I. Collective Publication of Papers on "Linkage in Maize"

Perhaps the most important matter presented in this news letter relates to the collective publication of separately headed and signed articles on linkage (see news letters of March 6 and November 30, 1935).

The response from cooperators has been wholly favorable and several have indicated their readiness to contribute to such a series of papers.

Dr. Hanson, representative for the natural sciences of the Rockefeller Foundation, has written as follows,

"Regarding your request to use a small part of the fund for the publication of brief papers in Genetics, since this seems to you to be merely using a somewhat different mechanism than you originally contemplated for putting this maize material before the geneticists interested, the Foundation will have no objection to a small portion of the funds being used for that purpose.

With kind regards, I am
Cordially yours,
(Signed) Frank Blair Hanson"

Dr. Dunn, editor in chief of Genetics, with reference to our proposal, says:

"I see no danger in this so long as we adhere to the basic rule for publication in GENETICS -- i.e. soundness, significance and permanent value of the material printed, and so long as we are just as free to accept or refuse such papers as any others. I think the publication of such material should differ as little as possible from other papers published; that is, it should not form a separate department of the journal which would constitute a special privilege and might bring resentment from other groups. I think we shall be able to make satisfactory arrangements and suggest that when ready, you send in some sample copy which we can use as the basis for settling form, etc. We go to press on February 15th (May Number) and thereafter on the first of each odd numbered month. If an arrangement is made, copy can be printed in two months (plus about five days) from receipt of mss.

Sincerely yours,
(Signed) L. C. Dunn"

See also suggestions by Jones (news letter March 6, 1935, pp. 19, 20).

Of course, we should not expect to receive preferential treatment from Genetics, and could not expect our papers to be accepted unless they meet the standards set for that periodical. I am anxious to try the plan this spring. It is obvious that we cannot get material ready for the May issue of Genetics. The July issue goes to press May 1 (I assume from Dunn's letter), and manuscripts should be in the editor's hands some time before that. I ask, therefore, that you send such material as you desire to include to reach me not later than March 31.

Manuscripts should be typed and ready for publication without change. When new genes are involved, a short, concise description of the characters differentiated by them might well be included. Well known genes should not require such treatment. Tables should be presented in summary form. Different cultures involving the same kind of data should not be listed separately unless that is essential in order to demonstrate significant differences between them. Of course F2 and backcross data for coupling and repulsion must be entered separately in the tables. A single frequency distribution may often be displayed in the text to better advantage than in a table. Tables of data should be accompanied by such discussion only as is essential to make clear any points not obvious from an examination of the tabular data themselves, or as is necessary to indicate the relation of the reported observations to other linkage tests, etc. The tabular arrangement and headings used in the Linkage Summary are convenient and I, naturally, think them good.

No limit can be set now to the length of the individual contributions, but, unless a very considerable amount of data are presented, individual papers might well be kept to not over one or two pages of printed matter, and it is my hope that some may be not more than half that long.