CIMMYT Molecular Characterization Data for Maize

— Warburton, M; Norgaard, J; Lopez, C; Alarcon, JC; George, ML; Regalado, E

CIMMYT is pleased to announce the release of the Maize Fingerprinting Database, a Microsoft Access™ Database containing molecular marker characterization data from maize germplasm. This germplasm includes CIMMYT inbred lines, populations, and landraces, plus inbred lines from collaborating universities and national agriculture research programs in developing countries. A simple user’s manual is included as an additional Microsoft WORD™ file. Both files are downloadable from the CIMMYT website. If your internet connection does not support downloading large files, you may obtain a free CD-ROM version from CIMMYT by contacting Liliana Villaseñor. Microsoft Access must already be installed on your computer in order to open and run the database. If you are unable to run Microsoft Access, all data will also be available on the MaizeGDB website, although a searchable format is still being finalized for the data in MaizeGDB.

The database was constructed around linked tables containing information on the studies that generated the data, the genotypes that were fingerprinted, the markers used in fingerprinting, and the marker data itself. Users may input or receive data in various formats through the use of forms provided with the program, and query functions allow subsets of data to be generated. Currently, all data is from individuals from heterogenous populations or pure lines, but a second table that handles population data (with multiple alleles and allele frequencies) is available; marker data will be available in this table in the near future. The CIMMYT Wheat Fingerprinting Database currently holds 43,846 data points, which are all SSR marker loci scored in five separate studies (which analyzed between 35 and 541 individuals or pure lines); marker data for 1273 genotypes (individuals from heterogenous populations or inbred lines) total are currently available. Both the functionalities (form tools and queries) and the data are expected to increase in the future, and the database on the CIMMYT website will be updated periodically.

This data is freely available without restrictions; however, please use the citation below when referring to the database in published works, posters, etc. Comments and questions about the database and its contents may be referred to Marilyn Warburton. We are particularly interested in receiving feedback about the usefulness of the data and how it is being utilized.

Proper citation format for the CD-ROM: Warburton, M., J. Norgaard, C. Lopez, J.C. Alarcon, M.L. George, and E. Regalado. 2004. CIMMYT Molecular Characterization Data for Maize (CD-ROM). Mexico D.F.: CIMMYT

©International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) 2004. All rights reserved. The designations employed in the presentation of materials in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of CIMMYT or its contributory organizations, including the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. CIMMYT encourages fair use of this material. Proper citation is requested.

Please Note: As is the policy with the printed version, notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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