New mutant designations
--M. G. Neuffer

The following mutants have been assigned gene symbols. They will also be described in the forthcoming edition of Mutants of Maize, which will include pictures of emp3, Lld1, nld1, rgh1, and rli1.

csp1 not located white spot
Expression: good Viability: normal
Originally isolated by R. Kerstetter; our lab number was lws*-A1173. Tiny- to medium-sized elliptical, nearly transparent spots that appear almost white and are scattered on the leaf blade beginning at 8-leaf stage and continuing to maturity. No appreciable effect on plant vigor.

dlf1 not located delayed flowering
Expression: excellent Viability: normal
(Our number dlf*-2389A). Tall late plant with additional nodes and leaves at flowering. Mature plant 2 to 3 feet taller and 7 to 10 days later in flowering with 4 to 6 more nodes and leaves than normal sibs. No apparent response to variations in day length.

emp3 8L-89 empty pericarp
Expression: excellent Viability: lethal embryo
Was dek*-1386A. Small extremely collapsed defective poorly viable kernel. Practically endospermless, giving an empty pericarp appearance. Embryos are small but morphologically and functionally complete and under optimum conditions will germinate to produce small green seedlings. Locating data from ms8 j1 + X ms8 j1 +/+ + emp3, progeny tested for emp3, follow.
Locus ms j emp TOTAL
No. Plts. 96 97 129 219
% 43.8 44.3 58.9
Region Genotype No. Totals Expected
Parental ms j + 71
+ + emp 106 177 173.5
R1 + j + 13
ms + emp 10 23 26.5
R2 + + + 2
ms j emp 11 13 16.5
R1,2 ms + + 4
+ j emp 2 6 2.5

Paired Recombination Values
ms --- j 0.1324 ± 0.0229
ms --- emp 0.1644 ± 0.0250
j --- emp 0.0868 ± 0.0190

lld1 not located lethal dwarf
Expression: excellent Viability: lethal seedling.
Dominant Lld1 small plant with up to three short fleshy leaves that glisten in sunlight. Seen as single seedling and distorted half-plant chimeras in M1 from EMS-treated pollen. No progeny tests possible due to lethality.

nld1 not located narrow leaf dwarf
(Our number nld*-2346). Small compact plant with narrow rolled leaves that are bleached pale green, especially along the midrib.

rgh1 8L-111 rough kernel
Expression: excellent
Was rgh*-1285. Small floury kernel with rough and pitted surface and nonviable embryos. Locating data from (+/pro1) j1 + X pro1 j1 +/+ + rgh1 follow.
Locus pro1 j rgh TOTAL
No. Plts. 52 56 64 136
% 38.2 41.2 47.1
Region Genotype No. Totals Expected
Parental pro1 j + 13
+ + rgh 37 50 51.1
R1 + j + 30
pro1 + rgh 14 44 42.9
R2 + + + 14
pro1 j rgh 10 24 22.9
R1,2 pro1 + + 15
+ j rgh 3 18 19.1

Paired Recombination Values
pro1 --- j 0.4559 ± 0.0427
pro1 --- rgh 0.5000 ± 0.0429
j --- rgh 0.3088 ± 0.0396
rli1 not located rough lineate
Expression: good Viability: fair.
(Our number rgli*-2302). Lineate-like streaks of protruding tissue on leaf blade which produce a rough texture. 

Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors

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