Mutation. The mutations determined were those involving endosperm characters, defective seeds, germless, and seedling abnormalities. Each of these types may be determined by examination of the selfed ears of the F2 plants or of the 100-seedling progenies grown from each of these ears. All of the mutations which are not clear-cut and unmistakable in the F2 culture are checked for recovery in F3 from heterozygous F2 plants. The analysis of the check-progenies of 1940 is not yet completed, and the data therefore are given separately for number of mutations and number of doubtful mutations, the latter being those subject to the F3 check. The percentages in the table are provisional percentages representing the clear-cut mutations plus half the doubtful mutations. Confirmation tests so far completed indicate that the final percentages will be somewhat higher than those here given.

  Endosperm Germless Seedling  
  n m M? % n M M? % n M M? % Total %
X3022 62 5 5 12.1 110 2 11 6.8 107 11 2 11.2 30.1
X2967 93 4 8 8.6 82 0 6 3.7 81 4 1 5.6 17.9
250 r 250 1 2 0.8 298 0 1 0.2 299 1 2 0.7 1.7
500 r 143 5 7 5.2 133 1 2 1.5 126 1 1 1.2 7.9
Control 613 0 7 0.6 766 0 1 0.1 764 1 2 0.3 1.0

The mutations included, together with many useless types, a scattering of promising viable mutants affecting endosperm, and seedling characters. The number of mutants is considerably larger than that shown in the table, since several other treatments were handled similarly. In all of these the F2 ears which yield the mutations are segregating for Y and Pl, permitting a three-point test for chromosome 6 mutants, and are segregating also for single markers on chromosome 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, and 10. Doctor C. R. Burnham is undertaking the location of some of the more promising mutants.