The following stocks have been received:

Brink - (1) lg1-ts1-v4 x lg1-Ts1-v4; (2) a1-lg2; (3) p-br-f-bm2; (4) gl2-fl-v4; (5) gl2-ts1-v4 x gl2-Ts1-v4.

Sprague - (1) r-g-nl; Arg/aRg B Pl su; (3) al-y-Pl; (4) Bn-gl1-v5; (5) Pc1 Pc2 Pc3 pc4 - Pc = purple coleorhiza; (6) bt2 bt2; (7) ACR so1 so2 - so = orange scutellum; (8) sy sy - sy = yellow scutellum; (9) Sx - scutellum color; (10) gl1; (11) gl2; (12) gl3; (13) gl4; (14) gl5; (15) gl7 v17; (16) gl8; (17) gl9.

Beadle - (1) sr; (2) gs (early); (3) su-Tu-gl3.

Demerec - (1) xn2; (2) w11; (3) pg1; (4) pg4; (5) pg3; (6) pb1; (7) pb2 and pb3 (duplicate factors); (8) pb4; (9) zebra1; (10) zebra2; (11) zebra3.

Stadler - (1) Y a Rg C pr in b pl; (2) a r C pr wx y; (3) Pvv A Rg c sh wx pr su; (4) A C rg sh wx y pr Su su - rg derived by mutation from Rg; (5) a C Rg pr in y wx Su su.

Jenkins - (1) A1 A1 C C R R pr pr a2 a2 (Bt bt); (2) gl1 ij YY; (3) gl1 v5; (4) gl1 ij YY seg. fr1 and fr2.

Eyster - (1) g3; (2) g4; (3) pk; (4) l6; (5) l7; (6) l5; (7) f3; (8) su2; (9) yt; (10) da; (11) ar; (12) sa1; (13) au1; (14) au2; (15) oy; (16) ms2; (17) ms3; (18) vp1; (19) ms18; (20) cr2; (21) ms20; (22) bt4; (23) pg8.

Mangelsdorf writes that he can furnish the following late stocks:

(1) B b na na; (2) na g; (3) g; (4) Y y Pl Pl; (5) lg gl1 ra; (6) Pr Pr RR cc wx wx; (7) B b lg lg Sk sk; (8) pr pr RR CC su su; (9) Tu tu su su; (10) Tu tu Ts5 ts5 su su.

Kempton advises that he can furnish:

(1) ra g li lg; (2) ra g lg br; (3) pr li lg f; (4) cr li gi - gi = gigas; (5) lg ad f; (6) wx lg gl.

Lindstrom can furnish:

(1) r g li b pl; (2) R g li b pl; (3) r g nl b pl; (4) R g nl b pl.

Singleton and Jones have the following multiple tester:

A c R lg g P Su y.

Anderson has seed of:

P-br-f-bm2; various combinations of sm and sk.

We have not listed any stocks from Cornell. In the corn letter of October 5, 1932, we listed the multiple testers available here.