IV. Seed Stocks Received
- M. M. Rhoades, Ames, Iowa:- Stocks involving Eyster's Y2.
- H. K. Hayes, St. Paul, Minn.:- v21 (chrom. 8). [Records Genetics Soc. Amer. No. 4, 1935. Abstract.]
- J. H. Kempton, Washington, D.C.:- Annual teosinte from Lake Ratuna in Southern Guatemala.
- M. T. Jenkins, Washington, D.C.:-
- Homozygous A1 C R a2 bt bv pr (This bt stock gives good field germination.)
- Same as above, but segregating V2 v2.
- Homozygous A1 C R A2 bt bv pr
fr2 gl1 ij fr1 |
x |
fr2 gl1 ij fr1 |
+ + + fr1 |
fr2 gl1 ij fr1 |
x |
fr2 gl1 ij fr1 |
fr2 + + + |
- W. Ralph Singleton, New Haven, Conn.:-
- Y4 Y4 it it
- y4 y4 It It
- y4 y4 It It x Y4 Y4 it it.
- S. Horowitz, Buenos Aires, Argentina:-
- su1 gl3 Y x la34a
- gl33a
- gl33b
- lg34a
r + Mr Pr |
x |
r g1 mr (R-tester) |
r g1 + + |
- af34a
- sn
- Queensland Agricultural High School and College, Gatton, Australia:-
- Ten packages of seed, labeled I - X [no letter].
- Ithaca, N. Y. Stocks grown by Maize Genetics Cooperation. Pollinations by John Shafer:
- Inbred strains. Selfed or sib-crossed ears of all the inbred strains in disease resistance test (see V, below), except C70-34, which did not germinate.
- Glossies 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9; gl5, no germination, gl8 too late to ripen. Hadjinov's glossies 3, 5, 6, 7, 10 (H3 = gl4, H6 = gl6, H10 = gl3, see II above); H8, all normal seedlings, supposed to be +/gl but some certainly homozygous normal.
- Hadjinov's Rs1, rs2, at, bd, cr3, bs?, vb (variable brachytic).
- Perry's Yx and yx, in various combinations with Y1 y1, Pl pl, Al al.
- Brunson's pale yellow endosperm.
- Wiggans' brittle stalk.
- Segregating cultures from W1 w1 x A1 b Pl py su.
- Plant colors:- A1 B Pl, a1p B Pl, a1 B pl, a1 b Pl, a1 b pl.
- Tester stocks:-
- Group 1. - P-p f1 bm2, P-p br f1 bm2, P-p br f1 an1, p sr an1 bm2, P-p gs1 bm2, p as.
- Group 2. - lg1 gl2 B b v4, lg1 gl2 ts1, sb, al.
- Group 3. - a1 na1 ts4, d1s, d1m, a Rg.
- Group 4. - la su Tu tu gl3.
- Group 5. - ys1 bm1 pr1 v2, A2 a2 bt bv pr1, bm1 bt pr1, bv pr1 v2.
- Group 6. - Y1 Pl sm py, Y1 pl (zg3?), po y.
- Group 7. - v5 ra1 gl1, ra1 gl1 ij, v5 gl1 Bu1.
- Group 8. - j1, ms8.
- Group 9. - c sh wx v1, yg2 c sh wx.
- Group 10.- nl1 g1 R, r zb5, d7, li g1 Rr.
- Multiple testers:-
- ts2 bm2 lg1 b su1 A1 na1 cr1 pr1 y1 pl in j1 C Rg.
- bm2 lg1 b A1 su1 pr1 y1 pl In Bn1 j1 c Rg.
- Pvv A1 su pr1 y1 in c sh wx Rg.
- A1 A2 Pr pr C-sh-wx g1R-r.
- A1 A2 B-lg1 Y-y-Pl Su-su-Tu-tu.
Other stocks previously listed are, for the most part, still available.
New seed stocks listed under general news items (II) in this letter but which have not been sent for the Cooperation collection, should be received as long as possible before planting time (May 15).