Introduction of genetic markers and interchanges into inbreds A188, A619, A632, and W23

The availability of genetic markers and chromosomal aberrations in common genetic backgrounds is a requirement for many genetic studies. Many of the mutants chosen for backcrossing mark the ends of the various chromosome arms. Most of the interchanges chosen for backcrossing involve the short arm of chromosome 6 mostly with breaks in the nucleolus organizer region or the satellite. The inbred A188 is excellent for tissue culture studies due to its propensity to regenerate plants from callus cultures. Inbreds A619 and A632 were chosen because of their superior performance in hybrid combinations. Inbred W23 is an extremely fertile line with excellent seed set and near zero background pollen sterility.

Seed is available on a limited basis for all the lines reported. We acknowledge the valuable assistance of Marc Albertsen, Tom McCoy, Steve Thompson, Pat Buescher, Warren Springer, Tim Murphy, Joe Ruegemer, and Clive Lake.

Table 1.

R. L. Phillips and A. S. Wang

Please Note: Notes submitted to the Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter may be cited only with consent of the authors.

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