"The research newsletter is particularly suitable for information not usually suitable for scientific journals: continuing updating of gene symbols and nomenclature, location of mutants, strains and stocks, ...Short technical notes, short research findings, observations, new ideas and compilations of data..."

-H. V. Wyatt, 1986

Sharing here our updating, technical data, short notes, short findings, observations, compilations, new ideas, gene symbols, location of mutants, strains and stocks, we contribute to the advancement of biology and to the power of shared technical knowledge. The working research information here is shared with the specific understanding that it is unpublished information, not to be cited in publications without the specific consent of the authors.

I thank you, dear reader, for your patience and forbearance (no, not forebearance, which must have something to do with pedigree) as we have struggled and stumbled out of the cocoon to unfold the butterfly before you. The utopian promise of "desktop" production is fulfilled only via a sustained learning curve; at long last you may evaluate the payoff. Because so many cooperators helpfully supplied their material in electronic form, we in fact have been able to concentrate more on form and content than previously. Both Zealand and the symbol index reflect changes due to that freeing-up.

Gifts to the Endowment Fund for support of the Newsletter total over $57,000. Please see the impressive 4-page listing, in the front of this issue, of donors whose generosity has made this total. The response has been wonderfully gratifying, and we are all grateful for the support of our colleagues and of organizations with which we have common interests. Part of the financial support this year also comes from the National Science Foundation; the mapping project centered at Missouri (see page 141) was funded by NSF at a level sufficient for highest-priority map integration work, including some funds for mapping-related compilations in the Newsletter.

A warm acknowledgement for advice and ideas is given to my colleague Dave Hoisington. Dave also assembled and developed the fine linkage maps in this issue, using his knack for encompassing the status of each research area. His participation with the News Letter, and many computer trickeries, make all the editing work feasible and efficient.

Shirley Kowalewski learned how to amuse the word-processor into doing what we wished it to do, single-handedly edited and refined the copy, kept up addresses and subscriptions and correspondence, and screened the literature for this year's compilation. Mary Brazil helped with literature entries and reprint requests. Suzanne O'Dell and Mary Ann Steyaert booked addresses and posted subscriptions with care. Kathy Chappell and Chris Browne efficiently carried out numerous vital tasks. Chang-deok Han, Masumi Katsuta and G. Madhavi Reddy helped with library work. At University Printing Services, Yvonne Ball and Dale Kennedy and their staff again efficiently and carefully made sure that the job was done promptly and well.

Included in this issue are impressive organelle maps, generously volunteered by Steven Rodermel and Lawrence Bogorad for the chloroplast and by Christiane Fauron for T mitochondria, and their contributions are gratefully acknowledged.

For submission of notes for the next issue (Number 64, 1990), please see details inside the back cover.

If you wish to subscribe to this News Letter please use the form in the back of this issue. Gifts to the Endowment Fund, toward our goal of $100,000, will be very much appreciated.

Ed Coe

Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors

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