I.  foreword 1

II. reports from cooperators 2

albany, california

Terminal ear mutants isolated from Mutator lines --Edward Robbie, Bruce Veit, Paul Chomet and Sarah Hake 2


Codon usage tables for zein and non-zein genes: an update --Douglas A. Hamilton and Joseph P. Mascarenhas 2

ames, iowa

Another recording of excision to a closely linked site --Peter A. Peterson 3

En2 - how much transposase? --Peter A. Peterson 4

a-m(Au)-pale-m(r) derivatives --Peter A. Peterson 4

c-m897210 - high frequency of pale sectoring --Peter A. Peterson 4

a-m(Au)866371 - lacking the S function of En --Peter A. Peterson 4

tnpR - one form can be En --Peter A. Peterson 4

Tunicate is cell autonomous --Peter A. Peterson 4

c-m888104 - Determination of autonomous-mutability --Peter A. Peterson 4

Tp-889703-1: Environmental effect on expression --Peter A. Peterson 5

c2-m884259Y - complementation between two non-autonomous elements yields a functional En --Michael G. Muszynski and Peter A. Peterson 5

c2-m881058Y - an example of three factor control --Michael G. Muszynski and Peter A. Peterson 5

A c2-m::En-low and two modifiers of mutability --Michael G. Muszynski and Peter A. Peterson 6

V*-m894905-11 - a dominant virescent mutable --Michael G. Muszynski and Peter A. Peterson 6

Rp Tagging with Uq transposable element --Ru-Ying Chang and Peter A. Peterson 6

Chromosome labelling with transposable elements --Ru-Ying Chang and Peter A. Peterson 7

Comparison of the dosage effects and dominance of 10 C1 alleles --Elizabeth E. O. Caldwell and Peter A. Peterson 8

Uq transposable elements in maize breeding populations --Thomas Horejsi, Elizabeth E.O. Caldwell and Peter A. Peterson 9

En transposition from the A1 locus on chromosome 3 --Etienne Kaszas and Peter A. Peterson 9

Cloning of three putative defective kernel loci by transposon tagging --M. G. James, M. S. Scanlon, D. S. Robertson and A. M. Myers 10

Positive allele tests among defective kernel mutants --M. G. James, M. S. Scanlon, P. S. Stinard and D. S. Robertson 10

Mutator-tagged defective kernel mutants as putative QTL for kernel size --M. Lee, L. Veldboom, M. Scanlon, A. Myers, M. James and D. Robertson 10

Genetic placement and mapping of Mutator-induced defective kernel mutants --M. J. Scanlon, M. James, P. S. Stinard and D. S. Robertson 11

Mapping regulators of somatic mutability of Mutator-induced a1 alleles --Donald S. Robertson and Philip S. Stinard 11

Miniature-3 (mn3): a viable miniature kernel mutant on chromosome 6 Philip S. Stinard 16

Crinkly-4 (cr4): a new crinkly-leaf/aleurone mosaic mutant on 10S --Philip S. Stinard 17

An alternative method of using B-A translocations to locate duplicate factors --Philip S. Stinard 17

Linkage studies of the duplicate factor pair lw3 and lw4 --Philip S. Stinard 17

ts8 is allelic to si --Philip S. Stinard and Donald S. Robertson 18

Some thoughts on nuclear genes affecting plastid development --Philip S. Stinard 18

dek21 is allelic to w2 --Philip S. Stinard and Donald S. Robertson 19

ames, iowa and stuttgart, germany

Graphical genotype for inbred line B86 determined by RFLPs --S. F�hr, M. M. Messmer, A. H. Melchinger, M. Lee and W. L. Woodman 19

Deviations of RFLP patterns for B86 from its progenitors B52 and Oh43 --M. M. Messmer, A. E. Melchinger, M. Lee and W. L. Woodman 21

austin, texas

A technique for spreading maize microsporocyte pachytene chromosomes for phosphotungstic acid staining to allow simultaneous EM visualization of synaptonemal complex lateral and central elements, recombination nodules and centromeres --M. P. Maguire 22

baton rouge, louisiana

Absolute resistance to weevils --Manjit S. Kang 22

beijing, china

The culture and transformation of protoplasts --Sai Jiqing, Liu Zhihua, Ding Qunxing and Xie Youju 22

A new kernel mutant with pleiotropic effect --T. M. Song and X. W. Lu 23

Inheritance and function of the os gene --T. M. Song and X. W. Lu 23

Localization of the os gene on the short arm of chromosome 2 --T. M. Song and X. W. Lu 24

bergamo, italy

Transcriptional properties of the DNA binding protein encoded by the opaque-2 locus --M. Maddaloni, S. Lohmer, N. Di Fonzo, H. Hartings, M. Motto, F. Salamini and R. D. Thompson 24

Molecular analysis of the Bg-rbg transposable element system --C. Spilmont, H. Hartings, N. Lazzaroni, V. Rossi, M. Motto, R. D. Thompson and F. Salamini 24

Unstable alleles generated at various glossy loci --M. Maddaloni, M. Albano, M. Motto and F. Salamini 25

Relatedness of inbreds based on RFLP data --P. Ajmone Marsan, C. Livini, A. E. Melchinger, M. N. Messmer, M. Motto 26

Desiccation tolerance in embryogenic cultures --F. Locatelli and E. Lupotto 28

Evaluation of selectable markers for the identification of transformation events in regenerating cultures
--F. Locatelli, A. Rossini, M. C. Lusardi and E. Lupotto 28

berkeley, california

Kn2 and Rs*-1025 are putative alleles of Rs1-O --Philip Becraft and Michael Freeling 29

Hsf1-O (Hairy sheath frayed): 5L linkage data --R. Bertrand-Garcia and M. Freeling 30

The mechanism of GA1 action: is GA1 synthesis separated from its site of action? --R. G. Winkler and M. Freeling 30

Liguleless 4, a new dominant mutation that alters the sheath-blade boundary in maize leaves --John Fowler and Michael Freeling 30

Twisted 1: a new morphological mutation --R. Kelly Dawe and Michael Freeling 31

Ac11 acts early in plant development --R. Kelly Dawe and Michael Freeling 33

Lxm1-O suppresses the Kn1-O lateral vein phenotype --Michael Freeling 33

Developmental morphology of leaves using UV light-induced autofluorescence of cell wall components
--Anne W. Sylvester, Zac Cande and Mike Freeling 34

Tissue-specific distribution of cytosolic 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD) isozymes --Jonathan D. Tom and Julia Bailey-Serres 34


Isolation of repetitive DNA sequences specific to the genus Tripsacum --Luther E. Talbert and Susan L. Moylan 35

Assaying maize pollen phytic acid --Victor Raboy, Glenn M. Magyar, Paolo Gerbasi 36

brookings, south dakota

Linkage data for opaque endosperm-1 (o1) --R. H. Whalen 37

buenos aires, argentina

Perennial teosinte introgressed population of maize: behavior of half sib families and S1 derived lines
--J. L. Magoja 37

Diploperennial teosinte introgressed population of maize: isozyme variation --I. G. Palacios and J. L. Magoja 39

Diploperennial teosinte-maize hybrids: expression of pollen grain size and pollen fertility traits
--V. R. Corcuera, M. B. Aulicino and J. L. Magoja 39

Diploperennial teosinte introgressed population of maize: kernel protein content --L. H. Perini, G. Pischedda and J. L. Magoja 40

Gasp� germplasm for red flint corn improvement --M. B. Aulicino and J. L. Magoja 40

Wild germplasm for sweet corn improvement --I. G. Palacios, R. Burak and J. L. Magoja 41

A probable codominant gene for tryptophan content of endosperm --L. H. Perini and J. L. Magoja 42

Variability and heterosis in maize-Balsas teosinte and maize-Guatemala teosinte hybrids --M. B. Aulicino and J. L. Magoja 43

Protease activity during germination in high and low protein inbreds and its reciprocal hybrids
--J. L. Magoja and A. A. Nivio 44

campinas, sao paulo, brazil

Linkages of interest around the latente Michoac�n super-gene --Luiz Torres de Miranda, Luiz Eugenio Coelho de Miranda, Osmar Villela and Sylmar Denucci 45


Cold treatment does not appear to enhance the activity of a methylation sensitive Ac element --Richard Brettell and Elizabeth Dennis 45

chestnut Hill, massachusetts

The prospect of using doubled haploids in breeding --Y. C. Ting and K. Delorey 46

Continued studies on regeneration of haploid callus lines --Y. C. Ting and L. J. Forastieri 46


Gene amplification at the P-wr allele --Prasanna Athma and Thomas Peterson 46

Cloning of a P-regulated chalcone-flavanone isomerase gene from maize --Erich Grotewold and Thomas Peterson 46

cologne, germany

The synthesis or activation of a trans-acting factor is not the rate-limiting step in excision/transposition events --Manfred Heinlein and Peter Starlinger 47

The Ac-dosage effect --Manfred Heinlein and Peter Starlinger 47

In vitro analysis of the Ac encoded ORFa protein and mutant forms after heterologous expression
--Siegfried Feldmar and Reinhard Kunze 48

Nuclear factors bind to hexamer motifs in subterminal sequences of Ac --Heinz-Albert Becker and Reinhard Kunze 48

A transient assay for Ac excision in parsley (Petroselinum crispum) --Ralf L�tticke and Reinhard Kunze 49

DNA methylation of Ac sequences in maize and in transgenic tobacco --Thomas Ott, Birgit Nelsen-Salz, Hans-Peter D�ring 49

cologne, germany

Integration of dSpm in transgenic tobacco --Guillermo Cardon, Julio Reinecke, Monika Frey, Heinz Saedler and Alfons Gierl 50

Does A2 encode a dioxygenase? --Adriane Menssen, Heinz Saedler and Alfons Gierl 50

Molecular analysis of the two maize chalcone synthase genes C2 and Whp (white pollen) --Philipp Franken, Ursula Niesbach-Kl�sgen, Heinz Saedler and Udo Wienand 51

Molecular analysis of the dominant inhibitory C2 allele C2-Idf --Udo Wienand, Irmgard Weisskirchen, Philipp Franken and Heinz Saedler 51

columbia, missouri

Linkage of D9 and Nl2 on chromosome 5 --M. G. Neuffer 51

Indeterminate dwarf: an EMS-induced double mutant M.G. Neuffer and S. Chao 52

The integrated mapping project: Chromosome nine --Casey Howell, Ed Coe, Jack Gardiner, Susan Melia-Hancock and Shiaoman Chao 52

Integrated Mapping Project: interval mapping strategy --Ed Coe and Shiaoman Chao 53

Database and network for genome data --Ed Coe 54

A set of core RFLP markers for maize --Jack Gardiner, E.H. Coe, Susan Melia-Hancock, D.A. Hoisington and Shiaoman Chao 54

Mapping of the ij (iojap) locus with RFLP markers --Chang-deok Han and Ed Coe 56

Compatible maize parents for maize x Tripsacum hybridization employing a simplified crossing technique
--B. Kindiger and J. B. Beckett 56

Two new B-A translocations involving the long arm of chromosome 4 --J. B. Beckett 57

Chromosome arm dosage analysis - Identification of potential QTLs on the short arm of chromosome 5
---E.A. Lee, D.R. Baxter, L.L. Darrah and E.H. Coe, Jr. 58

Parker's flint contains orp1 --Allen D. Wright 58

Columbia, Missouri and Beltsville, Maryland

Tryptophan not required for IAA biosynthesis? --Allen D. Wright, M. G. Neuffer, Michael B. Sampson, Jerry D. Cohen, Lech Michalzcuk and Janet P. Slovin 59


Products of Mu insertion and excision at the bronze-1 gene --Anne Bagg Britt and Virginia Walbot 59


Paramutation: a tassel mosaic controlled by temperature --Bernard C. Mikula 59

east lansing, michigan

Metabolism of the host-selective phytotoxin HC-toxin --Robert B. Meeley and Jonathan D. Walton 61

freiburg, germany

Tissue-specific differences of maize HMG proteins --Klaus D. Grasser and G�nter Feix 61

gainesville, florida

The sweet corn “Silver Queen” contains two genes conditioning white seed --L. C. Hannah and D. R. McCarty 62

Mutation of the miniature 1 (mn1) locus is associated with loss of invertase activity --Michael E. Miller and Prem S. Chourey 62

Variations in the structure and expression of shrunken alleles --William K. Johnson and Prem S. Chourey 63

Harlan, iowa

Development of a tertiary trisomic (A A B-A) stock carrying indeterminate gametophyte (ig) --Bryan Kindiger 64

irkutsk, ussr

Oligonucleotide DNA-probe for detecting linear mitochondrial plasmids --E. L. Tauson, S. I. Belicov, J. M. Konstantinov and V. P. Kumarev 64

Johnston, Iowa

Computerized two-dimensional electrophoretic protein profiles of 37 inbred lines and one hybrid line
--J. W. Higginbotham, J. S. C. Smith and O. S. Smith 65

Correlations between restriction fragments and protein spots: integrating two-dimensional electrophoretic data with RFLP data --J. W. Higginbotham 65

Numbers of RFLP probes necessary to show associations between lines --O. S. Smith, J. S. C. Smith, S. L. Bowen and R. A. Tenborg 66

Choice of probes and restriction enzymes to generate RFLP data for the calculation of inter-line genetic distances and for the presentation of associations among inbred lines --O. S. Smith, J. S. C. Smith, S. L. Bowen and R. A. Tenborg 66

Associations among 45 hybrids widely grown in the U.S. --J. S. C. Smith, B. A. Orman and S. Wall 67

Associations among 150 publicly available inbred lines as revealed by cluster analysis of RFLP data
--J. S. C. Smith, S. Wright, M. Walton, O. S. Smith and S. Wall 67

Ability of RFLPs to uniquely identify and to show associations among 160 elite lines used within a proprietary breeding program during 1930-1990 --J. S. C. Smith, O. S. Smith, S. L. Bowen, R. A. Tenborg, S. Wall and D.N. Duvick 67

Choice of restriction enzyme digests of genomic DNA in profiling inbred lines --J. S. C. Smith, O. S. Smith, D. Grant, S. L. Bowen and R. A. Tenborg 68

Standards for declaring and computing matching probabilities between genotypes of maize in cases where identities, pedigrees and ownership of germplasm are in dispute --J. S. C. Smith, B. Bowen, D. Grant. B. A. Orman, R. Fincher and O. S. Smith 68

Methods to precisely estimate molecular weights of fragments constituting RFLP "fingerprints" and a means to standardize measurements within and across laboratories --J. S. C. Smith, R. A. Tenborg, B. Roth, D. Grant, O. S. Smith, T. Brumback and T. Beghtol 69

List of probe and restriction enzyme digest combinations of genomic DNA that are useful for "fingerprinting" inbred lines and hybrids --J. S. C. Smith. 69

A linkage map based on information from four F2 populations --William D. Beavis and David Grant 70

krasnodar, ussr

Genetic control of maize variability --A. S. Mashnenkov 72

Effect of inbred genotype on kernel development in maize-Tripsacum hybrids --Elena P. Erygina and A. S. Mashnenkov 72

leningrad, ussr

Macrosporogenesis in both normal plants and mei-mutants --N. A. Avalkina and I. N. Golubovskaya 73

llavallol, Argentina

Variation of the frequency of multivalents in Zea diploperennis x Z. perennis (2n=30 and 2n=40) hybrids treated with dilute concentrations of colchicine --C. A. Naranjo, L. Poggio, M. C. Molina and E. A. Bernaten� 74

Meiotic behavior and DNA content in two stable lines of maize with cytoplasm of Z. mays ssp. mexicana
--L. Poggio, C. Tito, L. Mazoti and C. A. Naranjo 75

Recalibration of “c-tester” line as a standard to estimate nuclear DNA content/pg by Feulgen microdensitometry --C. Tito, L. Poggio and C. A. Naranjo 76

In vitro culture of 0.15, 0.25 mm immature embryos. I. Picloram effects --M. D. Garcia, M. C. Molina and O. Caso 76

In vitro culture of 0.15-0.25 mm immature embryos. II. 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) effects
--M. D. Garcia, M. C. Molina and O. Caso 77

Maize-Balsas teosinte and maize-Guatemala teosinte hybrids: inheritance of plant traits --V�ctor Ra�l Corcuera 78

Maize-Balsas teosinte and maize-Guatemala teosinte hybrids: inheritance of prolificity --V�ctor R�ul Corcuera 79

Maize-Balsas teosinte and maize-Guatemala teosinte hybrids: inheritance of evolutive cycle --V�ctor R�ul Corcuera 80

Llavallol, argentina and lomas de zamora, argentina

Diploperennial teosinte-maize hybrids: inheritance of male spikelet outer glume traits --V. R. Corcuera and J.. L. Magoja 81

London, Ontario, Canada

Transient expression of B-peru gene in bombarded (PDS-2000) immature shoot apical meristems
--V. R. Bommineni, D. B. Walden and J.C. Sanford 82

Mature plants from cultured shoot apical and tassel meristems --V. R. Bommineni and E. Banasikowaska 82

Tolerance of maize and oat shoot apical meristems to brief cold temperatures and recovery of mature, fertile plants --V. R. Bommineni and E. Banasikowaska 83

madison, wisconsin

Preliminary results from the molecular analysis of intragenic recombination at the waxy locus --Ron J. Okagaki 84

Mosaic pericarp does not result from an Spm insertion --Oliver Nelson 85

Locations of new mutations on 9S --Oliver Nelson 86

Ac dosage and transposon mutagenesis --Jerry Kermicle 86

milan, italy

Nitrogen requirements of wildtype and opaque-2 endosperm cultures --L. A. Manzocchi and S. Faranda 87

moscow, ussr

Esterase and peroxidase patterns in leaves of A188 somaclones --Emil E. Khavkin 88

Quantitative changes of telomeric heterochromatin in A188 somaclones --T. B. Dubrovina and D. M. Atayeva 89

moscow, ussr and krasnodar, ussr

Somaclonal variability in inbred line A188 --Y. I. Dolgykh, Y. V. Bolonkina, S. H. Larina and Z. B. Shamina 89

moscow, ussr and Krasnodar, ussr

Development of heterochromatin polymorphism in inbred lines --A. B. Romanova, D. M. Atayeva, V. S. Shcherbak and M. V. Chumak 89

munich, germany and stuttgart, germany

Comparisons among strains of inbreds for RFLPs --J. Boppenmaier, A. E. Melchinger, E. Brunklaus-Jung and R. G. Herrmann 90


New zein genes mapped to chromosome 7 by IEF and HPLC --C. M. Wilson 91

Identification by IEF of zeins from genes located in recombinant inbreds --C. M. Wilson 91


gl15 is a heterochronic mutation --Matthew M. S. Evans and Scott Poethig 91

New alleles of Teopod2 --Mark Dudley and Scott Poethig 92

st. louis, missouri; woodland, california and st. paul, minnesota

Development and availability of germplasm with high Type II culture formation response
--C. L. Armstrong, C. E. Green and R. L. Phillips 92

ST. Paul, Minnesota

Maize plastid genome BamHI 14 fragment has conserved intron-containing open reading frame --Jaakko Kangasjarvi, Dennis E. Mathews and Burle G. Gengenbach 93

Altered acetyl-CoA carboxylase confers herbicide tolerance and may affect fatty acid biosynthesis --Lorelei C. Marshall, Robin A. Keith, Donald L. Wyse, Burle G. Gengenbach and John W. Gronwald 94

Purification of maize leaf acetyl CoA carboxylase --Margaret A. Egli, Burle G. Gengenbach, John W. Gronwald, David A. Somers and Donald L. Wyse 95

stanford, california

Germinal revertants of bz2-mu1, an allele with a Mu1 element in a background with a typical, late pattern of somatic reversion --Virginia Walbot 95

Early events in Mutator lines: I. Germinal revertants --Virginia Walbot 96

Early events in a Mutator line: II. Somatic reversion --Virginia Walbot 96

Sectors of null activity on somatically unstable kernels --Virginia Walbot 97

The excess of single kernel revertants compared to ear sectors --Virginia Walbot 97

Mu9, a new 5 kb member of the Mutator family of transposable elements --Jane Hershberger, Christine Anne Warren and Virginia Walbot 98

HPLC analyses of bronze pigments --John Bodeau and Virginia Walbot 98

Regulated transcription of the maize Bz2-promoter in electroporated BMS protoplasts --John Bodeau and Virginia Walbot 99

stanton, minnesota

Near-isogenic line localization of MDMV resistance to chromosome 6S --Ed Weck, Diana Beckman, Doug Mead, Christi Bredenkamp and Mary Trainor 99

waxy PCR --David Farrar, Steve Larson and Ed Weck 101

RFLPs push BC2 selections ahead --Ed Weck, Mary Bergstedt, David Farrar, Mike Kiefer, Carolynn Krumm, Mike Lundell, Doug Mead, Hope Sunderland, Roger Taylor and Carol Ann Wangen 101

6S mapping --Doug Mead, Russ Kwan, Mike Flaherty and Ed Weck 102

Transmission ratio distortion --Doug Mead, Mike Flaherty and Ed Weck 103

Tucson, Arizona

Thoughts on future efforts for developing the maize genetics linkage map using RFLPs --Tim Helentjaris 103

upton, new york

Mapping new mutations using RFLPs --Eileen C. Matz, Frances A. Burr and Benjamin Burr 104

Database for loci mapped in TxCM and COxTx RI families --B. Burr, F.A. Burr and E.C. Matz 105

Experiments with id1 --B. Burr and V�ronique Szabo 110

Comparison of bnl probes redux --B. Burr and F.A. Burr 110

urbana, illinois

Chemiluminescent Southern detection of maize genomic single copy sequences --Torbert Rocheford and Nancy Wallace 111

Identification of a putative globulin-specific protein processor by using anti-idiotypic antibodies --Faith C. Belanger and Alan L. Kriz 113

ABA regulation of gene expression in embryos of viviparous mutants --Renato Paiva and Alan L. Kriz 114

A note of clarification concerning P3377 suspension culture --David R. Duncan and Jack M. Widholm 114

Breeding programs and the development of regenerable callus cultures --David R. Duncan, David P. Deutscher and Jack M. Widholm 114


The ub gene (unbranched tassel) for increasing productivity --Walton C. Galinat 115

Relationship between ts2 alleles, femaleness and internode length --Walton C. Galinat 115

Growth patterns as additional evidence of a biphyletic domestication of teosinte in the origins of corn
--Walton C. Galinat 116

Interspace (is) and string cob (Sg1, Sg2) as stabilizing factors for the expression of key trait genes (tr, pd)
--Walton C. Galinat 116

On the origin of Longfellow-Flint and bird control --Walton C. Galinat 117


Maternal effect leads to DNA replication pattern in maize endosperm --R. V. Kowles, G. L. Yerk, R. L. Phillips and F. Srienc 117

Endoreduplication and mitotic activity in defective kernel mutants --R. V. Kowles, G. Yerk, R. L. Phillips and F. Srienc 118

III. zealand 120

IV. maize genetics cooperation stock center 124

V. gene list and working maps 129

vi. mailing list 165

vii. recent maize publications 180

viii. symbol index 200


Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors

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