Location of Adh1 and Kn1 on the linkage map --Julie Mathern and Sarah Hake 2

The Kn1-O mutation is a 19kb tandem duplication --Bruce Veit, Erik Vollbrecht and Sarah Hake 2

Interaction between mutations that influence inflorescence development --Bruce Veit and Sarah Hake 2

The insertion of a Mu element results in a new knotted mutation --Richard M. Walko and Sarah Hake 2

Continuous transposition of the maize Ac element in four generations of transgenic tobacco

--Reinhard Hehl and Barbara Baker 3

Delivery of A1 and Bz1 genes to intact aleurone tissue --Ted Klein, Brad Roth and Michael Fromm 3

ALBANY, NEW YORK Codon usage table for maize based on sequences of 25 nuclear genes

--David M. Bashe and Joseph P. Mascarenhas 4

AMES, IOWA The termini of Ac have prokaryotic promoters, homologous sequences with E. coli DnaA protein binding sites,

and ARS sequences. --James H. Zhou and Alan G. Atherly 5

The putative Mutator-induced deletion of the A1 and Sh2 loci on the long arm of chromosome 3, a1-sh2-Mu, is

inviable in both the homozygous and hypoploid conditions --Philip S. Stinard and Donald S. Robertson 7

Allele tests of new putative Mutator-induced recessive kernel mutants with ae-like phenotype

--Philip S. Stinard 8

Two-point linkage data for brn1 to cr1 on 3S --Philip S. Stinard 9

A putative Mutator-induced du1 mutant --Philip S. Stinard 9

Inbred line A188 is homozygous for y1 and Wc --Brent Buckner and Philip S. Stinard 9

The source of the Mutator system and the first Mu-induced mutants --Donald S. Robertson 9

A model for heterosis --Donald S. Robertson 10

Evidence for Mutator activity in the spore-zygote interval --Donald S. Robertson and Philip Stinard 12

Results of tests of an alternative explanation for 1:1 ratios involving Mutator-induced mutable a1 mutants

--Donald S. Robertson 14

a-m877527 - Cy controlled --Peter A. Peterson 14

Systems relationships - Mrh and Mut --Peter A. Peterson 14

bz-877803 - a correction, not En but likely Cy --Peter A. Peterson 14

c2-m857213 - System relation --Peter A. Peterson 14

P-VV alleles --Peter A. Peterson 16

a2-m668144 - a2-rcy responds to Cy --Peter A. Peterson 16

C-I-m836519 - Insert induced loss of a male transmitted color inhibition capacity --Peter A. Peterson 16

C-I-m836976 - an autonomously mutable En allele --Peter A. Peterson 16

Df C-I Sh-846571 --Peter A. Peterson 16

a-m(Au)871618W1, a-m(Au)871618W2 and a-m(Au)flow --Peter A. Peterson 17

wx-m867674 - an En insert at the Wx locus --Peter A. Peterson 17

C-I836978 - a weak C-I allele --Peter A. Peterson 17

c-m(r)860904 - a mutant controlled by En-I system, the origin of a receptor allele from c-m655437

--Ch. Jayaram, A. R. Reddy and Peter A. Peterson 17

Use of commercial ink marker pen in genetic analysis --Yong-Bao Pan and Michael G. Muszynski 18

Uq activation: recovered germinal events --Yong-Bao Pan and Peter A. Peterson 18

The Uq at mn-866248U is not a standard Uq element --Yong-Bao Pan and Peter A. Peterson 18

Dee*-m857345 and Dee*-m857513: two mutable defective endosperm mutants

--Yong Bao Pan and Peter A. Peterson 18

Uq-10aa-SS: a second 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine induced Uq element --Yong-Bao Pan and Peter A. Peterson 19

Pollen transformation: improving seed setting

--Yong-Bao Pan, Hua Zhou, Peter A. Peterson and Alan G. Atherly 20

The "a-m(r) effect" on wx-844 mutability --Kim Hagemann and Peter A. Peterson 20

The transposable element Uq in BSSS(R) and BS13(S) corn breeding populations

--Lisa Lorenzen and Peter A. Peterson 21

Crossingover frequencies between several translocations and four En-containing alleles

--Ruying Chang and Peter A. Peterson 21

Chemical methods for direct gene transfer to maize protoplasts: I. Efficient transient expression after treatment

with the polycation Polybrene --N. M. Antonelli and J. Stadler 21

Phagocytosis of latex beads by protoplasts --J. Stadler and Huang H. C. Lin 22

Chemical methods for direct gene transfer to protoplasts. II: Recovery of stable transformants after direct gene

transfer using polyethylene glycol (PEG) --N. M. Antonelli and J. Stadler 23

Possible reactivation of Mu-loss line through tissue culture and regeneration

--M. James, P. Stinard, D.S. Robertson and J. Stadler 24

ATHENS, GEORGIA Background effects on the expression of Mutator-induced mutant alleles

--Daniel Ortiz, Robert Gregerson and Judith Strommer 25

Aberrant processing of Mu1-induced mutant alleles --Daniel Ortiz, Robert Gregerson and Judith Strommer 26

AUSTIN, TEXAS A technique for spreading maize microsporocyte pachytene chromosomes for silver staining and EM viewing of

synaptonemal complex core and lateral elements --M. P. Maguire 26

Baltimore, MarylanD Studies on the transposase function of Spm in tobacco --P. Masson, G. Rutherford and N. Fedoroff 27 BEIJING, CHINA Identification of a sweet corn mutant from the People's Republic of China

--Dai Jingrui, Chen Liufang and Han Yashan 28

BERGAMO, ITALY The b-32 protein from endosperm: characterization of genomic sequences

--H. Hartings, N. Lazzaroni, A. Spada, R. Thompson, F. Salamani, M. Motto, J. Palau and N. Difonzo 29

Molecular properties of the wx-m32 allele: a Bg-induced unstable mutation

--M. Maddaloni, G. Ponziani, N. Di Fonzo, F. Salamini, R. Thompson and M. Motto 30

Characterization of in vitro salt-tolerant embryogenic cultures

--E. Lupotto, M. C. Lusardi, D. Bartels and M. Mongodi 31

Isolation of L-glufosinate-tolerant embryogenic lines in various genotypes

--E. Lupotto, M. C. Lusardi, E. Nielsen and G. Forlani 31

Isolation of Bg-induced unstable mutations at the Wx locus

--F. Salamini, L. Asperti, C. Balconi, N. Di Fonzo, R. Thompson and M. Motto 33

BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Cell-free protein synthesis with maize polyribosomes and wheat germ translation factors

--Julia Bailey-Serres and Michael Freeling 33

A testable site-specific recombination model for Mu3 excision

--Barbara Kloeckener-Gruissem and Michael Freeling 34

Analysis of a partial Adh1-3F1124 germinal revertant

--Brandon DeFrancisci, Barbara Kloeckener-Gruissem and Michael Freeling 34

Organ and tissue specific expression of 6-phosphogluconate PGD2 . PGD2 dehydrogenase (6-PGD)

--J. Thom, J. Bailey-Serres and M. Freeling 35

Detailed analysis of the aerobic and anaerobic tissue distribution of ADH1 activity in the primary root

--Julie Vogel, John Fowler and Michael Freeling 35

Preliminary analysis of the pollen cell lineage --R. Kelly Dawe and Michael Freeling 36

An explanation of the sporadic behavior of morphological mutants --Michael Freeling and Nicholas Harberd 36

Use of the scanning electron microscope to ascribe leaf regional identities even when normal anatomy is disrupted

--Phil Becraft and Michael Freeling 37

A Mu-suppressible hcf mutant, and non-reciprocal transmission of Mu activity

--Rob Martienssen, Alice Barkan, William C. Taylor and Michael Freeling 37

Novel derivatives of Adh1-3F1124 --Rodney G. Winkler and Michael Freeling 38

An anaerobic protein (ANP) that may not be a glycolytic enzyme --Wolfgang Kammerer and Michael Freeling 38

Mu3 may cause chromosomal rearrangements at a distance from the insertion site

--Yvonne Thorstenson and Michael Freeling 39

BLACKSBURG, VIRGINIA Cis and trans acting elements control the organ specificity of Glu1 expression

--Mahmoud M. Rifaat and Asim Esen 39

Basis of b-glucosidase multiplicity --Mahmoud M. Rifaat and Asim Esen 40

Problems in maize-MDMV genetics --C. W. Roane and S. A. Tolin 40

Stripes and the fate map concept in the maize-MDMV relationship --C. W. Roane and S. A. Tolin 41

Tillering and resistance to MDMV --C. W. Roane and S. A. Tolin 42

BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA Transposons and paramutation --Drew Schwartz 42

Further studies on K10-I and K10-II --M. M. Rhoades and Ellen Dempsey 42

BOMBAY, INDIA A case of somatic instability at C-I --Shehalata B. Allagikar, S. E. Pawar and N. K. Notani 43

Breeding behaviour of shrunken kernels --Shehalata B. Allagikar, S. E. Pawar and N. K. Notani 43

Sucrose synthetase activity in developing kernels

--Shehalata B. Allagikar, S. E. Pawar, R. K. Mitra and N. K. Notani 43

BOZEMAN, MONTANA and MADISON, WISCONSIN Inheritance patterns of bz-m13 "CS1-like" phenotypes suggest asymmetric, strand-specific DNA methylation

--Victor Raboy and Oliver E. Nelson Jr. 44

BOZEMAN, MONTANA and ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Molecular evidence for the hybrid origin of Tripsacum andersonii --Luther E. Talbert and John F. Doebley 45 BUFFALO, NEW YORK and ROCHESTER, NEW YORK The use of x-ray contact microradiography in the study of silica deposition in the leaf blade

--Ping-chin Cheng and Hyo-gun Kim 45

CAMPINAS, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL Resistance to Angoumois moth and corn weevil in husked ears

--Luiz Eugenio Coelho de Miranda, Luiz Torres de Miranda and Sylmar Denucci 47

Allometric genetics: in a factorial with results expressed in logarithms the linear effects are the coefficients in the

allometry expression --Luiz Torres de Miranda and Luiz Eugenio Coelho de Miranda 48

Allometric genetics: a summing up --Luiz Torres de Miranda and Luiz Eugenio Coelho de Miranda 48

Allometric genetics and linkages of teosinte characters in 4S

--Luiz Eugenio Coelho de Miranda and Luiz Torres de Miranda 49

Relationship between zein and coixin

--Laura M. M. Ottoboni, Adilson Leite, Maria Luiza N. Targon, Marcio J. DaSilva and Paulo Arruda 49

Lysine-ketoglutarate reductase in normal and opaque-2 endosperm

--Marcia R. Brochetto-Braga, Adilson Leite and Paulo Arruda 50

CHAPINGO, MEXICO A realistic model for selection limit in maize --Fidel Márquez-Sánchez 50 Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts Chromosome doubling in anther culture-derived progeny plants --Y. C. Ting and Stephen Schneider 51

More studies on anther culture --Y. C. Ting and A. H. Mu 51

CLEMSON, SOUTH CAROLINA B37N mitochondria lack a mature transcript for URF-25 --J. Wang, J. Barth and A. Abbott 52

Presence of pBR322-homologous transcripts in maize --D. Gupta, M. Tanzer and A. G. Abbott 52

CLERMONT-FERRAND, FRANCE Anther culture --D. Barloy and M. Beckert 52 COLD SPRING HARBOR, NEW YORK Dosage of Mu --V. Sundaresan 53

R-locus imprinting is tissue-specific and not positional --Joe Colasanti, Amar J. S. Klar and V. Sundaresan 53

Molecular analysis of the P locus --Christa Lechelt and Thomas Peterson 54

Short-range transposition of Ac from the P-OVOV allele --Thomas Peterson 54

P-OVOV mutates to P-WW by deletion --Prasanna Athma and Thomas Peterson 55

COLLEGE PARK, MARYLAND Further evidence for the maternal inheritance of plastids --Joseph L. Corriveau 55 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Wrp: A new dominant dwarf mutation --A.J. Bockholt and J.D. Smith 56

Proteolytic enzyme activities in viviparous-1 and normal kernel tissues during development

--Kien Tjhen, J.D. Smith and D. G. Bai 56

Suppression of lipase activity by Vp and abscisic acid during kernel development

--D.G. Bai, C.W. Magill and J.D. Smith 56

Regulation of anthocyanin synthesis in aleurone by Vp and abscisic acid --J.D. Smith and B.G. Cobb 57

Anaerobic respiration and ethanol production in root tips from wild type and Adh1-null seedlings acclimated or not

acclimated to low oxygen --D.J. Hole, P.S. Hole, M.C. Drew and B.G. Cobb 58

COLOGNE, WEST GERMANY Transcription of Ac and deleted derivatives of Ac in tobacco

--Siegfried Feldmar, Reinhard Kunze and Peter Starlinger 59

Binding of Ac- encoded protein to Ac- DNA --Reinhard Kunze and Peter Starlinger 59

Analysis of Ac sequences required for transposition --George Coupland, Christiane Plum and Peter Starlinger 59

Analysis of the N-terminus of Ac transposase in transgenic tobacco plants --Min-gang Li and Peter Starlinger 60

Transcription of the Bz2 locus --Gregor Schmitz, Nikolaus Theres and Peter Starlinger 60

Chromosome breakage at the Ds-induced sh-m6233-Dip allele --Detlef Piatkowski and Hans-Peter Döring 60

COLUMBIA, MISSOURI Accumulation of indole in orange pericarp (orp) plants. --Allen D. Wright 61

Chromosome 8 Mapping Data, 1989 --Dan England and M. G. Neuffer 61

Chromosome-Breaking Ds Sites --M. G. Neuffer 61

id mutants from EMS treatment --M. G. Neuffer and M. T. Chang 62

Designation of four recessive mutants --M. G. Neuffer 62

Designation of four dominant mutants --M. G. Neuffer 62

8L Linkage Data: Bif1, Sdw1 --M. G. Neuffer 63

Tester stocks for B-A translocations --J. B. Beckett 63

Preliminary data on Mu tagging of ij --Chang-deok Han and Ed Coe 65

Apparent non-random chromosome locations of mutant loci recovered from a Mutator-mutagenesis

--Bill Cook and Don Miles 65

An interesting leaf development mutant from a Mutator active line which causes a loss of leaf blade

--Donald Miles 66

dek1 interferes with aleurone differentiation --Karen C. Cone, Emily B. Frisch and Thomas E. Phillips 67

Yet another rapid plant DNA prep --Karen Cone 68

Multiple fertility restorer genes for EP (Z.p.) cytoplasm --K. J. Newton and E. H. Coe, Jr. 68

Effect of maize nuclear background on cytochrome c oxidase transcripts in teosinte mitochondria

--Pam Cooper, Ed Butler and Kathy Newton 69

Effect of maize nuclear background on mitochondrial protein synthesis in Zea luxurians mitochondria

--Pam Cooper and Kathy Newton 69

Molecular analysis of the NCS3 mitochondrial mutant --M. D. Hunt and K. J. Newton 70

Molecular analyses of the NCS2 mutant --Deborah L. Roussell and Kathleen J. Newton 70

DIMBOA glucosyltransferase does not glucosylate quercetin --B. A. Bailey and R. L. Larson 70

COLUMBIA, MISSOURI and BOMBAY, INDIA Expression of fine stripe, japonica-1, striate and virescent-5 --M. M. Johri and E. H. Coe 71 COLUMBIA, MISSOURI and MADISON, WISCONSIN Pedigree compilations --Ed Coe, Fritz Behr and Jim Coors 72 COLUMBIA, MISSOURI and URBANA, ILLINOIS Abnormal growth phenotype correlated with a mitochondrial gene (cox2) deletion

--K. J. Newton, C. Knudsen, S. Gabay-Laughnan and J. Laughnan 72

COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA Variants with altered kernel oil composition --Robin F. Keith and Anthony H.C. Huang 73 CORVALLIS, OREGON Polymorphisms involving the Mutator transposon terminal repeat in somaclonal variants

--Carol Rivin and Douglas Underwood 74

Coordination of embryo maturation events by ABA --Carol Rivin and Timothy Grudt 74

Characterization of a cell wall protein in various tissues --Connie S. Bozarth and Carol Rivin 75

Daejon, Korea Tiller angles of maize with tillers --B. H. Choe, K. K. Kang, W. K. Lee and H. B. Lee 75

The root systems of maize with tillers --B. H. Choe, Y. W. Seo and H. B. Lee 75

A new recessive mutant - rind absence --B. H. Choe, K. K. Kang, W. K. Lee and H. B. Lee 75

DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE An improved method for the high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of quercetin and isoquercitrin

--Michael Dowe, Carol Macomber and Anita S. Klein 76

Alkaline phosphatase activity in the aleurone and embryo of maize --Anita S. Klein and Carol M. O'Brien 76

EUGENE, OREGON Cloning B utilizing R genomic sequences --Vicki L. Chandler, Devon Turks and Pablo Radicella 77

Isolation and molecular analysis of Mu-induced bz1 and sh1 mutants

--Kristine Hardeman, Susan Belcher and Vicki Chandler 79

HYDERABAD, INDIA Hydroxylation pattern of certain intermediates in anthocyanin biosynthesis

--P. Suprasanna, K. V. Rao and G. M. Reddy 79

Genotypic differences and effect of amino acids on somatic embryogenesis in immature embryo calli

--K. V. Rao, P. Suprasanna and G. M. Reddy 80

SEM and TEM characterization of embryogenic calli --K. V. Rao, P. Suprasanna and G. M. Reddy 80

IOWA CITY, IOWA Evolution of the B chromosome --Wayne Carlson 80

Region 4 on the B chromosome: evidence for a unique function --Wayne Carlson 81

IRKUTSK, USSR Transcription as dependent on respiration and phosphorylation in isolated mitochondria

--Yuri Konstantinov, Galina Lutsenko and Vladimir Podsosonny 82

The role of RNA synthesis in the maintenance of functional activity of isolated mitochondria

--Yuri Konstantinov, Vladimir Podsosonny and Galina Lutsenko 82

Irkutsk, USSR and Krasnodar, USSR The low level of RNA synthesis in mitochondria of heterotic hybrids

--Yuri Konstantinov, A. S. Mashnenkov, Galina Lutsenko and Vladimir Podsosonny 83

Johnston, IOWA Reliability of the protein extraction procedure used to prepare seedling samples for two-dimensional electro-

phoresis --J. W. Higginbotham and J. S. C. Smith 83

The effect of different seed lots versus genotypes on 2-D protein profiles of seedlings

--J. W. Higginbotham, J. S. C. Smith and O. S. Smith 84

The effect of slightly varying imbibition periods versus genotypes on 2-D protein profiles of seedlings

--J. W. Higginbotham, J. S. C. Smith and O. S. Smith 85

RFLP's revealed among elite inbred lines and associations among lines revealed by multivariate analysis

--J. S. C. Smith, S. L. Bowen, R. A. Tenborg, R. Feazel, O. S. Smith and D. Grant 86

Associations among inbred lines revealed by RFLP data and correlations with F1 yield and heterosis

--J. S. C. Smith, O. S. Smith, S. L. Bowen, R. A. Tenborg and D. Grant 86

Comparison of heterosis among hybrids as a measure of hybrid relatedness with that to be expected on the basis of

pedigree --J. S. C. Smith and O. S. Smith 86

KRASNODAR, USSR Effect of genotypes on seed set frequency in maize-Tripsacum crosses --E. P. Erygina and A. S. Mashnenkov 87 LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA Ras-related transcripts --R. B. Zabulionis and D. B. Walden 87

Recovery of plantlets from apical meristem culture --V. R. Bommineni, D. B. Walden and R. I. Greyson 87

Morphological study of male sterile-silky (ms-si or si1) --D. W. Dales, R. I. Greyson and D. B.Walden 88

LUDHIANA, INDIA Cytoplasmic male-sterile (cms) mutants --V. K. Chaudhary and J. L. Minocha 88

Studies of some induced morphological mutants --V. K. Chaudhary and J. L. Minocha 91

Induced albino mutants --V. K. Chaudhary and J. L. Minocha 91

EMS-induced red cob mutants --V. K. Chaudhary and J. L. Minocha 92

MADISON, WISCONSIN Unusual behavior of the R-g :15 allele in paramutation tests --Andrew Harrison and Jerry Kermicle 92

Diversity and relationships of historically important sweet corn inbred lines --J. T. Gerdes and W. F. Tracy 93

RFLP diversity among P39 and four derivatives --J. T. Gerdes and W. F. Tracy 93

Effect of corngrass on cell wall components --W. F. Tracy and R. D. Hatfield 93

Lindsey-Meyers blue sweet corn --W. F. Tracy 93

Andromonoecious maize --W. F. Tracy 94

MARTONVASAR, HUNGARY Cold tolerance of S2 lines and testcrosses at germination --P. D. Quang and T. Szundy 94 MEXICO CITY, MEXICO and COLUMBIA, MISSOURI Silk pH, nonbrowning silks, and resistance to corn earworm

--P. F. Byrne, E. H. Coe, L. L. Darrah and K. B. Simpson 94

MILAN, ITALY Preliminary characterization of the heat-shock response in developing kernels --Carla Frova 95

Post-pollination gene expression: a methodological approach and preliminary results

--Carla Frova and Gloria Padoani 95

Temporal and tissue specificity of enzyme coding genes in the developing kernel

--Carla Frova and Gloria Padoani 96

Preliminary results on induction of AluI-bands in maize chromosomes --Silvana Faccio Dolfini 96

Light regulated and tissue specific expression of Sn --Gabriella Consonni and Chiara Tonelli 97

Transient expression of fragments from the 5' flanking region of a zein gene in electroporated protoplasts

--G. Giovinazzo, I. Coraggio, A. Viotti and L. A. Manzocchi 97

Characterization of cDNA clones for glutelin polypeptides

--F. Sparvoli, F. Quattrocchio, M. W. Bianchi, L. Bernard, N. E. Pogna and A. Viotti 98

MILAN, ITALY and BOLOGNA, ITALY Gametophytic selection for Chlorsulfuron tolerance --M. Sari Gorla, E. Ottaviano, E. Frascaroli and P. Landi 98 NORMAL, ILLINOIS Identification of monosomic-5 plants --David F. Weber and M. C. Schneerman 99

Using selfs of monosomic plants for RFLP studies --David F. Weber 99

Characteristics of maize monosomics --David F. Weber 100

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA An interaction between Tp1 and a region on chromosome 1 --Scott Poethig 101

Confirmation of the linkage between Tp1 and sl1 --Scott Poethig 101

The location of Wrk1 --Scott Poethig 101

ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Sequence of the cDNA for a zein-associated-protein --Keqin Chen, John Hunsperger and Irwin Rubenstein 101

Characterization and complete sequence of a cDNA encoding for ubiquitin from W22

--Keqin Chen, John Hunsperger and Irwin Rubenstein 102

Detection of amino acid variants --Deborah A. Muenchrath and Ronald L. Phillips 102

Activation of the Spm transposable element in a tissue culture-derived plant

--V. M. Peschke, R. L. Phillips and L. Pritchard 103

Relation of maturity and the 185bp DNA sequence in knob heterochromatin

--R. L. Phillips, J. Suresh and S. Kaeppler 103

Characterization of sethoxydim and haloxyfop tolerant mutants selected from tissue culture

--W.B. Parker, F.A. Keith, J.D. Burton, D.A. Somers, D.L. Wyse, J.W. Gronwald and B.G. Gengenbach 104

Threonine overproducing mutants exhibit aspartate kinases with reduced feedback inhibition

--S.B. Dotson, D.A. Somers and B.G. Gengenbach 105

Plastid transcript accumulation in developing endosperm --Andrew McCullough and Burle Gengenbach 105

Purification of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from suspension cultures

--David A. Frisch, Burle G. Gengenbach and David A. Somers 106

ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA and AMES, IOWA Zea diploperennis B73 adapted to U. S. corn belt --Lawrence A. Carlson and Steven C. Price 106

Zea diploperennis-maize hybrid adapted to the U. S. corn belt --Lawrence A. Carlson and Steven C. Price 107

ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA and PHOENIX, ARIZONA Further evidence regarding gene flow between maize and teosinte --John Doebley and Gary Nabhan 107 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA and RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA On the origin of the maize male sterile cytoplasms --John Doebley and Paul H. Sisco 108 Salt Lake City, Utah Use of PCR and direct sequencing to compare DNA sequences from homologous regions for several cultivars

--Tim Helentjaris, Donna Shattuck-Eidens and Russell Bell 109

A survey of Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic parents, derived inbreds and BSSS(HT)C5 using RFLP analysis

--Susan L. Neuhausen 110

Variation in the organization of the mitochondrial genome --Christiane Fauron and Marie Havlik 111

SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA Identification of RFLP markers for the Ht1 gene by comparison of inbreds and their Ht1-conversions

--Manju Gupta, F. Dale Park, Bradley Hoo, Matthew Frome, David Zaitlin, Yan-San Chyi, William D. Banks and Philip Filner 112

Identification of RFLP markers for the rhm gene

--Yan-San Chyi, Manju Gupta, Matthew J. Frome, F. Dale Park, Bradley Hoo, David Zaitlin, William D. Banks,

James Perkins and Philip Filner 112

Stanton, Minnesota RFLP analysis of a breeding population selected for yield

--Diana Beckman, Christine Bredenkamp, Ann Larkin, Ann Majerus, Doug Mead, Carol Wangen and

Edward Weck 113

TUCSON, ARIZONA sh4 is closely linked to pr --Craig Echt 113 TUCSON, ARIZONA and COLUMBIA, MISSOURI Les1 expression alters pathogen development --Craig Echt and Art Trese 114 TUCSON, ARIZONA and SLATER, IOWA Transmission and cytology of TB-2Sa --Craig Echt and Ming-Tang Chang 114 URBANA, ILLINOIS Isolation of cDNA and genomic clones corresponding to maize Glb1 genes

--Faith C. Belanger, Nancy M. Houmard, Lee Stromberg and Alan L. Kriz 115

Globulin gene expression during precocious germination in maize viviparous mutants

--Alan L. Kriz, Jana S. Holt and Renato Paiva 116

Comparison of globulin gene expression in normal, opaque-2, and floury-2 kernels

--Jayne L. Puckett, Mark Wallace and Alan L. Kriz 116

Variation in the vigor of plants regenerated from a single petri dish of regenerable callus

--David Duncan and Jack Widholm 116

Allelism tests of somaclonal variants --Brent Zehr, David Duncan and Jack Widholm 117

4L mapping and Mo17 --D. M. Steffensen 117

Reid Yellow Dent--knob genetics, maturity and yield --D. M. Steffensen 118

Nuclear control over molecular characteristics of cms-S male-fertile cytoplasmic revertants

--G. Zabala, S. Gabay-Laughnan and J. R. Laughnan 118

Naturally occurring restorers of cms-S are located at various chromosomal sites in different inbred lines and

appear to be transposable --J. R. Laughnan, S. Gabay-Laughnan and Janet M. Day 120

Evidence for transposition of the naturally occurring cms-S restorer in inbred line CE1

--J. R. Laughnan, S. Gabay-Laughnan and Janet M. Day 121

Behavior of cms-S pseudorestorer genes --S. Gabay-Laughnan and J. R. Laughnan 122

Nature of cms-S pseudorestorer genes --J. R. Laughnan and S. Gabay-Laughnan 122

VARANASI, U.P. INDIA Maize breeding year round in the Indian subcontinent: combining ability pattern of inbreds in summer and winter

maize --S. V. Singh, N. J. M. Rao and R. M. Singh 123

VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA The R locus - regulator and regulated --E. Derek Styles 124 WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS Recognition of interphase homologies by the vestigial glume gene (Vg) --Walton C. Galinat 124

Multiranking in the floral and vegetative phase --Walton C. Galinat 125

Ear shape as a correlate of differences in rachilla and cupule development that trace to two independent domesti-

cations of two different teosintes --Walton C. Galinat 125

Sexual feedback, internode elongation and perfect-flowered dwarfs --Walton C. Galinat 125

The biphyletic hybrid vigor of the Corn Belt Dent --Walton C. Galinat 126

On the vital function of the ligule in maize --Walton C. Galinat 126

WEST LAFAYETTE, INDIANA The rescue of late field pollinations --J. Bennetzen and P. San Miguel 126

A note on RFLP probes: their dissemination and utilization --J. L. Bennetzen 128

YANGZHOU, PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA Character and inheritance of a new Y-type cytoplasmic male-sterile line

--Zin Tai-chen, Dan De-xiang, Xu Ming-liang and Liu Da-wen 128

III. Zealand 130

IV. Maize Genetics Cooperation Stock Center 135

V. Mapping 140

VI. Mailing List 156

VII. Recent Maize Publications 167

VIII. Symbol Index 185

IX. Author and Name Index 190

Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors

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