Linkage Tests

Chromosome 10.

Genes Phase XY Xy xY xy Total % Recom.
Og na2 CB 39 20 37 50 146 39
Og na2 CB 129 40 39 21 229 42
Note on na2 = Material from Cornell under No. Co 37-172 and designated na2.
gl d7 CS 53 9 17 4 83 45


Mutation - YY-->Yy. Verification of this one-kernel mutant from over 7200 kernels reported in 1940 News Letter. This white was tested against the y gene in Evergreen sweet corn, in a white dent inbred and in Hickory King. All progeny were white, indicating that this mutant involved the standard Y gene.

E. W. Lindstrom