"By tradition, scientists are supposed to be objective and coldly analytical, but that view is nonsense. The best scientists convey enthusiasm and excitement and thus stimulate enhanced creative activity by their fellows." --P. H. Abelson, 1980

The data, techniques and tidbits on maize genetics in the notes in this News Letter represent for each of us the enthusiasm and openness that is the tradition among maize geneticists. The sharing of our field books, our observations and our notebooks in these pages is done with the specific understanding that the information here is not published information, and that it is not to be cited in publications without the consent of the authors.

Notes for the next issue (Number 62, 1988) should be in my hands by January 1, 1988. The writing and content should be brief and informal. Text should be in simple and efficient form, double-spaced so that it can be retyped efficiently. Tables, Figures and Charts must be compact, single-spaced, and ready for direct copying by the camera.

The U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Maize Genetics Stock Center again provided the resources needed for the assembly, compilation, production and distribution of this issue, and all of us in the Maize Genetics Cooperation appreciate the encouragement and support that is so essential for the compiling and sharing of information.

Shirley Kowalewski again skillfully edited and refined the copy and the proofs, in addition to keeping the year-round office tasks in order and aiding in screening of the literature for compilation. Mary Brazil once again produced and refined the literature with care, and Kathy Chappell and Chris Browne cheerfully and efficiently helped with assembling and other vital tasks. The University Printing Services, including Yvonne Ball and Dale Kennedy and their careful staff, efficiently and carefully made sure that the planning, typesetting, composition and printing were done promptly and well.

Dave Hoisington in particular, among my USDA and University of Missouri colleagues, continues to produce his expertly derived data compilations, the impressive working maps, and the computer trickery, as well as advice and ideas. Chang-deok Han aided with refining of Recent Maize Publications and with proofing, and I appreciate the help of Allen Wright, Evelyn Bendbow and Mary Polacco with proofing.

Mitochondrial mapping data were generously compiled again by David Lonsdale, and the impressiveness of that genome characterization challenges the nuclear maizoids to match the mitochondriacs.

The Maize Genetics Conference, held in March each year, will be in Madison, Wisconsin, in 1988. Information about the Conference can be obtained from Oliver Nelson, who is making the arrangements. His address is listed in the revised Mailing List in this issue.

Symbol Clearing House : Earl Patterson, who has now taken on the oversight of the Maize Genetics Stock Center, has proposed to me that the responsibility of the Clearing House for symbols should transfer to my hands. After some arguments and scars, I have told him I am willing to serve in that role for the present. Since Earl will not be so busy now, please see the list of stocks not in the collection, compiled by Dave Hoisington (Mapping Section), and send any of the needed stocks to the Stock Center if you have them.

Ed Coe

Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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