IV. Seed Stocks Received

  1. M. M. Rhoades, Ames, Iowa:- Stocks involving Eyster's Y2.
  2. H. K. Hayes, St. Paul, Minn.:- v21 (chrom. 8). [Records Genetics Soc. Amer. No. 4, 1935. Abstract.]
  3. J. H. Kempton, Washington, D.C.:- Annual teosinte from Lake Ratuna in Southern Guatemala.
  4. M. T. Jenkins, Washington, D.C.:-
  1. W. Ralph Singleton, New Haven, Conn.:-
  1. S. Horowitz, Buenos Aires, Argentina:-
  1. Queensland Agricultural High School and College, Gatton, Australia:-
  1. Ithaca, N. Y. Stocks grown by Maize Genetics Cooperation. Pollinations by John Shafer:

Other stocks previously listed are, for the most part, still available.

New seed stocks listed under general news items (II) in this letter but which have not been sent for the Cooperation collection, should be received as long as possible before planting time (May 15).