1. Linkage relations of the bronze locus. F2 data suggested that bronze (bz) belonged in chromosome 9 and was located to the left of C. Backcross data obtained this past year show that the order is C-sh-bz with bz approximately 2 cross-over units from sh.

Summary of C Sh bz × c sh bz
c sh Bz


(0) (0) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1-2) (1-2)
C c C c C c C c
Sh sh sh Sh Sh sh sh Sh
bz Bz Bz bz Bz bz bz Bz
1396 1354 76 65 15 31 0 0


C-Sh 4.8% recombination
Sh-Bz 1.6% "
C-Bz 6.4% "



Summary of Sh Bz × sh bz
sh bz


Sh Sh sh sh  
Bz bz Bz bz Total 6040
2952 54 62 2972  


Sh-Bz 1.92% recombination