List of maize geneticists
Anderson, L. G., Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.
Beadle, G. W., Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.
Brink, R. A., Genetics Dept., Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc.
Burnham, C. R., Agronomy Dept., Univ. of W. Va., Morgantown, W. Va.
Clokey, Ira M., 1635 Laurel St., S. Pasadena, Calif.
Collins, G. N., Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S.D.A., Washington, D.C.
Cooper, D. C., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc.
Creighton, Miss H. B., Conn. College for Women, New London, Conn.
Demerec, M., Carnegie Inst., Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N.Y.
Emerson, R. A., Plant Breeding Dept., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.
Eyster, W. H., Botany Dept., Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa.
Fraser, A. C., Plant Breeding Dept., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.
Gurney, H. C., Waite Research Inst., Adelaide Univ., Adelaide, Aust.
Hadjinov, M. I., Inst. Plant Industry, Detskoe Selo (near Leningrad), U.S.S.R.
Hayes, H. K., Agronomy Dept., University Farm, St. Paul, Minn.
Hull, Fred, Agronomy Dept., Agric. Exp. Station, Gainesville, Fla.
Jenkins, M. T., Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S.D.A., Washington, D.C.
Jones, D. F., Genetics Dept. Agric. Exp. Sta., New Haven, Conn.
Kempton, J. H., Bureau of Piant Industry, U.S.D.A., Washington, D.C.
Kvakan, Paul, Dobricevo Cuprija, Jugoslavia.
Li, H. W., Honan University, Kaifeng, Honan, China
Lindstrom, E. W., Genetics Dept., Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa.
McClintock, Miss Barbara, Plant Breeding Dept., Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
Mangelsdorf, P. C., Agronomy Dept., Agric. Exp. Station, College Station, Texas.
Meyers, M. T., Farm Crops Dept., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio.
Mumm, W. J., Agronomy Dept., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.
Perry, H. S., Botany Dept., Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car.
Randolph, L. F., Botany Dept., Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
Reeves, R. G., Biology Dept., Agric. Exp. Sta., College Station, Tex.
Rhoades, M. M., Plant Breeding Dept., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.
Rhoades, V. H., Botany Dept., Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
Singh, S., Plant Breeding Dept., Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
Singleton, W. R., Genetics Dept., Agric. Exp. Sta., New Haven, Conn.
Sprague, G. F., Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S.D.A., Washington, D.C.
Stadler, L. J., Field Crops Dept., Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.
Tavcar, A., Dept. of Plant-Breeding, Univ. of Zagreb, Zagreb, Jugosl.
Thomas, H. C., Genetics Dept., University Farm, St. Paul, Minn.
Weatherwax, Paul, University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.
Wentz, J. B., Farm Crops Dept., Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa.
In addition to the preceding list the maize letters are sent to the following individuals who have requested that they be included on the mailing list. Some of them have been active in the past in corn genetics but have in recent years become inactive. Others on the list are anxious to receive the letters so that they may closely follow the progress of corn genetics.
Anderson, Edgar, Bussey Inst., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Brieger, Friedrich, John Innes Hort. Inst., Morton, London, England.
Brunson, A. M., Agronomy Dept., Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas.
Down, E. E., Farm Crops Dept., Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan.
Dorsey, E., Plant Breeding Dept., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.
Garber, R. J., Agronomy Dept., Univ. of W. Va., Morgantown, W. Va.
Hays, F. A, Poultry Husbandry Dept., Mass. State College, Amherst, Mass.
Hofmeyr, J. D. J., P.O. Marabastad, Pietersburg, South Africa.
Hoover, M. M., Agronomy Dept., Univ. of W. Va., Morganton, W. Va.
Horovitz, S., Univ. of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Krug, C. A., Inst. Agronomica do Estado Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Kuleshov, N. N., Inst. Applied Botany, Herzen St. 44, Leningrad, U.S.S.R.
Lebedeff, G. F., Carnegie Inst., Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N.Y.
Mains, E. B., Botany Dept., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Miles, L. G., Agric. Dept., Queensland Univ., Brisbane, Australia.
Neal, Norman P., Genetics Dept., Univ of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc.
Phipps, Ivan F., Waite Research Inst., Adelaide Univ., Adelaide, Australia.
Richey, F. D., Assoc. Chief, Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S.D.A., Washington, D. C.
Sharp, L. W., Botany Dept., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.
Taboada, E. R., Direccion Gral. de Agric., Sn. Jacinto, Mexico.
Wiggans, R. G., Plant Breeding Dept., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.
Do not forget that the dead line for receipt of news items is November 15th. Please cooperate so that we can make these maize letters of real service and interest to you.
Sincerely yours,
M. M. Rhoades