl adl Dt Dt pollen this past season two kernels with colorless, dotted endosperms were obtained. Although it is not known whether their occurrence is associated with crossing over, these mutants carry a dottable a derived from Ad‑2.


John R. Laughan