3. A number of new translocations have been isolated and some information collected. They include the following which have been identified as to chromosomes involved.


Index number Chromosomes Index number Chromosomes
a-33 1-3 F-2 2-10
c-43 1-3 a-101 3-5
g-3 1-3 a-22 3-8
C-15 1-3 a-94 3-9
a-37 1-5 a-26 4-9
a-80 1-6 c-31 4-9
B-49 1-7 F-22 4-9
D-5 1-7 B-45 4-10
B-42 1-8 B-10 5-8
C-36 1-10 B-70 5-10
a-29 2-4 a-66 6-9
c-40 2-8 F-33 8-10