Increased transmission of full vegetative multiranking through pollen from the central spike of the tassel in comparison with pollen from the lateral branches --Walton C. Galinat Pollen from different parts of the same tassel was used to self-pollinate different ears on the same plant with full expression of vegetative multiranking (full mrv). Of 144 plants derived from pollination by the central spike with floral multiranking, 4.4% had full expression of vegetative multiranking. Of 126 plants derived from pollination by the lateral, two-ranked branches from the same tassel onto the other ear borne on the same plant, only 1.8% showed full expression of vegetative multiranking. The difference in transmission rate is attributed to an epigenic difference in ranking between the central spike of the tassel and its lateral branches. In the presence of the mrv gene, this difference in ranking tends to be carried over into the next generation as if pollen from the central spike was not fully set back to two-ranking for the next cycle. In teosinte there is no need for a reversion system for phyllotaxy because both the floral and vegetative phases are two-ranked. The ub (unbranched tassel) gene is being transferred to the mrv stocks in an attempt to stabilize the mrv expression in the vegetative phase.

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