Dominant inhibitor of yellow endosperm.


Crosses between the white Huffman variety of corn and yellow inbreds from the corn belt suggested that some Huffman gametes carried a dominant inhibitor or partial inhibitor of yellow endosperm. Selfed progeny from one such cross supported this idea. As a further check, kernels thought to be homozygous for the inhibitor were planted in 1947 and the resulting plants were selfed and crossed onto two yellow progenies.


The dominant whites selfed were pure white. The crosses with a pure deep yellow (Ridgway orange 15) were much lighter, being Ridgway's Cadmium yellow 17. The other progeny when selfed was Ridgway's Cadmium 19, but when pollinated by the dominant white was almost white, though with a faint yellowish tinge. The information obtained through these simple tests is sufficient for our purpose. We are sending seed of the homozygous dominant white to the Maize Genetics Cooperation at Cornell, so it will be available should any one have use for it.


J. R. Meyer

F. D. Richey